
Uh, this shit is going to be boring! It's the same shit every time, drink, dance, and have boring-ass conversations. Let me get in line so I can get this over with.

(He sees Wynter, Envie, and Rogue walk in the ballroom)

I see two women walk inside the ballroom, one has a lime ball gown on and the other has on a puffy yellow. I don't think I've ever seen them before at these events, but then again I don't really pay attention. Wait my eyes must be playing tricks on me is that sweets?! The girl turns around and winks at me and walks through the doors. I feel like I've been paralyzed, I-It's really Rogue! Haha, I found her!

"Sir, you can go in now," said the guard. "Yeah thanks," I replied walking in. The two ladies with Rouge went their separate ways, so I stayed a good distance behind Rogue as I followed her. I grabbed a drink from the waitress, it looked like it was a Tom Collins. Heh, one of my favorites. I sip it as I watch Rogue from afar, but I can barely take watching from a distance so I finish my drink and I walk up to her group and grab her arm.

"Excuse me let go," whisper-yelled Rogue. I didn't reply and walked to the bathroom. I released her and she stumbled into the room with an angry look on her face speaking as she began to turn around. "Who the hell do you think you ar-" She stopped as she gasped upon my face.

"What's up, sweets?"

"Where have you been?!"

"Around. But most importantly what are you doing here, this isn't The Mermaidens-" she cut me off.

"I'm here on business, but I missed you," she said quietly cupping my face with her hands. She knows I'll never be able to resist her touch, not after all these years we've known each other. I grab her by her waist closer to me and I peer into her black eyes as they draw me in. She gets me so worked up!

"You know what I've also missed besides you, obviously," I saw as I grin a little bit.

"What's that baby boy," she says licking those luscious lips.

"Your body," I growl kissing her with force. She kisses back with the same force tugging the bottom of my lip with her teeth for entrance. I opened my mouth slightly as our tongues swirled together. I grabbed her ass pulling her closer, as she wrapped her hands around my neck pressing her body on mine. God, I missed her.


Oh my god, I missed his kisses so much! His tongue piercing, his teasing, and that dark, curly hair. As I lose myself in the kiss and wrap my arms around his neck and pull him close. Only, to hear Envie say, "Guys, she bout to make the speech, five minutes and go time lets round up".

I pull back from the kiss, heavy breathing and all. As he looks back at me catching his breath also watching me with those lustful eyes. "I got to go duty calls, but it really is too bad since we were only just getting started," I say running my hands down his chest stopping at his waist teasing him.

He groans and we get fixed up exchange numbers and I open the door departing saying, "Bye baby boy may we see each other again". I hear a faint "bye sweets" as I go to meet up with the girls.

⁂⁑⁎3rd person pov⁎⁑⁂

Rogue and Wynter walk up to the middle of the ballroom where Envie was waiting. "So, we ready," asked Envie looking at the two girls next to her. "I guess let's get this over with," says Rogue trying to keep Aziel off her mind. "Well here I go," Wynter states nodding at them making her way to the now-alone President Sanity, as his 2nd hand makes her way to the podium.

The other girls break up again going to their places according to the plan.

Here we go...