Chapter 1 The Evil Set Free


As a whole. You've probably lived your life in good ways, and in bad ways you've been through a lot of things. We all have good and bad times of course, I don't know if I'm talking to a drug addict or a drunk or a depressed person or someone good in life. Not that I accuse you on the contrary, each one of us despite everything will always remember and think of those moments, as memories but it falls between me did you ever want to forget something in all this?... and probably yes but even if you got what you wanted then would you forget more than the bad. Family friends, don't be afraid they can remind you who you are. But it's if you don't listen to anyone to tell you the truth is if in the end you don't even remember simple things well, today I'm going to tell you a story of a man who struggled to find out about himself and in the end... .it all starts when we can see... it's hard to explain but to be very clear it was like being in the middle of absolute darkness with no light source, with all around you just a slash of black a bleak and empty color of which. Look, it was to have the wonder of being in the middle of a dark room but it seemed gigantic not my immersion in where we are. But then we can see something, something in the middle of all that darkness because it's very dark, we don't really see what it was. But more and more we were seeing better it looked like a person by the shape of the body but it was too dark, even to see his skin. More were we getting closer to him, or was he coming in notion direction as he was getting closer, in our vision the biggest question until that moment was who was it? Or what did he want? Hard to say why but I could feel it wasn't a good thing. when we could see him a little better we saw his eyes and... the eyes those eyes were just gray glowed small and thin, in that mysterious gray color is he started to lift his head more towards us close enough he utters a word . In our ear with your cold hands one on your chin and the other on your shoulder. In a soft and fast voice but chilling at the same time.


And then in the blink of an eye we wake up good no more but yes. Stefan Williams wakes up a little sleepy but terrified for a moment from the "dream" Stefan looks around to understand what he was seeing. Realizing that he was in the middle of several corpses tied up by ropes that led to where, It was already something to shiver Stefan from the feeling of thinking that. Dead people were near him, it chilled him.

-What happened here!?-

Stefan thinks trying to understand how they could have dead people there... imagining that families had lost fathers and mothers somehow... was already giving him great despair. so it was inside a kind of tower. it looked like a revolving staircase while the corpses were tied up in the middle and Stefan was there too. Stefan had already seen from above he looks down the abyss where it led, at the end of the stairs probably Stefan despite seeing a possible big fall he ignores and looks at what was holding his feet, a rope... just like the others corpses his feet were tightened by the rope which makes him realize that he was already stuck there for a long time. Stefan then does what an ordinary person would try to call someone for help.

-Hello is someone there.!?-

No answer, just the silent emptiness that even the corpses didn't fill. Stefan then realizing that he wouldn't open help, thinks of a way to escape. They tied it upside down with a rope that stretched as far as he couldn't see. Look around and see one of the corpses had something stuck in the head, blood was flowing thanks to the perforation. It was a knife. A knife that appeared to be a combat knife which was used to kill whoever the corpse was, Stefan realizes that he saw more than one cut in the corpse which shows that the person really wanted to kill him.

-Thank God it was you instead of me.-

Cruel right? Well I doubt you wouldn't say the same in his place, Stefan knew that if he took the knife he could cut his rope, so he tries to take the knife but the corpse was far from him but no problem he swings. In the direction of the corpse to take the knife at each swing you could feel the wind beating against him, and they felt like in the swing of the pair but below him a horrifying abyss for us he didn't pay attention to the temptation to take the knife. .. stretching his arms to get the knife he tried when. He manages to get the knife and was in his hands the blade that would save him but he doesn't go so fast because he still had another problem. For him to free the abyss beneath him. Even if he let go of the rope Stefan would fall into the abyss and it would be death so he starts swinging towards the stairs. With each swing he could feel himself closer and closer to the ladder if he clung to it. He does not accept an abyss that killed him for fear of not wanting to drop the knife, he holds it tightly. To keep it in hand then he almost manages to put his hand on the ladder, just one more swing and goodbye rope from the prison of corpses with the last and strongest swing. He keeps getting closer to the stairs until he does. The rope snaps causing Stefan to immediately fall... but he managed to catch his hand on the ladder in time before falling so he starts climbing until he reaches it. Where his feet could be on solid ground. In reality stairway so he manages it he crawls a little on the stairs and stops for a moment to breathe. Because his breath was gasping climbing up the ladder was hard especially with the feet with the part of the rope broken. Without the footrests anyway... he cuts the rest of the rope he still had he gets up still a little breathless. Stefan starts looking around seeing the corpses he then thinks

-OK. How did I end up here?...!? Shit I- I- Damn how I don't remember!?...

My name? Wh- which is it?-

Stefan didn't remember anything he was trying hard in his mind to know at least the basics but. Nothing his mind was simply erased forgotten memories nothing. Stefan then while trying to remember himself he thinks if he saw what he was wearing or what he had in his pockets. If he would remember anything he looks at everything he could Stefan was wearing a pair of pants. Long that covered her legs with back and front pockets. And he was also wearing a black blouse with a cap that the blouse had with black leather gloves he checked the blouse and pants pockets. In an attempt to have something he said about himself when he thinks... a role. A white paper with Black writing Which was written Stefan Williams. Stefan, now he had his name or at least a name for himself because they didn't send proofs, or anything that could confirm it but it was a start. Stefan turns the paper over and tries to see if there was anything more to it. nothing but the name

-This is my name?...-

Stefan was thinking about the name which even though it was in his pocket he wasn't sure if it really was but it wasn't much that he knew about it even now so a name for him was already a nice gift but well Stefan now tries to think about what would do now He looked at the upper steps and the lower steps

-Maybe there's someone at the top? I didn't try to call for help, nobody's here. And if I was maybe I was the one who put me here... but I have a knife. Plus he must have a likely weapon. I don't even know if it's him or she is where it is but going down um can lead me to an exit... well there's no way Down and my only option-

Stefan thought that despite having a knife he wouldn't want to confront whoever took him there normal. from those who don't want more worries then he starts down the steps. The feeling was unpleasant. and making the sound of footsteps anxious, it only made it worse by making the sound of someone walking on the floor of a museum. and the silence with the huddled corpses was nothing but distress. however Stefan was still strong as to go down with each step he moved farther away from the corpses the more it seemed that it was getting darker. every time he went down either because the lighting was getting dim or because. He felt that it didn't seem to get anywhere since many more steps there was practically no more light... with that he thought about going back because it seemed like there was no end to it he tried to think of things he liked or that would comfort him mentally although. without the memories he had nothing to calm down he didn't know who he was didn't know what happened to him. He concentrated not to make a mistake on the steps and falling down the stairs could lead to very bad injuries. Or worse however when he thinks of going back he starts to see. Little more light was increasing so with this change of lighting he changes his mind. Finally reaching the bottom of the steps and he sees a run. The running looked chic like those corridors of rich people's mansions crossing the run. Stefan tried to open the doors to see the rooms or rooms that had run up the corridor to see if he could find something useful for him at that moment. But all the doors didn't open all locked by locks but Stefan realized that. There were no locks on them, which led to the possibility that they might have been locked from the inside. Be it by dams or something like that, but pushing the doors doesn't create the sensation of a dam on the other side. only that it activates the lock mechanism locking it. Which only made things weirder making him give up on opening them so he continued to walk down the hall and then he sees a mirror... it was a big mirror which was quite big in width Stefan just walks past it but gives a sideways glance though... he notices something. Something that he hadn't even noticed until then, he had a mask on his face, a mask from which Stefan, surprised, comes closer to the mirror. The shape of the mask was a mask of which there was a big one. smile from which it was not drawn but cut from the mask like a hole. But the size and shape of a smile it made the breath flow normally without interruption. Stefan hadn't noticed it with him so many questions

-How much is it on my face? How did I not even notice it?-

Stefan thought that he didn't believe he was wearing a mask might seem like an exaggeration on his part anymore. He didn't even feel the mask on his face or his head was already getting used to it. Either that mask had been put on for her comfortable or at least not at all uncomfortable. Stefan at the same time starts trying to tear off the mask however. She doesn't come out so he tries to take the rope that held her in his face but it wasn't a thread he felt but a leather. It's a hooking from the top of his head to the black pads of his ears but he realized he hit a lock. A safety lock that held her to Stefan only made him desperate

-Like this?! Who is that?!-

Stefan thought trying in every way to pull out that more unsuccessfully then in his last attempts. He takes his knife now he would destroy. The mask however no scratches looked like the knife did nothing on the mask he stabbed the mask harder now anyway nothing. So he tried to cut the leather with the knife but it didn't make a scratch. None in that frustration he cut even some of his hair not much more strands. Which showed that the knife was not defective, but the mask was resistant. Then, frustrated, he gives up and rests his hand on the wall. He tries to calm down and think about how to get it out of his head.

-what the fuck is this made of? Is there a key around here to get it out? ... why did someone put this on me? Wasn't it to blind me to incriminate myself with someone's crime?... no If it were, I wouldn't put you in love, I'd just make it clear that they put in force-

Stefan thought questioning himself about the mask may seem just a mask plus the person who put it on. There has to be a reason for that Stefan didn't see a reason for it The fact of trying to frame someone And a guess though. That wouldn't be possible With him tied up in the middle of corpses but he was more concerned. Aiming at this mask is either evil or not. Many questions filled Stefan's head when... one of the doors near Stefan opens at the same time Stefan Cautiously wields his knife in his hand, preparing for a possible fight. Stefan sneaks beside the door silently to catch the person by surprise but he hears footsteps that were not entering but getting farther and farther away. Who or what was leaving then Stefan Stick your head out to see who was there... I couldn't see the person perfectly because it was a little dark and the person seemed to be... how can we say black no like most black as dark which led to the understanding that the dark prevented the person from seeing properly. Stefan doesn't even know if he was in his clothes to be honest but Stefan felt something strange seemed like he recognized him. But not in a good way because it was the same person who appeared in her dream. The person who said go and he didn't feel a good presence of her which made him be more cautious then before entering the room he forced his ears to hear his footsteps or he didn't notice any more steps. So he enters the room at his entrance the room was super dark. There was no light so he started looking for a switch to see the place. When he finally feels a switch in his fingers he turns on the light and the room reveals itself well... it was simply an arsenal of weapons. There were no weapons there to make it clear but there were several holsters and magazines as well as places to hang used weapons and cartridges, which made it easy to understand that it was an arsenal but without weapons. But this only made Stefan much more apprehensive and cautious as the kidnapper or kidnappers could be armed to the teeth and a knife wasn't going to be enough. Stefan as he walked across the room to the other door was thinking about how to steal one of the guns to get a better backup. Even with just a knife, the element of surprise could be useful at this time, but this should be thought of later. Stefan couldn't get so many doubts out of his head he tried to find answers. But without success

-why. Why?... all this weaponry, what are they planning because I was kidnapped. if I was really kidnapped... Am I someone important to this?-

Stefan thought of each answer more as I have already spoken without answers. reaching the door that led to a possible other room Stefan leans his head against the door. To know if there was any noise... more just the silence he heard nothing words steps nothing, but it was good in the sight of him holding the doorknob His hands even with gloves were cold or because of anxiety in his body. Or because of the nervousness he went through. Opening the door he with some suspicion still of possible danger puts his head to show again which is to bend. To see if there was anyone where the room led. Nobody. No living presence stroking like that with her knife in her hand in a fighting stance. He cautiously enters with it so he realizes what room he was in. It was a room with a ladder that led further up, relax, it didn't seem like a big ladder but it wasn't just the ladder had another door and a hallway too. Stefan starts to calm down and tries to see around for a possible exit or near as well. The door leading to another room was barricaded as the hallway. someone moved a lot of furniture so no one could get through. So Stefan didn't have much option was to go up or nothing so he goes near the stairs when. Trim trim a phone. Yes a phone starts ringing from upstairs Stefan starts running upstairs because that phone could help him out. The thrill inside him of hope was good. But he had to be careful who he was calling because it was someone not very good. Stefan then gets to the phone and... he starts to think if he would answer it or not but he already decides he would. Being thus attended


A Stefan was at its most impetuous silence. Stefan wanted to know who would be calling to make sure it was someone to trust the most. Neither side spoke anything 1 minute of silence bore you when. When he finally Stefan breaks the silence


Stefan said hoping that the person would respond and actually responded more...


Laugh silently and at the same time calmly the person on the other end of the call. But it sounded like a woman's voice But somehow in some very strange way it sounded familiar to that one. voice to Stefan and then end the call

-Fuck that... Argh better call the police soon since not. I have memories...-

Stefan thought with the phone in his hand, still holding it tightly thanks to the atmosphere that that phone call gave him. A strange feeling so to speak so he starts calling the police which was his only option. But he realizes that there are no digits on that phone. None were all torn out by force... whoever did this prevented Stefan from calling any service or help so this phone was completely useless. Also Stefan realizes that they knew of his possible escape.


Stefan thought a little distressed and irritated by that too. With that Stefan knowing he couldn't call anyone so he didn't want the possible kidnapped. If they existed they could use the phone Then Stefan cuts the wires. To impede communication maybe that wouldn't help much but what could it do. Stefan then starts looking for the exit Arriving at a corridor he had at the end of the stairs. One thing he notices is that the hallway simply had curtains. And there were curtains right at his entrance. Don't ask me why. Entering the hallway Stefan starts the hallway walkway that had a peculiar light. A violet red light but with a little lack of light leaving the corridor dark. Still Stefan continued but he was more cautious now. Because if they took out the digits, it only meant that they knew about him on the loose, whoever they were. Which gave him a chill as well as a little mental strain making him no way to drop the knife in his hand. There was no way he could understand the reason for all that more and more questions arose and answers died. Stefan then finally arrives at the end of that corridor that led to a room in what appeared to be a living room. The width size was medium by taking and the height was quite big. Unlike what Stefan has seen of tidy places so far here it looked like. Everything was abandoned had several furniture covered with white fabric. Indicating that they were ready for a change or that they weren't to be moved. But there was one thing in the living room that interested him a lot. An elevator. An elevator that went up and down your door was not a very common elevator door. It was a door with what looked like bars that opened and closed. Stefan takes advantage of an elevator and goes towards him. The steps of the room showed the same as the stairs with corpses nearby the sound did not make things comforting at all but Stefan as he walked he hears... footsteps. Quick and hurried steps which left him a little scared he immediately hides. Behind a couch so as not to be seen and just tilt your head to see who was coming. The steps increased and by the pace the person was clearly running. Whoever Stefan was immediately prepared his knife for possible combat. And then the person finally arrives. It was a man Probably 20 years old in everyday clothes he looked startled by his movements Stefan immediately realizes he had something peculiar. Yes he was also wearing a mask and yes too. It was the strength Stefan realizes that that person was probably also in the same situation as Stefan was.

-So there are other possible kidnappers like me?. But why? Who is he to end this too?! Does he also have no memory?.-

Stefan thought apprehensively about who the person was and what was really going on. But he keeps paying attention to what was going to happen and sees the person hiding behind a corner of the room.

-What is he hiding from?.-

Stefan thought with one more question in his head but now a little smarter because if the person was hiding from someone. That wasn't a good sign. Leaving him with a little anxiety but controlled not to rush. Then Stefan starts to hear footsteps. High, coordinated steps different from the person who had run. It looked like whoever was taking steps now wasn't running like he didn't need to. The sound of the footsteps grew louder and with each of them the tension between Stefan and the other person increased even though they were not aware of the presence of the other. And Stefan was now able to see who that person was hiding from. Slowly his silhouette appeared, little by little, coming out from behind the wall in Stefan's vision. And then we have this person's appearance. He was wearing a black robe that looked like it had been burnt but that covered up to or near his feet even with a robe he had more garments underneath. But one of his arms and one of his legs. They had no clothing With the leg at the most to the ankle and underneath including the foot nothing. Like Ian's arm, Ian garments up close to his elbow and only more of his hands had gloves on. with the hood that prevented him from seeing his face. How he also held a cane in one hand. Not one of the elderly and it didn't even look like he needed it. But the part that held the cane had contrived. The dragon's head was made of metal while the rest was the normal black color. The decoration with the architecture is very beautiful. But his appearance was very very strange...his skin was super black Not black like brown but black like... Like pure black and again didn't look black like skin tone It was a shade that. It looked like he didn't have skin you know and that was the shape of his body just... it's too complicated for you to explain and like it was the vacuum black with .... but in other parts of the body for what I i can say looked like rock. So a rock that merged with the completely gray body that made its appearance even stranger. Anyway, going on Stefan could perfectly see this mysterious man as well as the person who was hiding.

-Who... who is he? It's not possible he's human-

Stefan thought as he kept his head bowed seeing the situation the likely appearance of that man's skin was what scared Stefan. I told you his skin didn't look human. The man continued walking but looking around to find out where the person was. Who was running away from him and what it looked like. The victim was very, very scared. For your reasons that showed anxiety is quite fear. When the man starts heading towards the victim's hideout immediately Miriam despairs. And she picks up a vase of flowers planning an attack. with every step Stefan and the other person grew more distressed. Since the situation was so tense the victim was clearly holding his breath to keep from surrendering. While the man walked in coordinated steps to hear possible slip and Stefan watching everything happen without having an idea of ​​what was going to happen next right. And then boom the void is broken over the man's head immediately the victim starts running with all his strength. To the door where Stefan came from. Stefan prepares for the two to pass him the victim was already 17 meters from the man he was escaping. when Slim... a sword is driven from behind the victim through to his chest Stefan sees everything sees everything perfectly and realizes how the man took him. Teleportation. Exactly that mysterious man teleported to the victim and his murder weapon... in reality where he took the sword was from his own cane that in reality the cane hid that long and sharp blade. The man continued with the sword/cane piercing the person. The poor man's body was bleeding like never before. He moaned in pain. The whole blood was pooling in a small puddle on the floor, a grim scene. Stefan while looking hidden all that he was in complete shock. And dread. Not only for the murderous barbarity, but also to see in some real dust the person teleporting. This was without a doubt the worst. An assassin with powers if that wasn't bad luck I don't know what was. The man then begins to lift the body with the blade still embedded holding the blade. Immediately he throws the body to the wall. An inhuman act. The body then hits the wall. Ours now has blood everywhere having blood stains here there. Stefan also realized that the assassin had an unusual strength, too. He didn't even use another hand to throw the body. Just one. What made the situation worse… Stefan now realized that it was better not to make any surprise attacks because now he had an idea of ​​his possible end. Luckily so far he managed to keep himself hidden without attracting attention which gave him an advantage because at that moment the silence and the shadows would be his strongest allies... the killer then realizing that the work was done he then calmly leaves wherever Stefan had come. Stefan is now a little calmer as he was already leaving all he needed to do was not make a noise or be seen. The steps of the assassins each gave a little shiver. Stefan was the most focused on staying hidden rather than hiding he was trying to get to another entrance to the hall but cautiously and silently. So Stefan, crouched behind the furniture, tries to get past the mysterious man. And he was doing well because The man didn't even seem to suspect something which was very good. The two continued until the exits it looked like Stefan was going to come out unscathed and that gave him a lot of relief. Stefan kept sneaking in a crouch. Almost there he was close to the exit just a little while longer. Stefan slips. Well then he slips in the blood of the victim from which he slips for a moment. Immediately he leans on the armchair beside him so as not to fall over. Without wanting to push her, it's as if it wasn't enough there was a table in front of her, which even though she didn't hit so hard a vase on the table fell... what bad luck. At that moment, if the sound of the chair moving wasn't enough, the vase falling was the worst. For now the mysterious man listening to the sound. From the breaking vase he stops walking and stands silently. Stefan immediately enters a total coke, the desperation completely consumed me. Not for the hands that were now bloody but now for the fear of being found. Stefan then tries to listen for steps to see if he would look for him. The mysterious man then. He didn't move he was just silent Stefan looked at him from the corner of the armchair A long and slow silencer consumed that situation the two were standing there waiting for something. so the man

-Hahahaha(low laugh)-

The man laughed, who then immediately threw his sword at Stefan e. It doesn't hit Stefan but that one plays ours. Stefan didn't even see him throwing his blade it was as if he had thrown it at super sonic speed. It was really very very very fast. The speed was monstrously human. And precision Stefan doesn't even know how that deviation from it was literally a miracle he got it wrong since gun precision was stuck in the wall. Just a few millimeters close to Stefan. The man then starts walking towards where the sound had come from. And Stefan was now not knowing what to do that man was coming

-Shit! Shit! Shit!. What do I do I get the blade?! What if he kills me first or it doesn't matter if the blade runs away?! He already got that guy will he get me too?!-

Stefan was so unsure of what to do he didn't even have any idea all the possibilities gave to death and the ones that didn't didn't exist. The man was coming and Stefan with his bloody hands going up to his head and crouching with his back bent showed how lost he was at that time. His arpeggio despair consumed him The man was almost there now or never either he found a way out or he died the same way the other person died. And then The man looks behind the armchair and. Slim Stefan immediately stabs the man's throat immediately the man startled him staggering in pain from the knife. Stefan knowing of his superhuman abilities. He takes the opportunity to run away from there earlier just to make sure he doesn't get caught. He takes the man's sword and immediately sticks it in his leg wounded by its weakest parts he can't even move right anymore and staggers in pain. Stefan seizes and runs. Run as fast as you can to the exit run as fast as you can to get to the elevator your life depended more than ever on getting to the elevator the man very much human was already recovered so grab your sword and go after Stefan. Now or never the elevator doors were open Stefan was very nearly there, emotion was consuming him inside and his survival instincts made him run like never before. Until he manages to jump into the elevator. Stefan didn't have time to celebrate the man was coming. He had to close the doors as fast as he could. Then he squeezes the elevator door shut like never before. And then the elevator closes but for very, very little even though the man almost catches Stefan. For very almost the same The man is just slashing at the elevator door tries to break the bars however. before he can do that the elevator goes down and finally Stefan is safe. Well at least for now you never know but Stefan then sits on the dirty and dusty floor of the elevator but that was the least of it for him. He then relaxes his body, mind and soul as the danger has passed. And relief came soon after but with a little shock of fear still but it was going to pass. Stefan then with his hand resting on his ankle still a little in shock, try to take some air to relax his body after all this. So he start thinking

-More than shit. Who was that guy?! It was he who m- no, he had a man's voice because of his laughter... is there a woman accomplice with him then? How is it possible for him to be so invincible?!... and who am I?.-

Stefan thought of a precise answer to all that shit happened who was that man because he was going through all that?... and who was he questions that didn't give answers all that didn't make sense he didn't even know the reason that guy did it all that one. It felt like the world had stopped as he stood in his mind completely thoughtful. Waiting for possible answers but nothing. As Stefan kept in his mind Trim the sound of elevator doors opening. It wasn't a very gratifying sound as Stefan was now being hunted by someone probably. But there wasn't much to do. The sound of the door opening was like the snap of fingers snapping someone out of a trance. Mental. Dropping Stefan from her mind for a brief moment. Stefan Then slowly exits the elevator Because now he was smart about the murderer. You never knew if he was still after him. Or if he literally was after him. Or he was yet to arrive.

-Is he here? Has he arrived here yet?-

Stefan thought very apprehensive if the killer was in that parking lot as he teleported and was subhumanly fast. Very very fast. To imagine that at any moment he could die without even seeing his death. Just thinking about where the killer might be or if he was just waiting for Stefan to calm down before attacking. If he really was hiding waiting for Stefan to get wet to attack. It would be the cruelest turnaround possible for him. And then Stefan realizes where he has arrived. It was a parking lot. An underground parking lot whose roof had concrete close to the floor. Parking lots. So far so good, except... the parking lot was in chaos, with thousands of wrecked cars, dented or simply. Cut some with cut scratches, others cut in half. Others who were on fire. The strangest were the cut ones as they didn't seem to have been made with blades. In fact they looked like yes only not thin blades but more pointed. Kind of wasn't common objects like for example sword knife no no. It's complicated to say as if they weren't sword and knife shapes, you know?. And the worst people killed tens of thousands of corpses each dead in an even worse way the other lost arms some were killed halfway through. Vertical horizontal as you can imagine... the worst part was that it wasn't just normal dead people. There were children in the middle of this bloodbath. C-R-I-N-C-A-S. Including teenagers or preschoolers. this led Stefan to believe that the person who did all this didn't. The least bit of remorse. Killing all these people. THE LEAST... Stefan felt a pity for the youngest dead gave a real remorse along with a certain shock at the brutality. whoever did this did it most willingly, no matter the souls of those who killed were evil souls. Or people so innocent and that they hadn't even grown and developed with life. This is never understandable.

-Was he the one who did all this?!... if he did then he didn't use the sword, none of the cuts on the bodies are fine. Like the person in the mask.-

Stefan thought, wondering about the cut marks. Both the bodies and the cars. Stefan didn't see signs of anything other than violent acts, I mean any kind of abuse with the bodies, you know?. Not even those of women to make it clear what left him more in doubt than why all that killing was all that was used for... an interesting thing to note was that. There were some bodies that also had the mask that Stefan wore not all but some. Which gave him more questions that.

-Damn nobody could even stop him? Who were these masked people?-

Stefan thought as more questions arose. One after another even more so with the masks on these dead people and... the masks were also stuck on their heads. Which reinforced that they didn't use it because they wanted to... but Stefan noticed something interesting about the concrete walls. There were gunshot marks all over the place. Stefan starts to see these marks

-Were there armed people in the middle of all this?-

Stefan thought, looking at the gunshots. From what he could understand Stefan had come up with 3 Hypotheses. The first that dispatches cities with well-armed forces and the second that dispatches police on the spot at the time of the incident. And the third that the culprit while slicing everyone up. He had a firearm. Well, I'll sum it up in detail Stefan didn't believe he was ordinary people. Well then. First, it is difficult for someone to have the right to carry a firearm on the street. But let's pretend it's a bad guy who had it. Usually ordinary people with firearms are revolvers. Because usually no one does weapons training. The revolver doesn't need one as it's easy to handle and not complicated. And it aviates a lot of shot marks for the revolver because it's a weapon with limited ammunition, it's 6 or 8 shots. That a handgun normally has. And the walls had a total of 40 marks of shots would need 5 revolvers shooting for all that. You can reload but even with a quick reload Stefan. He saw the assassin's speed of teleporting fill up. Do you already understand? So this hypothesis is not likely that the killer is armed. If he really was armed, no shot would be wrong and they accept the bodies of people with bullet wounds. Not to mention when the assassin threw his blade at Stefan and Stefan nearly died. Not only for a sinister precision as its speed, so you already know an unlikely hypothesis. Stefan came to the conclusion that the police were there at the time of the incident. For pistols are the only weapons that police have at least civilian. Because they train to use without the ones with the greatest amount of bullets and the shots didn't seem like it. From juveniles who didn't know how to handle weapons. Finally Stefan with this more acceptable hypothesis starts looking for a car. Because if the cops died then Stefan might find a weapon and be able to maybe deal with the killer. Well Stefan start looking where the shots were fired and it didn't take long for him to find 2 vehicles. Two civil police vehicles along with a dead police officer. Stefan felt some relief with anguish of getting a gun right away or agony whatever. So Stefan starts checking the dead policeman's body. checking the policeman's body didn't avia gun just didn't have. Not in the holster.

-What? How does he have nothing? Someone must have taken his gun in desperation. Damn it!...-

Stefan thought that then he thinks about checking the vehicles. Only he didn't have their keys. So he takes the keys from the dead policeman and presses for one of the cars to open and... one of the cars makes the beep confirming that the keys open Stefan then without any pretext. He opens the car door and he finds... a pistol in the glove compartment... at that moment Stefan then checks the pistol magazine. In the anxiety of the weapon being usable or having bullets. There was no clip on the simple gun so at that moment Stefan could feel his relief being completely dissected alive. And life does not give you something good without taking it right away and making you cry. But seriously. Stefan searches every corner of the vehicle for a magazine with ammo to use. But nothing but coffee and donuts. Stefan takes the opportunity to drink the coffee not to taste it. But to know your temperature. The coffee was still hot which reinforces the idea in his mind that this massacre. It happened early yet. That was pretty bad if you weren't the responsible killer. The other culprit could still be there. Stefan then opens the trunk to see if he could find anything useful. Well the most he found was several "medicines" pills along with a powder and syringes that were probably confiscated drugs and a briefcase. with evidence of crime that might have a gun inside by the sound. That Stefan was moving it. But it had a password. If that wasn't bad luck I don't know what it is. Well they aviam too. A small box of pistol bullets. Stefan enjoys and opens up and well. Only five bullets were fired, the rest had been taken out. Among all these things there is literally a comb to use. Stefan was frustrated by this. But nothing was lost yet send the other car to see. Okay, he didn't have the key but with his frustration. He was just going to break the window and fuck Stefan it was better to cut himself than get killed by a killer he didn't even know. Stefan while walking to the car

-You better have a comb in that fucking car...Although I can radio for help. But it would take a lot of time and something I didn't-

His thoughts are immediately interrupted by an explosion That he can hear perfectly but it wasn't an explosion. It was actually just not the one you think but it was a concrete wall. Literally being broken by force along with the shove of some cars with the impact of concrete. Stefan immediately starts to hide behind a pillar in the parking lot. And he starts tilting his head to see what it was.

-IT'S NOT POSSIBLE! He's already got here-

Stefan thought when once again his thoughts are interrupted only this time by his own shock. He sees that it wasn't actually the assassin who had arrived there, but another creature. Well her appearance is very hussar but I'll try to explain. It was a creature of likely 10 feet or even more than that. That literally was made of human bodies the creature walked on 2 but you can't consider that it had feet because they were fused human bodies, you know, having in one of its "arms" a revolving will. I'm not kidding a revolving one. Which explained the cuts to cars and bodies. And well the creature even being made of bodies. She only had four heads having the first one in the middle that looked like a woman's head, the second a man's head, the third also a man's and the fourth one too, only those heads were. Alive and smiling to them not only smiling but laughing. In a very bizarre way. As all the heads were with eyes totally torn out, it only has the ocular parts.


Stefan thought petrified just by seeing the creature. One point to note is that the voice. The voice of the woman head. It was similar to the voice Stefan heard on the call... as if all that wasn't enough, right. The creature didn't seem to know of Stefan's presence as it was just walking around, probably looking for a living being to then kill. Stefan expected the killer but this thing was the least... and the worst. Stefan definitely couldn't think in shock yet. Together. With your heartbeat racing like never before. Now Stefan needed more than ever to get out of there. not to mention that a beautiful avia of an assassin who could probably show up at any time

-What is this monster?!... was it sent by that guy?!. If it's gone then he's not after me... who cares! I have to get away from here!-

Stefan thought planning an immediate escape route. Even still a little in shock he looks for anything that could help him at that time. But he notices.

-THE CAR! How did I not think about it!? I have the keys to I just need to get to it... and hope it works...-

Stefan thought now having a pure feeling of relief along with an anxiety due to his fear. The police vehicle could even work however. They send marks from the creature's attacks. Would the vehicle really work? Or would he go to his own death?... doubts that made him rethink this tactic. But while he thought the creature was already starting to attack vehicles for lack of living beings. He couldn't stay hidden forever in that Pillar. One time or another the creature would come here and then we would have a delicacy Stefan with ground beef. But being serious on all sides it makes a risk. Not going by car stefan had a risk going to the car also had a risk. Stefan then would have to make a really difficult car decision or not?...

-It's in God's hands...-

Stefan still thought very anxious and very suspicious if it would work but there was no better option. So he went. Stefan ran until he reached the car although it wasn't very far, the sound of Stefan's footsteps was enough for the creature to hear. And start turning around. Stefan immediately takes the keys from his pocket and inside the vehicle starts to turn it on. And the car wasn't making good contact, the vehicle's lights had turned on but the engine didn't seem to be working well. Stefan then tries as hard as he can to make the vehicle work. The creature had already sensed Stefan's presence. And now that thing was laughing . . . but in a darker and louder way than macabre. And then runs towards Stefan at this point the car should have been running but so far nothing Stefan then starts to panic. He was trying to make the vehicle work at all costs.

-GO! please!-

Stefan hadn't even thought now but spoke but in a low voice thanks to desperation. Was this the end of Stefan? After all this was here his death?. The vehicle was still not working and the creature was getting closer and closer. At this time Stefan decides one last try if he didn't take it now he would run as far away from there.

-Last now go!-

Stefan thought with butterflies in his stomach. The creature was almost there. It was now or never and then. the car interconnected

-YEA!!! YEA!!!-

Stefan screamed in the greatest possible relief. Never in his life without memory has he ever had this feeling. Now the creature was about to attack Stefan with the huge wax. Stefan then reverses. Dodge the attack that marked the floor of the parking lot. immediately Stefan then Goes at full speed with the vehicle like never before.

-EBA!! Take that damn!-

His heart was. In the greatest possible emotion he had ever felt so alive. Stefan then at full speed. Start to dodge the vehicles just ahead. Meanwhile the creature behind him was clinging to the speed of his vehicle. Making it look like a race of two super fast cars. Stefan sees the exit from that parking lot. Finally he would be free. In addition to being spared from being killed, he would flee from that place. How much satisfaction he could feel and the air in the vehicle windows only made things better.

-Okay calm down. I just need to get to the exit so I'll get help. Police or military anything that can help me against this thing. Or I can just lose it. And find help from who I am since I'm without my memories.-

Stefan thought already planning his next steps of what he was going to do. As soon as he lost that thing he would get help. Immediately Stefan exits the parking lot... and he witnesses the most horrible scene possible. Buildings giant structures crumbling earthquakes after each other parts of the ground crumbling. Stefan realizes that behind him there is a huge mansion from which he likely escaped. But everything else was falling apart...

-You're a bastard-

Stefan. He didn't even have time to think when the creature was still after him. Immediately he hits the gas pedal and begins the cat and mouse chase. Stefan with parts of the cabal falling apart on the way had a very serious disadvantage. Running out of many alternatives. Stefan then, with his foot on the accelerator, opens the gate by force and starts to run away like never before. A very interesting thing to notice. The assassin was there on the top floor outside watching their escape. He was standing up there just seeing what he was seeing without interruption. And then there's a teleport disappearing. Stefan meanwhile continued with the car accelerating as never before. Even having that vehicle in his favor the creature showed a certain intelligence. For example when Stefan went to a street the creature took a faster route to get to him. This made it very difficult. Boom more and more cracks in the middle of the road that totally blocked the direct avenue. Stefan then takes the left avenue as a shortcut. After passing by the left avenue it seems that the creature is no longer behind him. Is it because of the giant cracks that blocked the way or gave up? Stefan didn't know if he had any cracks in the back for it but who cared.

-UFA. Now and only

Thoughts of it are instantly interrupted when the creature reveals itself and knows how?. Exactly on top of the building just ahead that immediately jumps to try to hit Stefan's vehicle with its rotating will. Fortunately the creature misses but it was very, very close indeed. Like almost the vehicle was split in half that jump scared Stefan a lot for a moment that almost didn't swerve, just swerved but very little. I said that creature was smart I say.

-This thing is kidding me. If this continues, my gas will run out!... So is that what you want? Let me use up my gas. I have to get rid of this thing and fast! But with-

Again thoughts of him are interrupted only not by the creature. But by a crane. Stefan notices that the big crane on the right seemed to be losing balance and was about to fall.

-NOW THIS! DRUG I HAVE TO PASS BEFORE THE CRANE FALLS OFF!. But is it if it kills that thing?-

Stefan thought with Ambition in its planning as the creature was still ambitious to catch Stefan. The plan to kill the creature was simple but very advantageous and if done correctly would be of great value to Stefan. And then Stefan starts accelerating he had to get the timing right if he wanted to succeed. Nothing could fail the crane to speed the creature in keeping up with the car nothing. The creature also speeds up its pace of para steps. accompany Stefan

-This comes to your death.-

Stefan thought with confidence placed in this plan was a risk that yes, but he saw no other options. The crane was already about to drop Stefan as fast as he could at that moment... the crane was about to crash into the ground it was now or never Stefan had to get rid of that creature now or never. So Stefan manages to pass the crane at the same time he looks in the rearview mirror to make sure that the creature is dead. Immediately when the creature notices the crane it tries to dodge but. It fails and so the crane crushes the living creature, leaving its saw on the ground with its spreading blood. That thing was definitely dead. Finally. Stefan felt very well relieved as he could also feel a weight on his back leave once maybe it was the desperation of the creature to kill him I think. But the fact is that that monster is now finally gone

-Very well now the peri-

again Stefan's thoughts are interrupted with a piece of building falling in front of the road.

-You better find a safe place before I turn to mashed potatoes.-

Stefan thought that in fact he was right the city was self-destroying he doesn't know why but he needed somewhere safe and fast. Luckily luck was on his side Stefan finds a tunnel. That it was connected with the highway the tunnel was underground yes that was fact if it was safe good it doesn't avia certainty but other options don't. Stefan then with his vehicle goes up the tunnel... and well see cars in the middle of the tunnel some dead but nothing to worry Stefan at least not something like dying to the crane. Stefan then has a surprise. The car's engine stops but not because it failed but because of the gas... exactly the fuel ran out and Stefan didn't have a gas station nearby but that didn't matter at the moment. Stefan then starts to think a bit

-Ok... let me review I woke up in an "abandoned" mansion or I didn't find a murderer a murderous creature and on top of that the two were armed with blades. I have a fucking mask locked up not my face. An apocalypse is happening in the city. What the fuck is all this for?!... are there people still alive?-

The questions only increased and the doubts also in Stefan's mind. What I was seeing in all that was not normal at all is one of the doubts was if there was still someone alive in all this pyrotechnics. Fortunately, how to know. The police radio. Yes in the vehicle Stefan was in, avia a hybrid radio in the car. The question was whether it would work but it was better to try than just thinking everyone was dead... I'm even depressing now that.

-Hi hello testing gear? Hello is there a cop on the line, anyone?-

No answer the radio's hiss was his only answer so far, but Stefan wasn't going to stop until he had some proof of life or until he was convinced that he wasn't calling anyone.

-Hello, is anyone there?.-

Again unresponsive only the squeak that was high-pitched and loud. Stefan intended to continue until he knew if he sent anyone alive when.


Aaaaahhhh you had to have seen Stefan's relief when he heard a woman's voice speaking on the radio it was a huge relief as it gave Stefan excited anxiety he starts talking over the top


Stefan then when he starts talking he stops listening to the voice on the other side that... hears this

-Hello you called voicemail at the moment the authorities are not on duty if your case is in desperate need of help 3 to call the military police if your case is partially complicated enter 2 for civil police to help if you are dealing with a digital kidnapping -

At the same time Stefan started the tip with force on the police radio. When Stefan realized that it was just the generic programmed voice answering him he was in absolute shock never that he expected it. Is that what's left of the outside world? Just an artificial voice for company? Wow, that was the hardest and most hopeless turnaround I've ever seen in my life. Nor did Stefan believe it when he heard it. When Stefan finishes punching the police radio he just stays in a fetal position in the chair, not sad anymore but not knowing what to do now. He had in mind that he was probably the last conscious living being on earth still alive.


Stefan thought now irritated as hopeless and furthermore not knowing what was going on. Like what that killer wanted because he had powers did he do something to Stefan? Perhaps. With the whole city? Stefan didn't have any answers for that only he could figure it out but. How?... Stefan then tries not to delve into that that doesn't give an answer and starts to get out of the car because he needed a clip for the pistol he got. Yes he kept it in his pocket.

-Well if it's the apocalypse that I'll have to learn to survive, I won't be unarmed.-

It was a somewhat tactical thought although it doesn't open humans could birds more of that monster Stefan fled or even worse?. Impossible to say but completely possible to open up more than one monster. Maybe even worse to be honest I think I already said that. Finally Stefan checks the other vehicles for ammo and clips for his weapon. There aren't many vehicles to explore, just a few here and there finally Stefan walks to the first vehicle. It was an ordinary car. Like a car without something important or amazing was blue and Stefan checks the vehicle The glove box doesn't do anything. Checking the trunk... well they'll fill some luggage here but no clip for your pistol

-Okay, let's go to the other one.-

Stefan thought immediately going to the next vehicle. It was a black van with an open trunk. Checking the van also not much Stefan checking the trunk finds shopping bags which probably came from the supermarket but nothing for his gun The next vehicle was older type was a 1972 Beetle of green color and well I'll be straight nothing in this vehicle as well. At this point Stefan was a little frustrated about it.

-It would be much easier if you heard a car around here.-

Stefan thought still a little frustrated with this but who said it would be easy right anyway Stefan then goes to his 4 vehicle but he hears a truck horn... a truck was coming to the tunnel is this any kind of luck for Stefan? At this time Stefan is even a little emotional. A little bit because if it's something Stefan had in mind and what you've already learned in apocalypse movies. And that you can't always trust others but it's not like he has much choice. So Stefan immediately goes in the middle of the road so that the truck driver could notice his presence. Stefan prepares the pistol hidden under his shirt. If you needed a cattail that wouldn't do much good, but to threaten if Stefan was in danger, it would. He just couldn't show the gun without a clip that was death. Finally Stefan waved his hands for help. He was already prepared in case of this bad

-Okay, let's see if he's nice...-

Stefan was still thinking with butterflies in his stomach about who the person would be at that moment... but avia something very strange was coming a light. Not quite a headlamp that you know. It was another light. At that point when Stefan is finally able to see the truck he immediately realizes the danger. The truck was on fire from behind and it was a clear, obvious gas truck. And he was about to blow Stefan up at the same time, his survival instinct screams like never for him to run away. And then he runs to the opposite side of the truck. Going deeper into the tunnels he ran with all his strength from there before that truck boomed. He is able to see a light at the end of the tunnel. It doesn't take long to know what the light was. He comes across a cliff a cliff that once had a bridge that connected the tunnel but now the bridge was destroyed. And pear impossible to reach now. Stefan had to make an impossible decision Should he jump? Or stay there until the truck explodes?


Here Stefan was by no means able to have emotional control he now had two ways to die from falling off the cliff or being torn to pieces by the truck choices impossible to decide. It wasn't long before the truck was arriving, it was a matter of time before it exploded. If there is some way for him to survive the cliff yes however even with the river to cushion the fall. The impact would do very deadly damage to his body while the explosion if he survived he would die painfully from the shrapnel. In that case it didn't avia any longer the truck was now very close and was probably not an expert but was probably about to explode Stefan didn't know what to do everything was death. Everything. The truck crashes close to Stefan and the cliff was now jump or explode and so Stefan makes his decision. He jumps Stefan jumps to the cliff and he hears the explosion happen