Memories 4...

"And I promise Mummy, that I, would always make you proud...!" Saying that had the woman break down in tears alongside everyone else present there.

Even the older girl couldn't hold herself anymore, she burst out crying.

Hugging again, both mother and daughter, the mother carried her daughter up and carried her to the car.

The girl that had been enjoying the hug and had closed her eyes to enjoy it the more, opened her eyes an looked at the older girl that had been holding her ice-cream.

Beckoning to her, the little girl demanded her ice-cream.

Wiping her tears and running silently to follow the mother and daughter duo, the older girl gently gave back the little girl's ice-cream.

Getting a hold of her ice-cream, the little looked at it and then raised her eyes to look at the older girl that had held it for her.