Who was that?

It was a dark and stormy night. A girl with dark long hair, long up to her elbow, slender and tall was on her way home, on foot. There was no taxi cab she could board to get a ride home because it was stormy. No only that, it was also dark and the whole streets were pitch-black. There was a power outage and it made it look like as if she was blind because she couldn't see.

She kept on walking even though it was dark, but she watched her footsteps. She kept on walking cautiously down the street. She was sure she was going in the right direction because that was the road she always followed to her apartment, but with the power outage she wasn't sure of where she was going.

Still in the rain, her clothes got wet. She was wearing an overall, but her entire clothes were wet. She hadn't thought of carrying her rain coat with because she never thought it would rain.

But it looks like, fate, took another turn on her.

"DAMN IT!"She cussed the rain.

The weather had always worked in her favour. She couldn't understand why the rain had decided to fall today, without it telling her!

"Once I get home, I'm taking a shower, changing my clothes, and having some hot chocolate with marshmallows in it!" She murmured under her breath.

Once she was done saying that, she saw headlights coming behind her. She turned around and to her delight, it was a taxi.

She waved her hands pretty wildly that If anyone saw her like that in the daytime, they'd think she's a mad lady.

But it's like luck took another turn, or she actually ran out of it, because no matter how much she waved, the taxi cab still passed by her without even acknowledging if there was a person by the roadside or not.

The cab had even splashed some mud on her overall, making it look paler than it's original color.

"UGHHHH!" She grunted.

"What a he-goat!"She cussed after the car.

As she stared at the cab, she took not of it's plate number. It was '7303 RUA'. A red taxi cab with a long strip of black, checked with white on the left side of the car.

She could see the design very well from where she was standing and she was very good in remembering things, so the plate number wouldn't be difficult for her to remember even if she was deep in sleep.

As she watched the car go, someone watched her from the shadows. She noticed it but didn't want to pay any attention to it.

She kept on watching the cab till it was out of sight and as she watched, the person in the shadows also watched her.

She couldn't keep on staring at the distance like that, she had to move her head from side to side.

As she moved her head to turn, she saw a pair of white eye balls looking at her. They were so intense while staring at her.

She moved her eyes from there and turned to look at another direction. She hates it when she's being stared at, she couldn't stand it.

But as she turned away, she turned back to look at the person closely.

But as she turned, the person was nowhere in sight.

Before she knew what was happening, a black limousine came and parked right in front of her.

The door opened to reveal a man dressed in a black overall with a black hat on his head with his white eyeballs clean as crystals, staring intently at her.

"Get in!" He ordered.

"..." She just stood there unmoved staring back at the man with the same staring intensity as him.

She had seen this man's face before but she couldn't really capture it.

The man's stare turned to a glare.

"Are you going to get in or what?!" He barked.

His tone made her snap back to her senses.

She blinked thrice, despite the rain on her face.

After she has regained her consciousness and processed what she had just been asked, she gave him the glare of his life.

He almost shuddered visibly.

"Do I know you?" She asked coldly.


He kept on observing her.

"Do I know you?" she asked again.

This time the rain began to subside.

The man in the car just sat there, observing her.

"How rude!" She commented.

"How can you offer a person a ride if you can't answer her simple question?!" She asked.

"If you want to offer a person a ride, you don't just order the person to succumb to whatever 'you' want, be polite please!" The lady ignorantly addressed.

"Even if you want to be nice and offer me a ride or anything, that is not a really good way to start things up!" She added.

The man quietly sat down there and listened to what she had to say.

After that, he asked her his own question.

"But I asked you to get in and you didn't budge, so what do you expect me to do... Propose?" He asked teasingly.

After her speech correction, the man let out a little laugh.

The driver that had seen what had transpired, had been holding his breath the whole time. He wondered why his boss wanted to help this girl anyway.

The girl had been do rude she didn't even know who's she was talking to.

When she was speaking, he was waiting for his boss to give him the order to drive off while splashing some mud in her clothes like the other cab had done and leave this arrogant girl to learn her lesson.

But unfortunately for him (the driver) and fortunately for this 'girl', his boss had chosen to listen to her instead of being cold.

Taking matters into his own hands, the driver decided to speak up.

Peeking his head from the window, the driver asked:

"And who do you think you are?"

The lady turned to look at the driver. Moving back little and keeping herself to get a better view, she asked:

"Excuse me?"

The driver only raised his brow slightly.

After a split second of no reply, the lady turned back to address the man in the car but was stopped by the same driver's question.

"Didn't you hear me?" He asked a little louder this time.

Turning to his direction, she asked:

"Did you repeat it?" Her eyebrow raised.

"Oh, so you did heard me at first?" The driver asked also with his eyebrow raised.

"Sorry I didn't! I only heard this time because you added a little volume to your voice!" The lady snapped as she turned to look back at the man in the limo, and went on in search for a taxi.

"Oh really?" The driver asked surprised by this girl's non-chalant arrogant attitude.

The lady didn't reply.

The driver was quiet for a minute observing her.

"Do you know who you're dealing with?" He asked.

Not swerving from her course, she asked:

"Who am I dealing with?"

"Don't you even want to know?" The driver asked again.

"I asked once, I'm not repeating a second time!" The lady snappily answered with her head faced ahead.

"You are standing right in front of...!" The driver was cut short with a snap.

"Enough!" It was the boss.

The voice of the boss had both the driver and the lady jumping.

He almost laughed out loud but couldn't because of the situation right in front of him.

The lady also almost laughed at her own shock but she just place her hand on her chest and smiled, closing her eyes, trying to calm her heart beat.

Her smile made him smile unconsciously too, but he didn't let it stay for long so that it couldn't be seen.

He turned to look at the driver with a stinging glare on his face that made the driver shudder.

"Never make that mistake again!" The boss said.

Knowing what the boss was saying, he shut his mouth and turned to face the road, not involving himself in anything that doesn't concern him. Especially when it's his boss.

Turning to the lady, he eyed her before asking:

"Are you getting in or what?"

Glaring back at the man, expecting a harsh reply from such a petite lady, her response stunned him.

Gently shaking her head and taking a step back, the lady answered in a gentle:


"What's wrong?" The boss asked while extending his hand.

"You're not scared are you?" He asked with a sense of concern in his voice.

Looking at the hand and then looking at him, she shook her head in a negation.

"No!" She answered.

"Then come in!" He ordered again whilst withdrawing his hand after seeing that she had declined.

"It's not safe leaving a little girl like you out here alone..." He teased with an expressionless look on his face. The driver held back his laughter.

The lady frowned

"Besides..." He eyed her.

"You don't look like...the type that can protect yourself... you're too feeble!" He finally said.

Taking another step back, she shifted her face away from looking at him a bit and then answered with little frown on her face:

"I think I'm okay here, thanks!" She gently said.

The man didn't push any further, instead he just made himself comfortable by moving himself to where he had left for her to sit and adjusted.

Typing something on his phone, the door closed.

Automatically winding down the glass of the car down he non-chalantly spoke to her without turning his head.

"I hope you find a taxi soon, you know the weather is cold...and you're wet!" He said.

After saying that his driver zoomed off.

Unexpectedly, the limousine splashed mud all over her outfit.

"UGHHHH!!!" She grunted.

"Thanks a lot, poser!" She yelled after them.

Looking at her outfit again, the lady thought:

'Who is this guy anyway?'

Coincidentally, a taxi cab came by.

Before she even waved her hand, the cab was already in front of her.

Before she boarded the cab, she looked at the mess that she was and stood there for a while. But the taxi driver assured her that it was okay, she shouldn't mind the mess that she was in.

She smiled and then entered.

As she entered, she couldn't help thinking of that man in a black limo, in a black suit, hat, and everything thing black.

Come to think of it, the cab she was currently sitting in, was black. But she didn't give it that much thought.

When she arrived home, she climbed the stairs to her apartment. It was then she noticed the car's color.

"Who was that man?" She asked herself again before she entered the apartment.