Two Faced

jungkook pov

i saw her kissing taehyung.taehyung was pinning her and her hand were on his could she do this to me even after i confessed my feelings to her.^Y/ both made a will regret it.^i thought as i walked away.tears brimming my eyes

y/n pov

i push taehyung away from me when i realise what happened. "HOW DARE YOU?!LIKE,DO NONE OF YOU HAVE MANNERS?!YOU JUST LIKE A GIRL AND FLIRT WITH HER,IN YOUR CASE,KISS HER!!now i have to go apologise to jungkook,which he probably wont listen to,ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!he atleast didnt kiss me and admitted his feelings waiting for my reaction!you just-JUST KISSED ME WITHOUT ASKING ME!" you run past him bumping your shoulder into tae's

Jungkook Pov

as i was walking down the alleyway,i saw my ex,tzuyu,coming towards me

Tzuyu screams happily and jumps into kook's arms,which jungkook hated.

"what are you doing."i said coldly

"hugging you,what else"she replies

"you do know that your dead to me.i have absolutely no relation to you"i said pushing her off me

Tzuyu was stubborn,so she kissed me

y/n pov

i was chasing jungkook as i saw him kissing another girl.i tap his shoulder and he looks at me


"well you kissed him,what do you expect?!"he shouted back

"i-i didnt kiss him,he kissed me,i came here to apologise to y-you but your here,kissing another girl!shame on you!" i cried and slapped him

"LIAR!" you screamed

"let me explain!"he begged

"i dont need your explanation!take your toy and get lost!dont come near me !"you shouted before running back to taehyung"

taehyung pov

i see y/n running back to me as she hugs me,crying

"y-you were right...jungkook is a-a playboy... i saw him k-kissing another girl...i had just gone to say sorry to h-him..."she cried into my arms

^thank you jungkook for bringing her close to me^i smirked internally

"its fine y/nie..hes like that,i told you he's toxic"i said soothing her

"i-i should have listened to you" she sniffed

"its fine saw this side of him,now dont talk to him..hes a Liar"

she buried her head into the crook of my neck,which gave me butterflies

i kissed her forehead to soothe her and she didnt protest.^thank you jungkook,i could not have done this without you breaking her heart^ i thought

"come with me,lets lighten up your mood,lets go to the amusement park"i said,lifting her chin with my thumb

"f-fine,lets go"she says,smiling slightly

i stand up and walk to my car,and i notice y/n isnt letting go of so happy right now!!

y/n pov

i keep hugging tae as hes my only source of comfort right now.why didn't i realise this earlier,hes the right guy for me,not jungkook.i hope he doesnt break my trust

"are we there??"i ask

"almost." he answers

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