The Ruins <Final>

"Lunar Scorch's Carnage."

White lightning coiled around my hand, flowing into the tips of my finger where it discharged; the center of my palm sent tremors into its head as the shockwaves ripped it apart from the inside out.

Moonshine quake was a fusion magus art that combined the heat of the sun, the stun of white lightning and the tremors and shockwave of the earth element. This magus art was made by myself for giant beasts in particular, even though this was the first time I fought beasts that were actively trying to kill me.

The wolf on the receiving end of the fusion magus art let out an ear-piercing wail, screaming its lungs out in agony as it had its brain electrocuted and crushed at the same time. The other wolves looked over, hearing this cry as they watched their leader fall over, lifeless unto the stone-cold floor.

I shot over to the four other Rank four wolves, instantly finishing each one with a single devastating tremor-filled blow to the head, sending them flying in different directions as they laid dead once they hit a wall.

"Well, that was that," I said to myself, thinking about how tedious that was.

It was then I noticed the silence, the eerie pin-drop silence where one could hear the wind currents blow around the room. Faces of disbelief and fear filled the room as the looks of those present were in denial of what they just saw.

Someone the same age as they were, had just put down a mid-rank five shadow wolf in twenty seconds and dealt with four high-rank four vine wolves in 5 seconds. If told in a tale, this was only possible to them as they would have never guessed they would witness something so outrageous.

I walked over to Chell and Lin as I said to them as well as the other members of their group, "Thank you for holding out until I could get rid of the shadow wolf, you five have potential, and I will see you all; sometime soon."

Saying this, I hastily took my leave from the hall and proceeded to the next room. I found a mountain of gold bars, mana stones, and gems that I stored in my inner world and collected any crafting material I could find within the pile of treasures.

I then made my way outside the rift, as it would start closing the moment the last person stepped out of it.

Not long after, someone came rushing from behind me. I slowly turned around to see Chell right behind me, so I asked, "what is it?"

My somewhat lifeless tone seemed to startle her, in contrast to the thankful tone prior. She stopped where she stood, as she hesitated for a moment before asking, "You never told me your name!"

Her voice seemed like she was shaking but honestly, I could understand why, as anyone who saw a 16-year-old kill a mid-rank-five shadow wolf in 20 seconds would be shaken to their core. I slowly walked up to her, leaning over by her ears as I said,


I froze midway because of something I knew would come but woefully dreaded the day it would arrive. My mind went blank for a few seconds, without thought as if I was braindead. My breath grew ragged suddenly as my heart pounded so loud I could hear and feel it in my head.

My aura shot up in a manner so violent that those around crashed to the ground, desperate for air while others passed out on the spot. Chell that was the nearest to me almost had the worst of it, but Naet shielded her from the aura I let out.

That being said, Chell could still feel it, although in very minimal waves. The little she felt was enough to set her mind into a state of panic, as she felt like she had met her undoing. She fell back on her butt, shook to her very core.

Everyone except Chell, myself and Naet had passed out from the sheer pressure, Whishmae on the other hand, had long since gone into my inner dimension. Naet, not wanting this to go on any longer than it had, called out for me in a name she knew I would answer.


My aura retracted as I calmed down for a brief moment before I vanished, headed home.

** Naet POV **

'This child really takes after his parents to leave such a mess on my plate; I hope he can get through this successfully.'

Inwardly thinking this, I healed the people who were affected by the pressure from his aura, after which I slowly went up to the one person who was left awake in this event and said to her,

"You will not speak of this day; neither will you ever speak the name you just heard to another soul. Do you understand me?!"

The tone as I spoke told her it was not a question but a direct instruction instead, and she seemed to catch on to it quickly as she nodded her head hastily, fearing for her life.

"Splendid! Have this for the trouble the boy gave you." Saying this, I brought out a potion that increased a person's overall prowess by 50%.

Seemingly knowing what it was as well as its rank, her eyes went wide in shock and disbelief once more as she wondered, 'who exactly is that boy?'.

"Now that's this is over, I will take my leave. I hope we do not meet again so soon." Saying this, I shot off into the same direction Clovis had gone in, hoping that he would not take this as bad as most will.