Disciplined 13.

Masami watched him as he ran off...

Tadaaki's grandmother watched Tadaaki as he ran off.

Then slowly her gaze turned to look at Masami, who for some reason, was still watching Tadaaki as he ran the direction of the cotton-candy stand.

As he waited in line, he pulled out a ten (10) yen bill and then looked at it before putting it back into his pocket as he waited in line.

'Show off...!' Masami thought as she looked.

'Trying to show that he's a good citizen!'

'Too bad...he's got his brain at the back of his pants...!' Masami thought as she smiled unconsciously.

Then she relaxed in her chair, still watching Tadaaki as he moved in the line.

Then slowly, her eyes trailed from his head down to his butt area...

Then she burst out laughing...

Actually, she giggled.

His chubby body made his butt look fat and protruded.

As he moved forward, his butt shook causing Masami to giggle.

'Too bad, seems like his senses are in his butt!' Masami thought as she giggled.