My house is quite peculiar. Before moving in I found it to look quite normal but after living in it for a few days now, I've found a few peculiar things about the house though after I finish this that may be an understatement.
The first few days were quite normal but after the third day, the whole house's mirage begun to fade - a faint pulsing could be felt throughout the house. At first, I thought nothing of it, thinking that it was merely the house settling but as it continued I begun to become more and more suspicious of the living situation I was currently in. I got used to it after a few more days until the pulsing began to become louder and louder until it was practically insufferable, barely able to sleep anymore due to my house's vibrating splendor. It was as if a massive heart was sitting in the middle of this damned house, beating louder and louder, faster and faster, shaking the house as if playing music through a movie theater's speakers.
The instant I was brought to exhaustion by the noise emitted by this god forbidden house, it had stopped.
I was never able to figure out where the sound was coming from until a month after the incident, I'll tell you the lead up to how I found out about that now...
It was about four days after that incident wherein I began to notice a lot of peculiar attributes this house of mine had. Walls would peel off like dead skin, couches would begin to fuze with the floor as a fleshy membrane surrounded the stubs of each chair and table I'd place within this place. The tiled floor of my kitchen and bathrooms were much too soft for it to be marble. The water from my sink felt more like saliva - Iron felt like bone - doors and doorknobs felt like calloused skin - Doorways felt as soft as a pair of lips - the steps to my basement, as I ran my hand across its twitching surface felt like a tongue.
Almost an entire month in and the house smells of rotting flesh, the plaster painted onto the walls drying up like a corpse - There were specific parts of the house that this was happening in too, this wasn't the whole house I must specify since I wouldn't have been able to continue to live in it otherwise - One of the bathrooms, within the corner of the shower, I really can't describe it...
It wasn't just the shower, there were some patches of it within the garage's scaffolding, there was some under the kitchen sink. The smell of rot could be found in the basement, closets, and somewhere outside of the house within the backyard.
It took me hours to find it... I couldn't believe my eyes. I knew the house was odd but I did not know what I was actually expecting, but it wasn't this.
After going in and out of the basement for days now, not once did I enter the backmost room of the said basement. I open the door to find flesh and membrane lined across walls, ligaments, and liquid sticking across walls, popping shifting in place. The smell was revolting.
It was at this moment I figured out why the backyard also smelt the way it did. After finding a flashlight I shone it down the gore-ridden hallway to see an oversized heart within it, not beating. I decide to look carefully at my basement's ceiling, noticing pieces of my furniture pocking through and transformed, as if becoming apart of the house.
I couldn't search through it any longer.
Right now I'm living at a friend's place waiting for someone to finally inspect the house of its insides and finally give a thorough explanation as to why it is the way it is... still no response from the guy.
I'm planning on getting a new house anyway, but I thought that I'd at least go online to see if anyone could have any answers as to why it is the way it is, or even explain how the existence of that house as a whole is even remotely possible.