Disciplined 3...

"Mia, stop right there!" The woman shouted.

Mia stopped slowly...

"Mum, let's go...!" Masami exclaimed as she tugged at her Mum's hand...

"They only want to cause trouble and frame us and probably sue us to to court and collect lots of money from us and leave us penniless all our lives...and even maybe collect the company from us!"

Masami said all that in a breath as she still tugged at her Mother's arm, and her Mother who looked unmoved...

Another woman from the group smirked as she said;

"Your daughter's pretty smarter than you Mia...!"

"Yeah, she's got senses better than you can ever have...!" A different woman said.

"I bet she'll be able to raise kids better than you raised her...the only thing that she'll probably be lacking is discipline...!" The same woman said.

"Are you even disciplined yourself...?" The first woman asked.

Masami looked up at her Mother as she heard what they said...

Mia slowly turned with a cold expression on her face...