After probably one hour of standing quietly and making no noise inside the limousine, it started getting dark outside. As i could see on the window, we were somewhere near a forest and what i trought was the silhouette of a castle.

Berry, wich if you ask me looked kinda thirsty for drama, decided to breake the silence and said:

"Look, we are almost there! Did you kids fall asleep or why are you so quiet? It's really weird here with all this silence, anyways, i forgot to tell you, you can take any candy or juice from the mini-bar if you want, they are there especially for you four, but please, only eat the ones with your names on them! "

Cam immediately taked the dousine of cupcakes with his name on them and eat them in about 10 seconds, but neither me or Johanna even looked at them. We were to busy with looking at the beautiful castle. As we were closer, it's silhouette becomed clearer and clearer. The long sharp things weren't just things anymore, they were some beautiful towers with realy detalied, huge roses sculpted on them. The shiny stuff at the bottom of the silhouette turned out to be a giant lake with venetian boats and a curved bridge, just like the ones you see in Disney movies.

When we got on a portion where the limousine couldn't go anymore because the road wasn't asfalted, we got out of it and saw a beautiful carriage, that could be the twin of Cinderella's carriage, with huge white horses. It was almost too beautiful to be real. The scene seemed to be took from a movie with princes and princesesses, not from something that turned out to be actually a nightmare.

We got in to the carriage and, WOW...

The inside was even more beautiful than the outside, probably also because of the view that was composed from a combination of yellow, orange, pink, purpple, dark blue and black wich formed a amazing gradient and the shilouette, now also black, of the trees from the forest,and, as the cherry of the cake, the moon and the stars wich looked like glitter on a black sheet. The moon created a aestethic look, only a quarter of it being seen by the humans on this side of the earth. I was defenetly feeling like a princess in jeans.

It was really relaxing to hear the sounds of the forest and the horses's steps and sounds, so i fell asleep really fast, but i didn't had time to relax and sleep good, because Johanna waked me up 5 minutes later.

"Mary?" I heard her " Mary, wake up! Wake up! NOW!"

She shouted the last word so I got scared and almost jumped out of my seat.

"What the heck, Jo?! You scared me! What is it?"

She pointed at the window and I imediatley got really happy that she woke me up.

The carriage was in a rose garden. There were walls made out of blushes and all over them, white, red, pink, orange and yellow roses, that were looking like mixed-up raimbows. The horses were now going slower and slower, so we could study the bright colours and the perfection of the petals that were all perfectly simetric. It was a simetry that was almost impossible to be real, but it was.

As I saw, we were now going around the castle, most probably for a tour. I was really hoping that I didn't miss anything, and this was only the beginning of the tour, but at Johanna's personality, I was expecting for this to be the ending of the tour. But somehow, it wasn't, It was, as I hoped, only the beginning.

After the rose garden, we went to a huge, beautiful lake. Actually, it was the same lake I saw in the front of the castle, but it was larger than I expected. The castle was actually on a island in the middle of it. As I saw, there were multiple briges that landed to more little islands with maze-gardens, tall trees and one with a magical stone fountain.

We visited all the islands, exept the one with the castle, and the carriage went to a huge tent, like the wedding ones. We all (me, Jo, Renna and Cam) get out of the carriage and entered the tent. Inside there were multiple small round tables and a large one in the middle. On each of the tables there were lots of types of food and drinks. All over the tent there were lots of flowers and plants. Somewhere, in a corner, there were a few persons playing the violin or the piano. In another corner there were a few girls (wich by the way, looked like nymphs, with sharp ears, flower crowns and slick green and blue dresses) that were cleaning and according they're flutes. If I wouldn't know where I am, I would say we are at a magical wedding.

While I was looking around, I saw a tall and skinny man sitting at the big table.

"Welcome!" he said "You four must be Cantik, Johanna, Renna and Mary, if my sources are right?"

"Y-yes" I said because I didn't know what else I could say "Er- sorry, but who are you?"

The man looked like I just punched him right in the face. Probably I offended him or something like that.

"Who I am? I was expecting for you to know who am I, I guess the dreamaros didn't telled you who I am and why I am waiting for you? It's been almost two years since they tooked you and you still don't know? Well, I am the king Pricero, the king of all of this land, from the mountains to the desert, it is all my land, my people and my place. But anyways, I think you all know at least why you are here, the dreamaros must be a bit confident with the secrets, but your powers are now suposted to be trained and now you should know how to control them."

Nobody said a word, but we all looked at the king like he was crazy. I didn't even know my power, how was I suposted to be able to control it? Only Johanna knew how to make her power work, but not also how to control it, besides, not the drreamaors teached her, she learned it all by herself, without any help. The only thing they did was to tell us what powers we have, and I was still not knowing it.

"Oh… Well, I guess they didn't teach you this either. Honestly, I was expecting of more from them. Well, at least do you know what powers you have?"

"Sir, er- king, I don't know what power I have, but the others do."

The king got really angry and his face went all red.

"you are telling me that she dosen't know her powers? She, the jewelry of the crown, the only person that can help us win the war, our victory, SHE DOSEN'T EVEN KNOW HER POWER??!"

He raised and his chair and half of the food from the table went straight on the clean, white marble floor.

"Dinner's over, somebody bring those kids to they're dormitory and clean this mess. It was enough for a dusk."

I was exepting for a nicer greeting -if I was even expecting for a greeting- but, I guess that was allright too.

I guess and hope…