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Before the trial, another Chosen

Days passed as teams were done with introducing themself and started planning and scheming their way to the top stop of trial another event took the place.

Inside one of the very few rooms that were left for the Chosen and Core disciples to have time alone when needed was complete darkness. Lili Scarletblood was the other chosen of this trial. She was a part of another top clan like Lin, but this one was even higher in their hierarchy, as the Sect founders were also surnammed Scarletblood!

As the trial was drawing near she started to feel more and more uncomfortable and tired, which alarmed her and her elders! After all she was born of fate element, if someone had sixth sense that could alert of them way before it was even close then they were Fate cultivators! After all her talents were actually the highest out of all disciples recruited in this century, so she could have special ability related to it! However as a fate cultivator, while valued highly she was still below Lin Ke, because of her future potential! While Fate Cultivators could focus on combat power they had to forsake their many mystical abilities! Compared to it, becoming Oracle or Seer was more worth!

In the end the most powerful Oracle of her clan tried to pry into the future, but failed to find any clues! Which in turn alarmed everyone related to Lili. In the end she got as many treasures as possible in order to guard her life from any possibility! With the items she had in her disposal she could beat Core cultivators not to mention trial takers! This development calmed the clan and her, but since she took a step on the deck of this ship her feelings intensified by a 100! It reached the point where she had to take a break and sleep to calm herfself. After all, she was only 13! She was scared of many things and her personality wasnt brave at all. Even if she knew that nothing should happen, she still felt alarmed!

It was at this moment that her innate ability of fate awakened to certain degree allowing her to take a peek into the future while being in the deepest part of her sleep.

The sky turned dark, clouds gathered everywhere giving rise to creepy and omnius feelings. She was standing near a tree, without any leaves on it. It was late fall, close to winter considering the weather. Just by looking around she couldnt help but feel anxious! Where was she? Was it still a dream? No matter where she looked it was real! Feeling her scalp go dumb and her sweat dropping from her cute forehead Lili felt certain, whatever was happening it was real!

What was worse there was another person next to her and she didnt even realize that someone stood next to her till now! This shocked her even more. She had very short and vague visions before, but what was this?? A nightmare?

"Lili whats wrong?" Hearing this plain voice, but filled with concern she couldnt help but look up.

In front of her was a man wearing robe with insignia of Sky Fall Sect, however she didnt recogonize this one. It was as black as it could get with many weird markings and symbols, but one of them was Scarletblood clan! She was sure of it!

However the man in front her didnt look over 1.8m in heigh, his build completly average devoid of any certain characteristcs. Whats worse he had faceless mask on covering his whole face, leaving only his black eyes in the open which didnt leave any clues either as they looked normal! Just as she was about to say something she looked at her hands. They werent hers! It was a body of someone older and higher than her. Still looking young and delicate but not her 13 years of self! Was she in the future? Alternate reality or what?? And why was she in this barren place??

"Uhm i fine" Even her voice was diffrent! Similar to her but diffrent, was she in another 'Lili' body? Or was it all just a dream?

"You dont look like that" The man stepped closer and looker at her with attention, but he didnt find anything out of place which made him sigh. However she could see that she was wearing exactly the same robe, but of scarlet color and similar mask while seeing herself in his eyes! She didnt even realize this till now. As if finding sudden inspriation she couldnt help but speak on inpulse as if something was making her say it.

"Do You remeber war of the Beast Valley, the one i took part?" Indeed asking directly was the most effective!

"You know that i cant forget it even if i wanted" The man looked even more confused, whats wrong with her?

"What cant You forget?" She asked him again which made his eyes roam around her body a few more times! But she not a clone or avatar for sure! And her body was hers!

"I cant forget the blood in the Rain" As if recalling something the young man made a sigh, however at this moment when she was about to ask more space shattered like a broken glass and she found herself awake! What the Hell was that?????

Standing up and looking at the pale face devoid of any blood in the mirror, while her eyes ears nose and mouth were bleeding she felt shocked! Yet also at this moment she felt weak and fainted!

(I decided to spent 2 chapters to introduce both chosen more, as they will play vital part in the story in this volume and the next one)