Disciplined 10

Both women laughed secretly in their own various hideouts...Unknown to both kids...

After some time, Masami stole a glance at Tadaaki...

Though still pouting, Masami asked;

"W...W...What was your stupid question?"

Tadaaki turned his head to the side and smiled...

Then something jolted him...

"Don't think you've achieve anything, so don't smile, I'm only asking to fulfill all righteousness, not that I care!" Masami snapped.

Tadaaki tie d his head to look at her...

"Who said I was laughing?" He asked as he pursed his lips.

Masami rolled her eyes at him and said;

"Duh it was obvious...!" She said as she sighed.

Tadaaki shrugged his shoulders and then brought out his small android phone, and placing his ear pods in his ears, he turned on the music and listened to some, while relaxing...

Swinging her legs back and forth, Masami seemed to be waiting something...

"Aren't you going to ask me that question again...?!" Masami asked as she yelled.