Ren managed to sleep while dreaming about his favourite cheese balls made by his Mother. But then the dream turned into an army marching towards him, each soldier wielding long spear piercing towards him! He managed to dodge few, but another one impaled him and the pain was at the very least no more comfortable and than the cursed bath! Followed by another one... then another and another... He couldnt help but scream, he didnt know when but he woke up!
This one was the worst dream he ever had! Whats worse the pain seemed to follow him out... Just when his mind was confused, he realized one thing! This pain didnt come from the dream, but from his body!! Terror nearly drowned him, taking all the airs from his lungs. He couldnt scream, he couldnt even breathe. Everything, yes everything. Every part of his body felt like it was sliced open only to be pierced by spears! He couldnt move, even opening his eyes was as hard as running 100 km straight! Just when he thought, that something escaped his mouth to make a sound, it didnt. It was someone else speaking, which difficulty looking it Da Shan was standing in his room while frowing.
Looking at this little kid being in soo much pain Da Shan made another sigh. Not because he felt bad for him, but because every dark memory of his childhook was unleashed! He no looker thought about only this expierence, but what followed... and in the end turned into the days how he was bullied, because of his behavior as a kid. He was always fat, he just liked to it. Both of his parents did so as well, he was always full and when he wasnt - he felt hungry! Even when born into main branch of powerful clan with future that many could only dream about, his entire childhood was one thing - miserable. He was born with special psychique, even if its impossible to fully awake it before crossing 7th of the fundation realm, even as a child it was already partly awoken. The problem was his smell and the amout of food he needed! He could eat as much as even 100 kids together and even if he didnt really grew fat fast, he did thanks to sheer amout of food he ate! Whats worse his smell was making everyone close to him feeling disgusted. Only some people like his Parents - which were happy that his was born like that or his close older cousin ( who he treats as big sis - Elder Da that Sima was after ) didnt laugh at him or bully. As for everyone else...
Its been a very long night, opening his eyes only to see that the stinky dark pasta from his body was already gone made him cry. It was the worst moment of his life, compared to laying on the bed while his whole body was being torn apart without ability to even move his finger? He would rather be boiled alive!! Cultivation? It was more like torturing oneself in the most brutal way imaginable!!! Average practictioners in this stage took thing slowly, since not everyone could afford alchemical refinment pastas. He was basically taking 10-20 times the pain compared to person who relied on oneself and hard psychial training. He didnt have to train or work hard, all he had to was to lie on the bed and his cultivation would move fast! Even if it was painful or rather the worst expierence one could have until later stages of body tempering... It was still worth it!! Potential one had when young was something everyone acknowledged, but it was mostly about body and spirit. By crossing first phase really fast, one had more time to cross second. And while upon reaching Core realm person had already 1000 years lifespan, reaching this stage at 50, 100 or 500 made a huge diffrence!
There were some supreme geniuses who could reach Core realm as fast as at age of 20 something, but all they had was advantage! So far in this Realm the highest known cultivators alive reached 8th stage of the Void Core realm, which in turn made them Realm Lords! Their prestige was unparalled, but it was also thanks to the fact that one of them belonged to the Orthodox faction and the other one to Unorthodox plus the fact that they fought each other their whole lives split this realm into two! No one knew when the war to destroy each faction would start, but it was something everyone felt tense about.