Prologue: A Cat Café

"And that's our lesson for today" The teacher happily said. "Please study hard for Exams, and have a safe trip back home, everyone"

The class said, in unison, «Goodbye, Sensei!»

Then, everyone began taking their stuff; books, bags, left-over snacks, everything.

I took my bag and started reaching out for the door, but then I was stopped.

"Oi, oi, Atsushi! You're going home early again?" My classmate, Kunoichi asked.

"The girls are going! You could probably find a girl you like, you know?" He insisted, playful, yet trying to convince me to go with them.

"Ah, sorry, Kunoichi-Kun, but I have to get home, you know it's far from here".

That's a lie. My home it's just a train station far from here.

" Aw, man! That sucks, really" He pouted a bit, then smiled at me. "Next time I'll take you somewhere near your house!"

Both of us laughed, although, I was tired of him.

Playing the nice popular guy role isn't my personal favourite, but I must do it to avoid any trouble.

"A-ah! Takafumi-San!" As I was walking in the hall, I heard my name and turned around. "U-Uhm, c-could I tell you something...? In private...?"

I gave the petite girl a kind smile, as I sighed, exhausted from getting confessions, internally. "Sure"

She asked me to follow her, and so I did.

We got to the side of the school, near the fountain, and then the usual sentence came out of her mouth.

"I-I like you!" Her face covered in a pink-ish tone, awkwardly looking, fidgeting with her fingers. "Would- Would you like to d-date me...?" I played out a sincere smile and started the typical lie.

"Sorry... But I'm dating someone already" Was all I said back, and she looked completely out of it. "I'll get going, sorry, and goodbye".

I waved my hand at her as I was heading outside the University Campus and she waved back, with a sad look in her eyes, although with a smile on her face.

I put my eyes on the way I always take back home, and sighed, as no one was around, wanting to get to my favourite cafeteria fast.

" I seriously hate getting so many confessions".

It was not a usual thing you'd hear from a guy, especially someone good-looking as me, but, that's my truth.

I rather spend time for and with myself, as I enjoy simply reading while having a sweet strawberry milkshake at the cafe I love.

The way I take to get there is also beautiful, mostly in this season of the year; Spring. Sakura flowers dancing in the sky is something anyone loves to see.

But it seems like luck wasn't on my side.

"Closed for vacation?" I read out loud the text on the paper taped to the gate of my favourite cafeteria, and then, I feel destroyed, as if I was that one side character that dies to make the main character evolve and grow.

Defeated, I keep my head up and start walking the way back home again, just to get curious by a coloured light right over the left corner by the path.

I take a peak, and it read off ‹Charmed! - Neko Café› from the sign on the road, and a couple of menus from today's selection.

"I can try it out," I thought "It can't be that bad", and said.

I walk my way there and enter the establishment. A charming bell makes a sound.

" Welcome!" I hear, coming from three different voices.

I take a look around, and I enjoy the views of it.

The place got a nice natural colour scheme, full of brown and pinches of green and blue to pop out among the cat toys and decorations.

"Hi! My name is Hirotomo. Choose a table, I'll go get a menu for you right away" The cheerful boy smiled, and I smile back.

I go to the table nearest the cats, who some were playing around with toys, some were sleeping, and others were already with the customers that got here earlier than me.

I smile at the sight, since I always loved cats, ever since I was a kid, but I wasn't allowed to get pets.

"Here" I look where the voice came from, and I see Hirotomo handing me two menus. "The coffee-coloured one is the human one, white one is kitties one" He happily laughed a bit, and I chuckled at his way of formulating the sentence.

I said a subtle «Thank you», and he added, "Call me once you got your order, right?" Then, I nodded.

The menu was prettily decorated, and everything looked nice, yet, I decided on a simple coffee, and to accompany it, a small piece of cake with sweet raspberry icing.

After deciding what I'd take, I took a peek at the cat's menu, being it full of treats for them.

Then, I felt something rub against my leg, and when I looked down, I saw a cute Himalayan cat, and they meowed at me, still rubbing themselves against my leg.

≤· This customer smells nice! Like, like- Vanilla! ·≥

I let out an accidental smile, and try to slowly reach the head of the small creature, and I pet them once they have accommodated to my presence.

"What's your name, sweetheart, I wonder?"

≤· It's Shy! Shy, human! ·≥

They meowed back as if answering my question, so I laughed.

"It's a pleasure to meet you! My name is Takafumi Atsushi" I say back.

"Can I pick you up?" I asked as if the kitty could just go and say something to that.

≤· Yes! Pick me up, up! ·≥

I reach out to them with both my hands and lift them, leaving them in my legs, still petting them, adoring the sensation of their silky smooth fur.

"Ah, Hirotomo, can I take my order?" I call him, as he was cleaning a nearby table.

"Oh, yeah!" He looks back at me and takes a notebook and a pencil out of his apron's pocket, then, he looks amazed for something "Woah, you made up with Shy? I can't believe it! She's so, well Shy" He laughs, and I smile.

≤· Hirotomo! That's because you're loud! Loud! ·≥

"So that was your name, kitty" I play with her ears, and she purs to it.

≤· Yes! Although, I told you before, Takafumi-San! ·≥

"Well, what would you like to order?" Hirotomo said, with a bright smile on his face.

"A normal coffee, with a raspberry cake, please" He took notes of it, and I added "And her favourite treat, too, the price doesn't matter"

"Surely! Would you like to get some art out of cream in your coffee?"

"Uh, sure, it sounds good" I smiled at the shorter boy, and then he left to the way the cake and pastries display part was.

≤· Ah, Takafumi-San! Thanks for the treats! ·≥

Shy started rubbing more and more against me and purring louder, so I giggle and keep petting and playing with her until Hirotomo comes back with our order.