The man commed closer to me and looked straight in to my eyes.

His eyes wore black like the midnight sky, and with an expression that now looked like the expression of a kid that sees the Christmas presents under the tree, knowing that in a few minutes most of them will be his.

"You..." he said on a whispered voice, but evrybody from the room could hear him, mostly because of the echo that was always in the room and wich seemed like a dark shadow who was taking care to be as loud as possible "You have the most intresting thing I've ever saw, or i could even say, even if it would be a kind of a lie, the most intresting thing I've ever heard of. Your power will help us a lot in the little war between the two parties. With you we will never be defeated, only if they can find somebody with the same ability as you, wich is almost impossible. The chance of finding somebody like you is 92% percent lower than finding somebody with a special power wich is anyways only 47 in 100000. "

He rook a break to breathe, because he said all of these really fast, as we would hardly understand what he was talking about.

" It's a prank" i said in my head. "These are all lies, they have to"

"Probably you are asking how we've find so many of you, all in one place. Well, we messed up your lifes, so you are all going to move in here so that we could access you really easy. Of course, it would have taking months to get you all in here otherwise. As you probably know, you are all from every corner - or better said side- of the earth. Of course, now it's a bit more obvious , 4 children stolen in the same day, in close- to- eachother places."

So, turns out that they wanted us for our powers. I still wanted to know what power do i have and why is it so important. So, if Johanna could really know what she wanted and Renna could really make pepole think what she wants, than how could my power be more useful and intresting? All this stuff was really confusing.

"But there is anyways nobody to report, all the martors are dead. " he added, grinning

So my parents woren't the only dead ones.

"Allright, now let's get back to the initial talk. You, my dear.... " here he touched my faces with some dirty fingers (Cam was right, they're hands are really dirty!) "You have the power to ma-"

He wasn't able to finish his sentence, because another dreamaros entered the room and shouted


The massive one runned outside the room, in the hallway. I hears some screams and the voice of a girl. I didn't really understood what she was saying, but she seemed calm. Well, that was good because that meant they will probably not kill her. If the voice was the voice of the intruder. I guess we will never know, sadly i wasn't able so see anything...

But anyways, the point is that i heard no shoot.

But i still didn't know my power.

The man commed back and just telled us to go to our rooms.

After we got in our room, i asked Johanna

"What is my power?"

"I don't know, he didn't said" she replied

"Well, he said you can know what you want to know, so come on, i think you are as courious as me."

She closed her eyes and just stand like that for a few seconds before she replied

"Well, i can only know what i want the most to know in that moment, and i can only know 3 things at each 24 hours. So i can't tell you. I know this right now because this is what i wanted the most to know now. I am really sorry, but i am pretty sure he is going to tell you, in the other case you won't know what to do in that little war he was talking about. So practically he has no choice, he has to tell you. "

I was really disappointed, the other ones wore knowing what they cpuld do and probably also knowing how to use them.

Well, at least now i was knowing more than a few hours ago.

" Anyways, if he doesn't tell you i can flirt with Canick or what was his name to use his force on the man to tell you" she continued more as a joke. Or at least i hoped she said it more as a joke, she was anyways crazy enough to do it.

Days after days have passed in peace and silence. Me and Johanna became more close and friendly to Cam. You could even say we wore friends. Renna stayed in silence in her room, as we almost forgot about her existence.

One day, we were rummaging through our bags, because after we get in here we never cecked them. Anyways, why would we? All the clothes wore in the wardrobes and the dreamaros just bringed us what we needed and/or wanted.

"Okay, let's see... I dare Cam to start first" i said

"Welll, uh... i have... nothing..."

"Okay this is weird... I think that Mary should show us, it will be intresting" Johanna said.

I showed them and when i was about to show them the wallet Cam said

"Wow! What is that?"

I saw that the book i got from the library when i was with my old friends wich seemed like 10 years ago, even if only 2 weeks had passed, was in the bottom of the my backpack. Until than i forgot that i have it. I didn't even bother to browse it or open it.

"Eh, just a library book, nothing interesting." i replied

"Let me ceck"

He taked out the book and stared at it's cover. His face become pail like snow as soon as he managed to read the title.

"How did you get this?"

I telled him the whole story and his face becomed even more pail, if this is possible. I've never seen him so scared, he was always acting like he was the big and strong one.

After a couple of seconds of staring at the cover, he said

"Don't you know what this is? The dreamaros can kill us if they hear about this!"

"I have no ideea, why?"

"Well, this is a book that contains some kind of magic things. Like... Spells and potions... It's dangerous to own it, we must get rid of it as fast as possible!"

"Are you crazy? We just found out we have a magic book and you want to just throw it???!!!" Johanna said on a really hissy voice.

"Listen, i got in big trouble with one of those and if you don't get rid of it as fast as possible than you will never be able to get rid of it, except for the case that you give it to someone and that person accepts. We need to get rid of it. Now."

I took the book from his hands and said on a raspy voice

" I don't care, i will keep it and if you don't agree with my decision than leave and don't come back! "

And he leaved.