Disciplined 6...

"...She died?" Masami asked innocently as she looked at Mizi form where she stood, with an outstretched neck...

Everyone turned their gazes to look at Masami as she spoke...

Some looked at her with their mouths wide open...

Others looked at her with crystal surprise...

Some with furrowed eyebrows...

Others...with anger...

Some...just stood with plain faces... expressionless...

Their looks had Masami smile with her hand in her mouth...

"What are you smiling at?"

One of the women, whose face was expressionless snapped once she saw Masami smirk...

Once she snapped at Masami, Masami's eyes also snapped to look at the woman, straight in the eye...

No blinking...

With her hand still in her mouth, Masami stared at her with sharp eyes, though, still looking cute...

"What are you looking at...?" The woman snapped again.

Masami still stared at her unblinking...

As if deep in thought...

Then after a while, Masami blinked and then looked up at the woman with normal eyes...