•Lockwood's• Chapter 4

Meanwhile, Sky's mother passed, she had died, if Sky had been going home to Alex: Alex has an older son.

Alec: Alec eye to his father and asked him.

Alex: Alex looks at his only son and told him. (My son is ...) Good Alex was silent for a good time to think with I was going to tell his son Alec who is girl with only 6 years old who went to a house of strangers who did not even want Alex liked her ... Then he thought and thought he even opened his mouth

Alex: Well my son is a little girl is Raider is how we're calling there, let's say she's different and we need to have it with her, we need Traina there to study there. When Alec's father said she was different he thought how different she was.

Then Alec look at the little sky that looked hard at her and ... and as if she knew she had to look at her as her father told him to do.

And then he did not look at Raider and the years pass so fast and if Sky already, grown gone somewhere else where he could go without anyone to encode without trineless, who did not experience with her.

Meanwhile Alec

Alec: Then Alec all angry, shouted so loudly ... (Rayderrrrrrr!)

(I'll find you no matter what I do). Then in a festivision Sky heard only Alec.

SKY: Haaaaaaa! This was it, what is happening to me. Then Sky hears Alec's cry for seconds, and fainting to the ground.
