The Alley...!

Once Megumi had turned to walk over to her car, Masami watched her go.

But when she had whispered to Chiko, she had moved through the crowd and was standing in the dark alley where Megumi had decided to stand, where no one else would see her.

Once she had told Chiko what she wanted to be passed across, she diverted to an alley and waited for Chiko to deliver her message to the person it had been destined for.

Once she had found the alley to be secluded and safe, she decided to wait there.

Megumi crossed her arms over her chest, but she didn't have to wait long, as she heard a familiar voice from behind her.

"What a show you had there...did you employ her?" A feminine voice asked.

Startled, Megumi twirled round. But when she discovered who it was, she masked her fright with a smile.

"How many times have I told you to not scare me like that...?!" Megumi scolded.

Coming out of the darkness in the alley, Masami opened her arms wide as she came forward towards Megumi.

"I believe I've found my second Mummy...!" Masami said.

Megumi's smiled broadened as she also opened her arms as Masami made her way into them.

Hugging Masami, Megumi asked;

"How have you been Masami?"

Becoming emotional a bit, Masami said;

"Hmmmm, let's forget about that now...!" Masami said as she sank into Megumi's hug.

After about five (5) seconds, they freed each other from each other's arms.

Taking a very good look at Masami, Megumi asked one more time;

"How have you been Masami?"

Sighing, Masami said;

"Well, I couldn't have been better..." She said as she smiled.

Megumi studied Masami's face very well.

"How's Kazumi...and where is she?" Megumi asked.

Looking away, Masami didn't say anything at first.

"Masami!" Megumi called.

Looking at Megumi, Masami said;

"She's the reason for all those these..."

Looking at Masami properly, Megumi asked;

"All what?"

"All these...!" Masami said as she got away from Megumi's arms.

"All these people insults, all the names, all the curses, all...everything I'm going through!" Masami said.

"She's the reason I haven't gotten a job yet...she's the reason I can't appear in front of my parents as a successful woman...she's the reason for all the bad luck I have...or received or whatever...!" Masami said angrily.

"If My Mum hadn't brought up the idea of her coming to stay with me, I wouldn't have been experiencing all these traumas right now...!" Masami yelled.

Luckily, the alley where they both were was far from where people were so what they were saying was not heard.

"I came out this morning about to go look a job, as usual, coming back home, I couldn't find her, I went searching for her...not even searching, hunting, yeah I went hunting...and do you wanna know something interesting...I still could not even find her...DAMN!" Masami said as she scattered the things that were on a table nearby.

Megumi watched her.

Turning to look at Megumi, Masami screamed;

"That girl has brought nothing but bad luck and troubles and frustration and nothing good into my life...!"

"She's only brought chaos, commotion name tarnishing,, image tarnishing...!" Masami screamed.

Chuckling, she said;

"I...I don't even know what to do anymore...!"

"I'm just tired...I'm frustrated, I feel dejected I... I can't live with her anymore...I...I'm through, I'm done...!" Masami said.

"Well, you're the one that accepted her...!" Megumi said as she crossed her arms over her chest, but was cut short.

" 'Well you're the one that accepted her'  where were your ears when I said it was My Mum, that had brought up the idea of living with her...?" Masami asked.

"Are you sure you mentioned your Mum?" Megumi asked.

"Coz I don't think you did..." Megumi said.

"Oh really, where were your ears when I said; If My Mum hadn't brought up the idea of her coming to stay with me, I wouldn't have been experiencing all these traumas right now...?" Masami said.

"Hmmm...? Where were your ears huh?" Masami asked.

"Where were your ears when I said all those things...?"

"Please don't say things that'll piss me off beyond the degree I already am right now...!" Masami yelled.

Smiling, Megumi uncrossed her arms and walked towards Masami and placed a hand on her shoulder and said;

"Masami, I am not Kazumi, but your pouring out that anger for her, on me!" Megumi said as she pointed at herself.

"I have nothing to do in all these, and I don't even know anything that is going on between you two, but yet, you're taking it out on me...!" Megumi said.

Hearing this, Masami chuckled.

"I'm sorry Miss Megumi, I just feel as if my rights are neglected, you know...?" Masami said.

"As from living with a...should I say nasty, or disgusting, or irresponsible roommate...?" Masami thought.

"I think an irresponsible roommate is the perfect word to use identify a person as useless and defineless as her...!" Masami said sighing sadly.

Using her hand to raise Masami's chin up, Megumi said to Masami;

"Masami, you, are only torturing yourself..."

"Yeah, no doubt about it...!" Masami said as she looked away, but her face was grabbed back Megumi.

"Masami, listen to me...!" Megumi said.

With the force that Megumi used to jerk Masami's face to look at her, Masami's eyes bulged.

"This is your life,not your mother's... you've got 'your' life to live, not your mother's..." Megumi said with an emphasis on the 'your'.

Raising both eyebrows, Masami said;

"Yeah, I know, but, you ought to know as Mum, and also as someone that had been a person my age, that, sometimes there are something that your Mum would want and, being her child and having no option, you just gotta do it...!"

Megumi agreed.

"Yes, but not to the point of you having to kill yourself... besides, if you're not careful, she might end up killing you and you might end up looking at yourself outta your body and wonder, 'what happened to

me...?' " Megumi said.

Before she had finished her sentence,  Masami rejected it.

"God forbid...!"

"And he will...!"

"He has...!" Masami cut her short.

Giving her a face, Masami apologized.

"I'm sorry..." She said.

Smiling, Megumi caressed Masami's face with her thumb and said;

"You've got to be careful, Masami...I don't want to see you fail, and in tears..."

"I really want to see you succeed and witness your success before I die...I want to see you prosper and eat from it...I don't want to see you suffer, Masami, I don't want you to bear a scar, I want you to live a scar-free life...!" Megumi said.

Wearing a co fused look, Masami frowned and asked out of concern;

"Mrs Megumi, what are you saying...?" You're not planning on dying, are you...?"

Smiling while still caressing Masami's cheek, she answered;

"No, I'm not planning on dying..."

Breathing out a sigh of relief, Masami said;

"Oh, that's a relief...!"

"But why did you say that...?" Masami asked.

Shaking her head in negation, Megumi said;

"Nevermind that now Masami...!"

"Why shouldn't I mind that right now Mrs Megumi, is someone threatening you...?!" Masami asked as she jumped down from the table she sat on.