Chapter IV

"...Master's quarters are across from yours and a servant will also be always available outside your room should you need anything at any time of the day or night."

After their exchange, Lucius bid them farewell before returning to the mountains of paperwork that menacingly decorated every corner of his already too wide desk. Theophilus was the one tasked to give Stephanie a grand tour of the manor seeing as he was the estate's steward and the duke's right hand man.

"Lord Lucius expresses his sincerest apologies that he won't be able to join you for supper later as there are urgent matters that he needs to attend to immediately. Rest assured, he will join you for a meal as soon as his workload allows him to do so."

"Please send my thanks to his grace for his care and…" dark brown eyes softened at the sight of the delicate ring that laid on her finger. "...that I'm looking forward to our first meal together"

"Certainly, milady"

Though Stephanie was still a young woman who'd only just recently stepped into adulthood, she understood that reality was honestly far different from fairytales. Marrying for love is the wish of almost every girl, but not all are blessed to enjoy such a union. However, that didn't mean she or anyone else that married for reasons other than love had to be miserable for the rest of their lives. Rather, it simply meant that they had to make the most of the relationship and circumstances given to them.

In her case, the young duchess was grateful to her new husband and the concern he had for her despite the lack of romantic love in their newly formed relationship. Even if what they had wasn't like those fiery romances one sees within the pages of a novel, she still wanted to build a companionship of respect and trust between the two of them. From having her picked up at the Civil Affairs Bureau by his right hand, servants and vassals alike saluting to her as soon as she arrived, understanding that she lacked the education & training needed to run a household and assisting her with that particular issue, and even bestowing upon her an heirloom passed down to every lady of the house, Lord Oswynn proved himself to be a more considerate man than the rumors made him out to be.

Simply put, for all his seemingly impenetrable coldness and taciturn personality, Lucius was a good man and a good husband. That much she could gleam from just their first meeting alone.

After having supper (with Madeline and a host of other servants willing and waiting for any order from her), washing herself and putting on her nightgown with Madeline's help, Stephanie simply stared into nothingness as she laid down on the softest bed she'd ever felt. Her new bedroom was so extravagantly furnished that she couldn't help but wonder if it was really alright for her to live like this when she'd been used to a humble life for as long as she could remember.

"Never be afraid to take the first step. Nothing will change or turn out for the better if you refuse to even take a chance. If you stumble, that's alright. You just have to stand up again, dust off your knees and keep going down the path you've chosen for yourself."

Her late uncle's words rang inside her mind, making her clench her fists as memories of his teachings gave her some semblance of comfort in this new environment. Though she was so far away from the place she once called home, she'll definitely make a new home here...with her husband.

A soft flush graced her cheeks at the title, knowing that she must acclimate herself to the fact that she was no longer an unmarried young lady but rather a married woman and a Grand Duchess at that! Lord Oswynn— nay, Lucius that is, was her lawfully wedded husband now and it was expected that they make the most of their situation.

She owed him that at least, for everything he'd done for her up til now...

So if she wanted to make this marriage work, regardless of the lack of romantic attraction between the two of them, then she has to be the one to take the first step. She can't expect him to sweep her off her feet when he was too busy protecting their kingdom from internal & external strife while also managing economic affairs that ensured their nation's continued prosperity.

Had she been an ordinary noble lady raised in a gilded cage and taught to sing and twitter about whenever she felt happy or aggrieved then she'd have taken insult the moment Lucius chose to focus on matters of the state over their first meal together.

But she knew better.

After all, she had been raised during the latter half of her life by an uncle that was normally away in order to provide for her.

Baron Guiye S. Lurr was her mother's younger brother and he had raised her by himself when her parents passed on to the great beyond.

Though her mother was of common origins, she and her father fell in love all the same because in her father's eyes, how could her status be any different than his when he was merely a commoner masquerading as a noble?

With their unexpected passing, it left Stephanie orphaned and as the sole heir of her family's treasury. Guiye, who had been an adventurer at the time, was her only family and as such, took up the mantle as Acting Baron until some noble son trapped her into a marriage and inherited their title.

Though he was known as rowdy and uncouth, no one could deny that he was a damn good adventurer and a skilled swordsman as well. That was mainly why none of the minor nobles tried making any moves on her during the years she was under her uncle's guardianship. His fame was as known as his infamy, tales of his drunken tavern brawls and blatant lack of respect to anyone who insulted him or his family being a common story throughout the capital.

Baron Guiye S. Lurr was known as a man both addicted to the sword as he is to his wineskins, but if there was one thing that trumped those in his heart then it was his family.

Namely, his only niece.

He had laid down his sword and picked up a pen if only to manage their family throughout the years all the while raising a little girl. He had clipped his own wings so that he could raise her up until she could fly on her own one day.

Stephanie remembers the late nights where she would wake up to use the bathroom only to see light beneath the gaps of the door in his study, pouring over yet another accounting book or reference books on how to manage a noble household. Knowledge that he should have never had to worry about when he wanted to dedicate himself to a life of freedom, of travelling to lands unknown and attaining glory as a warrior.

By day he would spend his time managing their household to ensure that they weren't cheated out of their money and home, then by night he'd be deep into his books. Though Uncle Guiye didn't have much time to play with her, she always looked forward to the moments they shared whether it was through a meal together or relaxing by the warmth of hearth.

To ensure her wellbeing, sacrifices had been made even if it meant not being able to do the things you wanted. In this case, Lucius was the kingdom's as much as he was hers even if only in name.

Countless lives depended on Duke Oswynn's tireless efforts to ensure peace and prosperity in their great nation and who was she to kick up a fuss just because he missed one meal with her?

The new duchess slept soundly that night.


Though the duke had made it clear that he was swamped with much work that was of national importance, his new wife also didn't expect the amount of work that awaited her the moment she woke up.

It was just after she'd freshened up for the day and broke her fast that various older women entered the receiving room which she was also led to by Theophilus. The efficient steward had informed her that she was to start her official duties as duchess immediately which, as of now, consisted of being educated by learned women in all the subjects and aspects expected of her new station.

"Milord had already invited all the tutors you would need even before your arrival. Each day you'd be taught in three subjects with alternating schedules. Two hours per subject starting at 10AM in the late morning, a lunch break at 12NN, then classes are resumed at 1PM until a break at 3PM where madam will be served a late afternoon snack. The final class will be held at 3:30PM until 5:30PM and that concludes milady's daily schedule."

Ah...the life of a high-ranking noble was very difficult indeed. Figures that she was expected to learn at least this much if she were to be a proper wife to a man as illustrious as the Grand Duke.

"Thank you all for agreeing to educate me. Though my background is quite humble compared to his grace, rest assured that I will do all within my ability to learn from you."

House Lindell had been but commoners not too long ago so to marry such a high-ranking man like Lord Oswynn, one would expect that the young lady's ego would reach the heavens now that she had married well beyond her prospects. That was why her new tutors had expected even a little bit of arrogance on her part for such a blessing, but they were all pleasantly surprised at her modesty.

They were all too used to haughty noble daughters who refused to even read a book, lamenting why must they spend their time pouring over references when all they needed to do was find a suitable husband to marry and produce heirs with?

Unlike other kingdoms, their nation gave women freedom to pursue formal education and careers, something they as learned women were eternally thankful for because it gave them employment opportunities that ultimately helped them raise their families or even simply live for themselves.

Even people like them from ordinary backgrounds can strive to make something of themselves through honest means.

Unfortunately, not all women thought that way. Namely, many of those aristocratic ladies who preferred to sit daintily and munch on lemon cakes while sipping tea without a care in the world.

It was so very frustrating to teach unwilling students time and time again if you asked them!

"It is our honor to be given the chance to teach the Grand Duchess," they curtsied in unison, internally sighing in relief how much kinder her grace was compared to most of their previous students.

At least, that was what they gleamed in their initial meeting. Time can only tell just how sincere she actually was. Regardless of whether one is good at studying or not, what mattered is that they were adamant about learning.

"Lord Lucius felt that while milady's education was important, it would be better for you to become acclimated to the manor first so today is merely an introduction. Your schooling won't start until the week after," explained the steward, taking care to reveal his master's intentions lest his new bride interpret his intentions wrongly.

The duke had always been a gentleman, but always within the confines of what is expected of a nobleman of his station. He had never shown such meticulous care towards anyone of the fairer sex so the way he meddled in all her affairs before she even so much as takes a look at any of them spoke volumes of how highly he regarded her.

Bidding her new group of tutors farewell after their small introduction, Stephanie watched them be escorted out by one of the maids.

Even before she stepped foot into the manor or signed their marriage contract, her husband had been nothing but attentive to her needs and made sure that she was nothing but comfortable. Not to mention everything else he'd done for her before…

Despite there being a week before the start of her classes, she ought to at least do some light reading so that she wouldn't end up looking like a fool and bringing shame upon House Oswynn's name. Lucius deserved a wife that wasn't a useless vase and could actually help support him.

She'll do her very best to be that person for him.