
As soon as Masami's words of fear fell on her ears, Megumi staggered backward a bit with her hand on her head...

As soon as Masami had said those words, she noticed the change Megumi's physical characteristics.

She seemed scared, scared for why?

Scared for who?

Why is she acting like as if she was being threatened or...


'Masami think properly...!'

'Think straight...!'

She scolded herself inwardly.

But when Megumi placed her hand on her head and moved back as if almost fainting, Masami was quick to help her.

"Mrs Megumi, are you Okay?" Masami asked as she rushed and caught Megumi beige she fell to the ground.

"I...I...I think, I...n...need to get some!" Megumi stuttered.

"I think I need to get some rest...!" Megumi said.

Masami looked at her.

"How 'bout you sit on the table while I go get Mr Chiko...?" Masami suggested.