Phoenix's POV
"Ok, so what is the plan?" Uncle Rock asked.
I thought for a moment while the others bickered back and forth about a plan.
"I have an idea," I said grabbing everyone's attention.
"Well, what is it?" Nikesh asked impatiently.
" Ok, Ethan, Nikesh, and I will scout the territory tonight. Winter, I want you to stay in the training area and search the cameras for any suspicious activity. We will rotate every night. Winter tonight, Nikesh tomorrow night, Ethan the next and me and so forth." I said to Ethan, Winter, and Nikesh.
I looked over them and they agreed.
" What about us? "Aunt Evie asked curiously
" Aunt Evie and Uncle Rock will pretend like nothing is happening. Meaning you will continue to do your regular routine everyday. While doing so, the traitor in the pack will suspect nothing. We will say that we have found nothing so that the traitor will not be alerted. We will have regular pack meeting to inform incorrect leads that lead to no where." I paused looking over everyone.
They all looked deep in thought.
" OK. We will go with that plan. " Ethan said.
" I agree. " Uncle Rock spoke.
" As do I" Aunt Evie said.
I looked over everyone else to see them nodding their heads in agreement.
"Then it's settled."
We left the war room. As we walked to the front door I couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes on me.
Looks like we will catch them sooner than expected.
I stopped at the front porch.
They all turned to me. I walked towards Aunt Evie and Uncle Rock.
"Come to the house after we have finished training tomorrow." I said lowly for only them to hear.
They nodded.
Uncle Rock and Aunt Evie went back in the house. On my way to the house I could hear people chatting amongst themselves.
We left the pack house and started gearing up. As usual, I wear my black combat boots, black leather pants and jacket. I also strap on my Cape and I pulled on my mask. I strap on my thigh holster and gear in my guns, silver daggers coated in wolves bane, my bow and arrows dipped in a rare yellow wolfs bane.
I turned to see Ethan and Nikesh all geared up.
"Winter," I called out.
She looked over at me.
"if anything suspicious happens, just tug on this OK."
I said to her while handing her a gold necklace shaped as a wolf. Behind the wolf is a distress signal for me to hear so that I can instantly teleport to her.
She looked up stunned. She took it and put it on.
" Oh, and there are cookies in the draw for you to eat if you get hungry." I whisper to her.
She giggled but nodded. The boys and I waited until the moon was at its highest peak. That's when we will scout the northern, southern and western corners of the boarder. Once we are on duty, we are completely void of any emotion, we are blank with no feeling.
" Nikesh, Check out the northern corner, Ethan the Southern. I will go the western side." I say emotionless.
They nodded and we went our separate ways.
Jumping through tree after tree, I followed the foul stench of rouges. To rouges, they smell like a rotting corpse but not all are the same. There are good rouges that live in the human world, the others live off killing anything and everything in their path.
As I continued to follow the foul smell of rouges, the scent got stronger but this time, it was mixed into something so familiar. I jumped on a tree to try and get a closer look.
I see two rouge males talking, a little girl tied to a tree all bloodied and bruised. One rouge had dirty blonde hair and black eyes, the other had raven black hair and blue eyes.
"We need to get back to camp. Our king will be pleased on what we will bring back for his entertainment." Black eyes said while looking at the girl.
"Yeah. Plus we will inform the King of our new information from our close friend." blue eyes said.
Close friend?
They must be talking about the traitor.
"Yeah. We will attack tomorrow at midnight." black eyes said.
They both smiled evilly.
"But before we return to the camp, we should have a little fun with this one." blue eyes said.
They both stalked to her. Her eyes widened in fear of what was going to happen next. Before anything happened I jumped out of the tree revealing myself.
"Well well well. What are you doing here filthy dogs?" I said in disgust.
They both turned around and growled at me.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. That's no way to greet a women." I say with sass.
"What are you doing here!" blue eyes roared at me. I smirked.
"Am I getting under someone's skin?" I ask innocently.
In return I got more growls.
"Enough games! Who are you!?" Black eyes yelled.
My smirk just grew wider.
"If I tell you, you will have to die." I said warningly.
"Who are you!?" he repeated.
Well don't say I didn't warn you.
"I go by many names. But I think you will know this one." I said dangerously while pulling out my gun and dagger.
"I am..." I say slowly while looking up.
"Queen destroyer"
There eyes widen in fear as I pointed my gun at blondie and my dagger at Blue eyes neck.
"Now, tell me who is the traitor in this pack or a silver bullet coated in wolfs bane will go through your skull and this silver dagger coated in yellow wolfs bane will go through your chest." I said lowly and deadly. Alpha power dripping off me.
They shivered in fear.
" h-h-e-er n-n-a-me i-is r-r-e-b-be-cca." blue eyes said in fear.
"The last name" I demanded.
"wi-wint-e-rs." black eyes said in fear.
"so, Rebecca Winters," I say slowly.
"This information is much appreciated. And also the time you will attack is tomorrow midnight." I say dangerously low for only them to hear.
If it was any possible, their eyes widened even more.
"But sadly, you both will have to die." I say.
"B-but y-you s-said that we could go if we g-gave y-you inf-orm-ation." blue eyes said fearfully.
"But I also said, you will have to die if I told you my name." I said evilly.
Before they said anything, I pulled the trigger and pierced there chest with my dagger. I looked down to see their bodies carelessly drop to the floor. I looked over to the girl and approached her.
I knelt down. She was shaking in fear because of me. I grabbed her chin gently and made her look up. Her grey eyes puffy from crying.
"Are y-you g-going to k-kill m-me t-too?" she asked carefully yet fearfully.
I shook my head.
"No. I only kill those who have done wrong, or are rouges." I told her softly.
"Now, I will heal you and you have to promise me that you will not tell anyone about this. No one can know that I am protecting this pack." I warned her.
She visibly relaxed. And nodded her head. I placed my hands over her wounds and spread herbs around her wounds and bruises. Once they fell onto her wounds they immediately healed.
I untied her from her binds and let her go.
" Oh, and what is your name?" I asked.
She turned around and said.
" Olivia Grey."
I nodded. Why does her last name sound so familiar. I went back to the bodies and pulled out my dagger. I followed Olivia discreetly back to the packhouse to make sure she made it safely. I did one more round around the western corner before going back home.
I cleaned up and went to Winter.
" Did you catch all the information?" I asked her.
"Yeah, I did. But there is something else." she said.
"What is it?" I asked
She turned to me and gave me a bone crushing hug. Confused I hugged back.
"Thank you for saving my lost baby sister."