"Finally! I hope you all know that you are late, and this isn't polite at all! You were anounced at what time the breakfast is so don't try to come with excuses like "Oh, we're sorry, we didn't knew" or "We didn't heard the announcement and so we didn't trought that we have breakfast now" because If I know that you little kids are lying I will make sure you are punished. Punished in a way you didn't even dare to imagine before." the king said, defenetly still angry from last night when we were supposed to have dinner with him and not with the queen.

We bowed to the royal family, like we were probably supposed to.

"Andrew, no need to be angry," the queen whispered to him "it is our fault, they were supposed to wait for us in the hallway, and this is what they did, but as we didn't come they continued to wait there until Maggie appeared and guided them here as you just saw. Please, calm down, or else I will need to sneak calming pills into your orange juice when you are not looking or ask Bob to!"

That was the most sassy thing I heard in the past two years, so it seemed like a really cool thing to say, especially coming from the queen.

We sat down at the huge table, in the seats that were in front of the royal family, as we didn't wanted to be impolite and sit right next to them, suggesting that we thinked that we were at the same range as them; or a few seats away from them, suggesting that we were afraid of them and/or thinked something bad about them.

Silence had taken the place of the king's anger, and again it was really akaward. I was at the 4th glass of orange juice because I needed something to keep my hands busy and messing up with the glass and the carafe was the perfect option right now.

The king broke the silence and fake-coughed to get our attention.

"Well, uhm, I was thinking that most probably you are all wondering why you are here and why we're you er- taked from the comfort of your houses recently-"

The queen interupted him with the same fake cough as him.

"- Actually, a kind of long time ago, more exactly 596 days." he continued "Well, we didn't taked you just for fun or something, we actually need you to do something for us, as we don't have any powers like you all do..."

I imediatley got pale at the troughts of what they needed from us. Clearly, it wasn't something easy, as they needed powers to do it. Or something necessarily safe.

Cam instead looked happy wich was something that I couldn't explain. But probably as he was a huge show-off he just wanted to prove how big and strong he is.

Little did he know what horror was going to fell on our shoulders in a really short time...