Beach Party

Phoenix's POV

I woke with a thrill. I got up and had a nice long bath. I can't believe 1 week has passed. Within that 1 week, we made Fred, Doctor Hayes, Ashley, and Ridley's life hell. Sending them death notes with a heart of a rogue, hard pieces of training because well, to torture them and because the pack needs it.

And my mate Hayden, we have been talking and going out in secret. No one knows we are mates because I asked him to keep it that way. Until I am finished with this mission, I will rule beside Hayden as his queen. But really, I just want him and only him. No need for fancy things and he knows this.

I got up feeling satisfied at what our progress has been. 2 weeks left until the attack on the western gates at 2100. I walked outside with a blank look on my face. I need to act disappointed all the time and it's so easy to trick these simple-minded brains.

The training has been going smoothly. They grow a little stronger. But for now, we plan on not training them like how we do back at home so they wouldn't have any plans in trying to take us down.

I walk around the field watching them train. It's quite funny actually. They still haven't done running without a sweat. They have to run at least 200 laps around their territory to try and not break a sweat.

I sigh as some of them are still lacking but getting there slowly. I head towards the house, waiting for Ethan, Winter, and Nikesh to get back. I scroll through my phone on my Instagram.

I hear the front door open. I could tell it was them. So I got up and walked over to the investigation room. I looked over the plans that Rebecca gave us from where the rouge King is. It looks like they are located south east of here. About 4 an hour travel by car but a 6-hour trip if we go in our wolves.

"So what's the plan?" Winter asks.

"We need to know the in's and out's of the place. We need to know their guard rotation so that we get in undetected." I said

"OK. But how do we do that?" Ethan asks

"Security cameras. They are easy to tap into if we can rewire them into our server. If I can tap into them without them knowing, we can access there cameras and what they plan." Nikesh said.

I smiled.

"Brilliant. Nikesh, get right to it. Winter training with me, Ethan monitor the activity of people coming in and out of the territory." I said.

They nodded and we went to the changing rooms.

"So, I was thinking, instead of training, we do something fun," Winter suggested.

"And what was that?" I asked

"We go to the beach. That way, they can be distracted. And besides they need a break. They are working really hard." Winter said

I thought about it. She made this puppy dog face that is irresistible. Gosh why do I always fall for it.

"Arrgghh! Fine. So get your swim suit and towel." I said huffing in annoyance. She exclaimed with excitement and ran to her room.

I chuckled while walking to my room. I picked out a white two piece bikini. Over it I wore Jean shorts and a red crop jumper. I had my sandels on with my towel in my bag with sunscreen. My sunglasses on and my hair out.

Winter came out wearing shorts, a grey crop jumper, her sandels, and glasses with her beach bag. We both went into my black ute and drove off to the pack house.

"You got the speaker?" I asked Winter.

"Yep, in the bag," she answered.

"Sweet." I said.

It took 10 minutes to get there. Everyone was already in training gear. I hopped out of the ute and everyone was curious as to why I am not in my usual training outfit.

I went onto the mini stage so that I could look at everyone.

"OK. So since all of you have been training so hard, I thought you deserved a day to enjoy yourselves. Since it is a great day. I've decided to go to the beach for today." I said

Everyone cheered.

"This is a reward for your hard work. So ladies go get your swim suits and men, get your swimming trunks!" I yelled.

They all cheered and went back into the house and got ready. Well I'm gonna have to feed everyone. I hopped into the ute and Winter is driving.

I made a call to 10 different pizza stores and got 2 of every pizza they had. I also ordered some other foods and drinks.

The beach was packed with everyone. Luckily it was my private beach. Everyone was having fun. I managed to slip in the pizza a little bit of the my own poison for Fred, Ashley and Ridley. They won't know. Only when they get really tired and want to go toilet all the time.

Winter was having a blast. I blasted my speaker all over the beach. I had a few to keep going down along the beach so everyone could hear. I played throwback songs like tupac, biggie smalls, snoop dog and more of pop and R n B. I could see everyone playing volleyball, touch, rugby and swimming sports.

Everyone was dancing and having a great time. By the time I wanted to swim, Winter and I decided to put on a little show for everyone around us. They noticed we were still clothed. So I played a little sexual song and Winter and I started stripping to our bikini's slowly. Winter wore a gorgeous two piece black bikini with a lace front. Her long legs were the main show the the boys. She had an amazing body. She and I ran into the water and started splashing.

I could see the males just watching us girls in the water. They ran in and made a huge splash. I laughed as someone tried to hit on Winter. Everyone was eating, getting tipsy and having a fun time. Fred, Ashley and Ridley gave Winter and me the evil eyes. I just flipped it off and didn't care, because the boys will do some fun tonight with them. And a camera video taping it all for the entire pack to see.