The Gallipoli Campaign was a military campaign in the First World War that took place within the Gallipoli Peninsula, also known as Gelibolu in modern Turkey. From the 17th of February, 1915 to the 9th of January, 1916 - The Entente powers, Britain, France, and Russia sought to weaken the Ottoman Empire, one of the Central Powers, by taking control of the Turkish Straits. By doing this - this would expose the Ottoman Empire's capital, Constantinople to bombardment by Allied battleships and cut it off from the Asian part of the empire.
During this part of the battle, a French unit by the name of Corps expéditionnaire d'Orient came across a group of Osmanlı Turks, already dead from something unknown. Their bodies were bloated, foamy vomit lining the mouths of all of the dead soldiers. Their weapons were torn asunder by an unknown force whilst some of the dead soldier's fingers were smashed to smithereens.
The French soldiers couldn't hold back the vomit that sat at the back of their throats, the stench taking over all of their senses whilst sticking to their clothes, boots spreading the liquids emitted from their bodies further across the dirt ridden ground, digging their heels in corpses long-dead, accidentally as they moved across a silent trench. One soldier threw themselves onto a wall, moving up the trench to sit onto it. More French soldiers confirmed that all of these men were Osmanlı Turks and the battle had been one by complete coincidence, leaving these men to wonder why on Earth something like this had happened and how it even happened in the first place.
Due to this case being as abnormal as it was, they had multiple coroners inspect the bodies, soldiers standing nearby in guard.
Hemorrhaging could be found within the Central Sulcus, and Cerebral Cortex of their brains and could find puss causing bloating within the Temporal Lobe, a tumor sitting right beside it. This was found in all of the bodies. What was originally thought of as bloating within the stomach, lungs, and even throat were found out to be massive tumors sitting dormant within their bodies that had grown to an almost unusual amount.
Speculation at the time suggested that the men who had died had tumors in their stomachs that had ground to an incomprehensible degree causing vomiting and nausea followed by multiple other tumors growing almost subsequently after the one in their stomach had grown to the extreme size that it was at the time of finding the bodies.
This had explained one facet of this incident, but it had not explained the broken fingers, and multiple cases of blunt force trauma found on some of these bodies, including the oddness that was the weapon's conditions at the time, being torn apart as if by some monster or higher than thou being. Blunt force trauma was discovered on other bodies two months after inspections due to tumors and hemorrhaging found within their already rotting brains.
A week after the incident had almost been closed, a group of soldiers that was sent by Albert d'Amade, commander of the Corps expéditionnaire d'Orient, had gone missing in action within the same place they had found the first set of bodies within the trenches still stained with blood and rot from the corpses before it.
After months of searching the bodies of the men were found, deformed and contorted, unlike the Osmanlı Turks before it - rather than having tumors forming across various organs and body parts, their bodies were twisted and contorted as if twisting a doll and or stepping onto an ant. Their weapons were smashed to smithereens like the Osmanlı Turks before it yet the cause of death was the starkest difference between the first event compared to the second.
Just like the last event, no evidence of what happened, or what could've caused it was not found. They could only assume that it was caused by some anomalous being, monster, or higher than thou being, like mentioned before.
Even after all of these years, we have still not found the cause for this happening...