
Phoenix's POV

OK, so the week of the alpha and lunas anniversary is coming up soon, it's probably the most dangerous job that we are about to do, so I called in a favor.


I sighed as we were surrounding the table. Ethan, Winter, Nikesh, Aunt Evie, and Uncle Rock were all frustrated. I looked over the plans again, but there was no way out of it.

There was only one way to get in and get out, and that's the main entrance. They are heavily armed with weapons and the number of wolves. We had the plan to get in unnoticed but when we get out is gonna be tricky. I was tired and barely ate. I got a phone call and immediately smiled.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey" he answered. His husky deep voice was sending chills down my spine.

"What's wrong love? I can feel your frustration," he asked. His voice was calming me down.

"It's this plan of attack, I can't find a way to get around it. If Ethan and I slip in unnoticed, we may get caught because there is only one way out." I heard a slight growl at the mention of Ethan's name.

I smiled at how protective he was. Gosh, he drives me nuts.

"Ok, so why not do a decoy. Have people outside while they are too busy with the fight, they won't know that two people have already slipped in." He suggested.

That could work.

"Yeah but even if we did, we don't have the numbers. They outnumber us." I said.

"Well, I could help?" he asked.

I was confused now.

"Help how?" I asked

"Well, I have the numbers. My men outnumber them as well as training." He said.

"No, I couldn't ask you to do that," I said

"No, you are my mate and I will provide whatever needed, besides you for my men are Lycans, we can be hurt but a little amount of silver." He reasoned.

I looked over to everyone.

"We do need the numbers, Phoenix," Nikesh said.

I sighed.

"Ok. But I just need 5 dozen men. Your best men so they can return home." I said

"Ok, when do you need them?" he asked.

"In 2 days. Gather as many as needed. I only need distractions, not an army." I said.

"OK. And please do be careful my love. You are my future queen after all." He said.

I sighed in satisfaction. His queen. I hung up. Looks like we are ready for action.

Flashback over...

They had already gotten here and set up camp at the pack boundaries. We were to meet them soon. Ethan and I got ready.

I got all my weapons ready. I grabbed my whip, my two guns on each side, and my knives in my boots. I got out and Ethan was already ready. We walked out together, making sure no one followed us. We got to the borderline and saw everyone already there. We walked out of the bushes and walked into their camp.

A man came up to us. He looked about our age. He had a well-built body than Ethan only a little smaller, tan skin, black hair, and green eyes. I guess he was the beta that my mate mentioned.

"Princess, I was sent here to assist you in your needs." He said respectfully.

I smiled at him.

"Thank you. And please call me Phoenix." I said politely.

He smiled at me and bowed.

"Phoenix." He said testing out my name. I just smiled at him.

He turned around.

"Everyone pack up, we leave in 5!" he yelled. They all started getting this packed away.

"So I never got your name" I asked the beta.

"Oh, I am Beta Liam, second to Prince Hayden." He introduced.

Hearing his name was thrilling.

I couldn't help but think of him. What is he doing right now? Is he OK? How is he? I guess by my face said everything.

"Hayden is fine and he misses you greatly. He wishes that you were with him right now as we speak." Liam informed me while chuckling.

I was blushing terribly. This caused Liam to chuckle even more. I guess he and I will become great friends. Everyone was ready to go. I was suddenly getting this tingling sensation. Oh no. Please no... I haven't gotten this since I first shifted into my wolf.

'You can't deny it. It's part of you. You need to accept it.' my wolf spoke.

She rarely spoke to me. Only when times of trouble or need.

'But I'm afraid it will take control of me again like last time.' I admitted.

'No not fret my human. Trust me, I will take control of it.' she replied.

'Ok. I trust you.' I replied.

'Thank you. When the time comes, you will know when to use it.' she says before disappearing again.

I sigh. It's gonna be a long journey to get to the castle.