Chapter II

Ashurbanipal, the great library of Nazarick which contained the vast amount of knowledge that had been accumulated by the Supreme Beings themselves for years was divided into three major corners: The Corner of Wisdom, The Corner of Knowledge, and The Corner of Magic.

Within the corner of knowledge laid the most sacred books of all: The origins of the Supreme Beings.

These sacred texts were the most precious books within the library as they detailed how their creators came to be. Of all these tomes, the most valuable were those of the Original Nine.

Titus Annaeus Secundus, the Chief Librarian of Ashurbanipal knew of these priceless treasures which only the higher ranked denizens of Nazarick knew of simply because it was his duty to oversee the great library. Despite his rank however, he himself had never read these sacred texts. No one other than the other Supreme Beings were privy to the information that was their respective origins.

The mere thought of knowing how their masters came to be would send him salivating at the mouth had he been a living creature and not of the undead race. Yet he also accepted that none of them deserved to know those precious secrets unless they were given permission to peruse and study these books.

Of the Original Nine, it was the story of Luci Fiel which he yearned to read the most. For what kind of scholar wouldn't covet the knowledge of how the greatest being in Nazarick came to be?

It was with a heavy heart that the chief librarian could only stare longingly at the annals of the Supreme Beings, wishing and hoping to be able to peruse them even once in his existence if only to be able to better proclaim and spread their greatness. Until that time came, he will continue to protect these precious treasures with his life.


Why were you still in Nazarick when the game should have been shut down as scheduled by now?

Did the game developers decide to push back the shut down time or even decided not to go through with it altogether?

If that were the case however, shouldn't they have sent an announcement by now about the delay or cancellation? You were so confused.

"What's going through those stupid devs' minds this time? First they announce YGDRASSIL's shutdown then they pull this kind of stunt as if they haven't caused enough trouble for everyone already..."

Sighing internally, you ran a hand through your hair in frustration. Tousling the downy ivory locks and causing several strands to escape from their confinement—

Wait a minute...






HAIR?! You actually felt your hair in-game?! Truly your in-game hair was so much more softer and smoother than what you could ever achieve in real life that it was almost downright criminal! Now that you thought about it, what if it wasn't just hair that could now be actually felt?

Your hands immediately flew to your face, taking note of how soft and warm the skin felt. Actually, the warmth of your skin was frankly disconcerting because it was almost TOO HOT to the touch. However, you weren't a human so the new sensation didn't bother you much.

Concealed by the curtain of flowing snowy hair was a pair of pointed ears, not as large or long as those of the elvish or demonic race however. Despite how delicate your skin looked, nothing would be able to pierce or even scratch it besides weapons crafted in the flames of Hel or the very heart of Jotunheim. Reptilian eyes shone like molten gold, causing those who were to stare straight into it to be paralyzed by fear or awe.

"Are they fucking shitting us?!?! They announce a shutdown when all they were gonna do is make it more realistic?!?!"

Normally you would have let such a blunder pass and just continued to enjoy the game in peace, because it apparently wasn't going to be shutdown anymore.

That was not the case this time though.

You saw red.

The heat of your skin seemed to spread throughout your body but was mainly centered in your chest. It was as if a ball of pure fire was forming within you, fueled by the anger you felt at the deceit that almost cost you Nazarick.

You wanted to BURN them.

You wanted to see their weak human forms crumple as the fires of Muspelheim ravaged their bodies.

Eating away at their skin and turning their bones to ash.

You wanted to—

"Is something troubling you, Lady Lucifiel?"

What the fuck

"Has someone displeased you? I implore you to reveal their names so that we may give them a fitting end for their crimes against you"

You were sure that Momonga had already left minutes ago and that none of your other guildmates had logged on before the supposed shutdown. Additionally, you were pretty sure that you haven't gone off the deep end yet at the very least...

So who was speaking to you then?

Craning your neck to the right, gold met gold as you locked gazes with the Overseer of the Floor Guardians and the Guardian of the Throne Room, Albedo. What should have been just a neutral expression on her beautiful face was instead one of concern and righteous fury.

"Lady Lucifiel?"

Holy shit, she talked

If this was the extent of the upgrades the developers had implemented on YGGDRASSIL then perhaps you could somewhat forgive them for tricking all of you into thinking that the game was going to end.

But first you had to log out and email Suzuki about the news so that as soon as he's free, you both could explore all the new features in the game together. Merely the thought of being able to spend more time with your dear friend brought a fanged grin to your face.

With happiness burning like a large flame within your heart once more, you made a move to open the menu and log out, oblivious to the concerned glances of the overseer, head butler, and battle maids at your unresponsiveness.

When the first attempt to open the menu didn't work, you thought little of it as nothing more than the game lagging and proceeded to open it once more. After your third attempt at opening the menu ended in failure, frustration set in along with genuine curiosity.

"Huh, the menu isn't opening at all...Maybe I should try calling a GM?" You mumbled to yourself, immediately setting up a call to any GM and yet like your efforts to open the menu, nothing happened.

Okay, so maybe this wasn't just some new updates to the game like you initially thought.

"Please forgive this ignorant one for I have no answer or knowledge to this GM or menu which you speak of" Albedo's voice broke you out of your train of thought, your attention once again settling on the voluptuous beauty.

"If you allow me to correct this mistake, I will be forever grateful!"






Just what the hell had you gotten yourself into?