Chapter 7

Y/n's POV

When I woke up, I still see Tae sleeping next to me. I guess he fell asleep here on accident. I try getting up slowly without waking him but he grabs my arm.

Tae: Where are you going?

Y/n: Downstairs.

Tae: Without me? Oh no you don't.

He slowly gets up and rubs his eyes.

Y/n: Aww you little baby.

Tae: Baby?! I'm a man!

Y/n: Whatever you say baby.

Tae picks me up and we walk out and down to the lounge. The other members are already awake and they were all just sitting and talking.

Namjoon: Well you guys slept for a long time.

Jennie: Did you get a good night's rest, y/n?

Y/n: Yep.

Jin: I'm sorry but did those two just come out of y/n's room?

Yoongi: Did you guys sleep together!

Tae: Well.....she asked me to stay until she was asleep but then I fell asleep too....

Namjoon: So you did sleep together!

Tae: Not in the way that you think of!

Jin: Yea yea whatever. I'm hungry so who wants to help me make breakfast?

Y/n: Oooo me!

Jin: Ok follow me.

We go to the kitchen and we start making breakfast. Once we are done and we've eaten, we all go back into the lounge.

Y/n: So anything happening today?

Jennie: Oooo! What if we had a girls day? Wanna go shopping?

Y/n: Sure! Can we go?

Tae: Yea sure. Jennie has a card. You guys can go.

Y/n: Yay! I'm gonna get dressed!

I go up and get dressed and when I come down, Tae looks at me weirdly.

Tae: You wearing that?!

Y/n: What about it?!

Tae: Its showing so much skin!

Jennie: Hyung, she's literally wearing a crop top and shorts. Its fine.

Tae: Other guys are gonna look at her!

Y/n: Yea well I'll only look at you though.

Tae: I-

Tae starts blushing and Jungkook comes up to him.

Jungkook: Oh let them go already. You guys have fun!

Jennie: Thanks!

Namjoon creates a portal and we walk through. Jennie takes out a crystal and the portal goes into the crystal. She puts the crystal around her neck as a necklace and we walk in.

Y/n: What's that?

Jennie: When we need to open the portal again, I can smash it on the ground and it will appear again. Good thing for emergencies is that it will only let in the original people that went through before. We walk into the mall and while we were walking around, I felt like I was being watched. When we walk out, I notice a car. Bangchan gets out and other men.

Bangchan: We meet again. But this time, I have no mercy for you.

I spread out my wings covering me and Jennie and we are hit with gunfire. But unlike Tae, I don't have immunity. Although I'm shielding us, I'm still getting hurt. I start to bleeding out and Jennie throws the crystal under us. We fall in and we are back at the Mansion. We land on the floor in the middle of the room and the boys rush up to us.

Tae: Y/N!

He cradles me in his arms as I cough out blood. I feel lightheaded.

Jungkook: What the hell happened?

Jennie: Bangchan. He met us at the exit and started shooting at us.

Jimin examines my wings.

Jimin: Not gold which is good but she's been hit a lot.

My breathing become heavy and I slowly start to close my eyes.

Tae: No no no no. We need to get her to the hospital!

Namjoon: We can't have them looking at her in the hospital. She'll have power coursing through her blood! I'll call a doctor.

-Time skip-

When I wake up, I'm in bed and I see everyone standing in front of me.

Y/n: Tae.....

Tae whips his head around and rushes over to me.

Tae: are you feeling?

Y/n: Better. My back still hurts though.

Tae: I know I know. It'll get better though.

Jennie: Thanks for everything y/n.

Y/n: Are you hurt?

Jennie: No, thanks to you.

Jin: Are you hungry?

Y/n: A little.

Jin: Here I made you some soup.

I start eating a little but I start wincing a little.

Tae: What's wrong?

Y/n: Did a doctor see me?

Tae: Yea.....

Y/n: What did they do?

Tae: They took the bullets out of your wings.

Y/n: There's...a bullet left.

Tae: What....

I slowly create a xray pad.

Y/n: My torso.

Tae hovers the ipad over my torso and we see a small bullet lodged into my hip.

Yoongi: I'll grab the doctor.

The doctor runs in a few mins later.

Doctor: Mr Min, Please put her to sleep.

I'm put to sleep and when I wake up, I notice that no one was in the room. I slowly try to get up but I struggle to move. I create a wheelchair and take like thirty mins to get in by myself. I slowly wheel out of the room and realize I'm upstairs. Shoot another problem.

I go to the stairs and from there, I can see the lounge and I see everyone sitting and talking.

Y/n: Hey guys!

They whip their heads around and they all get up.

Tae: Y/n!

He runs over to me and slowly helps me down the stairs along with Namjoon.

Jungkook: Are you ok?

Y/n: Yea I am.

Tae: Good.

Yoongi: The doctor said it was a miracle we found the bullet. If you started to move with that thing in you, it would have killed you.

Y/n: I have my senses.

Tae: Yes you do love.

Suddenly we hear knocking at the door.