Goofy Fun

You woke up dizzy,and found out you were in taehyung's arms,you got flustered and shocked so you accidently kicked him

"What was that for?!"he said putting his hand to his chest,pretending to be offended

"S-sorry..."you said embarrassed

"Why did you get so drunk? "He asked worried

"Its none of your business" you mumbled

"It kinda is, since jimin and jungkook left me here with you" he said chuckling

"What?!he left me with you?!I don't even know you!"you screamed,as he puts a hand over your mouth,weirdly calming you down

"Chill,its not like ill kidnap you" he said reassuringly

"Fine, but put me down at least!"

"Okay okay"he said as he dropped you onto the soft sand

"Come on!"

"You told me to put you down,i did as you said!want me to pick you up again?"he said putting you over his shoulder

"Y-youu!!"you screamed blushing and hitting his back,which didn't have an effect on him

By that time, jimin and jungkook were back,and they saw you over taehyung's shoulder,jungkook couldn't help but get jealous

"T-Taehyung,they're back" you said as your cheeks were red because of both embarrassment and shyness

"Its fine, let them watch"he said smirking,knowing jungkook would get jealous

"Tae!Put y/n down this instant!or else I'll eat all the dumplings! " Screamed jimin

"Fine,but don't you touch my dumplings"tae said as he put you down

"Oops....I ate them" jimin said giggling

"YOU LITTLE-" tae started chasing jimin

"So,we didn't really talk" said jungkook out of nowhere

"I guess so..."you mumbled

"Well you're-" jungkook wasn't able to complete his sentence, as tae fell onto him chasing jimin

"Yah why are you an obstacle?!"tae screamed

"Hey you fell onto me,I'm not the obstacle"kook objected

"Whatever"tae got up and caught jimin,who finally gave up

"I was just kidding,I didn't touch your dumplings"jimin admitted

"You didn't?! You made me run so much for that?!"tae asked annoyed

"Yep . just to annoy you" jimin laughed

"Guys,its sister has the key so I can't even go back home...what should I do?"

"You can stay with me"

"You can stay with me!" Said taehyung and junkook in unison

"I-its fine.. ill stay with jimin"

"Um sorry my brother is staying over so my room is occupied"jimin said rubbing the back of his nape

"Dammit"you sighed

(Who will y/n stay with?find out when i post the next chapter!
