Just human

I woke up feeling refreshed from the events that transpired yesterday; the minute rays of the sun that entered the room must've woken me up, as memories of my deceased family played through my head like a storm.

I sighed before looking at the clock and saw it was 7 AM, so I got up and cleaned up before heading down to the living area. Maryl was already making breakfast, and I could now feel another presence in the house other than Whishmae and Maryl.

I assumed it was the other boy that Maryl had mentioned she was caring for, so I paid no mind to it and just went ahead and greeted Maryl good morning, to which she replied before serving a plate with eggs, bacon, baked beans, avocados and potatoes, as well as a bowl with a variety of fruits.

"You're not going to eat?" Seeing as I had left the bowl in front of me as I waited for her to sit as well before I began eating, she questioned.

"I'm waiting for you and him to have your food served before I begin eating," I replied as I gestured, pointing upwards towards the other person in the house who was now awake, and she quickly understood.

"Ahh, I see."

Shortly after, she had placed all the dishes on the table with my help and served them with the same meals accordingly before coming to sit down herself as we waited for the last person to join us.

"Roq, get down here right now for breakfast, and that not a suggestion!!" Maryl lashed out, and not too long after; our absentee was present for the meal. Though he did look at me questionably as if to question who I was.

"Clovis this is Roq, Roq meet Clovis. He will be staying for a little while, possibly until after Dawn Academy's admission." Maryl introduced us briefly, and I gave a smile followed by a slight nod in recognition.

He stared at me for a moment, as I noticed his interest was sparked when Maryl mentioned "Dawn Academy."

"Now that the introductions have been settled let us eat before it gets cold!" Said Maryl before she began digging into her meal.

The meal was delicious as one would hope, each with an adequate amount of seasoning. Slowly it satiated our hunger, and we all sat down for a brief moment savouring the taste.

"Dawn Academy, huh...?" Roq suddenly spoke up, breaking the silence.

"Yes, I hope to be able to get admitted into the academy," I replied, answering his question.

"You must think it is easy to get in, don't you?" He spoke back, refuting me as if to question where my confidence came from.

"I do not think it is easy, but one thing I do know is that I am confident in my abilities!"

I said, knowing that my capabilities far exceeded most of my peers, if not all at the same age as myself and went on to ask.

"Why are you so keen on the topic anyway? Do you plan on taking the examination as well??"

"Yes, I plan on taking the examination... even though the acceptance rate is high for higher class citizens, we lower class citizens are not as fortunate."

"We are not as equipped financially, and of course, the same applies for our status. This gives us a major disadvantage when it comes to our magus stage, as we lack potions, pills and arrays that are used to increase our advancement speeds and mana capacity."

Saying this, he had a downcast look on him as he cast a sigh of disappointment right after.

"Roq?" I called out to him.

"What is it."

"Where do you think the high-class citizens started from? and I am not talking about the current ones today; I am referring to their ancestors."

"I do not know what you're implying."

He had a gaze of confusion as he stood there in a sort of daze.

"They all started from the lower class; matter of fact, every high-class citizen was at one time, somewhere in their lineage, a lower class citizen. That is to say that someone, somewhere in their lineage, had to have an achievement that stood out that gave them the status of being in the higher class."

This was something mother Luana mentioned to me at a point in my education, and it made sense to me. Of course, one may be born into a high-class family, but the fact of the matter stood that if the child is complacent and relies on the achievements of his lineage, that reliance would make the said child a waste.

"I still fail to understand what you're implying."

"It means that there is no division of status as we all still were born through the same means, shed the same colour of blood, cry the same tears, there are only humans."

"Even the Fae's origins were that of a human being at some point, but through the blessing of mana they received, it made them take features similar to that of creatures closer to nature. Being a high-class citizen is a title that gives the wielder of the said title an amount of power, but it is just verbal power, not strength."

Finishing my sermon, he seemed to understand what I was getting at as he then completed the rest of it saying,

"One can only rely on others achievements for so much, cause when it comes down to a fight or flight situation, no name can win the battle or save you from the grasp of death."

"You seem to get what I am saying; that's rather nice. We're all still just human."

I said with a smile on my face.

"Ahh... that said, do you know of the contents of the examination?"