Mr Artist and Ms.Musician(2)

In a lavishly decorated room that screamed luxury,not the gaudy kind,but the natural antique kind of luxury,on a soft european looking bed,you could see the outline of a girl sleeping peacefully on the bed,her beautiful long dark chocolate hairs where strewn across her blanket covering half of her face,her gorgeous peach colored almond shaped eyes were closed in a beautiful arc of a curve with her long dense lashes casting a faint shadow over her nose,her small but sharp nose let out long even breaths in a steady pace,fascinating people,her cherry red lips were closed tightly in a gentle arc filled with a smile,although she asleep,anyone would be able to tell she was a beauty,underneath the blanket was a faint outline of her gorgeous figure,her bosoms were filled in fully and were perfectly arched,her bottom was also just as fully filled in,though you couldn't see much due to the fact that she was sleeping,and was covered by a blanket,just the faint outline alone let you know that her figure wasn't one to scoff at

The beauty on the bed's eyes quivered slightly,between the dense lashes,you could see a faint peach,when her eyes opened completely,if the sleeping her was like a q fairy,then the current her with her eyes open was like a goddess,it made one be unable to look at her for a long time,her peach colored eyes were misted over with confusion making her look absolutely adorable,but the fallen blanket exposing the imposivenes of her bosoms gave her more of a devilish charm,the mixture of cute and sexy,along with her confused but clear eyes was really a temptation for all genders regardless of age.

Xin BaiWei:"good morning system"

System:"good morning host,how was your sleep"

Xin BaiWei:"It was great,I had a wonderful dream where I was just relaxing the whole time in the space"

System:"I'm glad you had a good sleep,but it's currently only five am"

Xin BaiWei:"yeah,I guess I'm used to waking up early,besides now I can go for a run around the compound,get used to things around here so I don't get lost in the future since this is such a large house,I can also paint the outside scenery to show my parents my current art skills so they know I've improved"

System:"that's a great idea"

Xin BaiWei got of her soft bed,went to the bathroom,freshened up,went to her walk-in closet and grab a pair of blue sportswear,although the original owner didn't exercise,it never stopped her mom from buying all kinds of clothes for her,she put her hip length hair in a straight-A ponytail after she wore the blue-grey sportswear.The top for the sportswear was similar to most sports bra,it was a light sky blue color with grey outlines,it brought out the youthfulness in xin baiwei,though it did also bring out her proud bosoms,the shorts on the other hand were completely grey with blue tips,the sportswear hugged her figure perfectly and also brought out her youth,she looked lively and outgoing in her outfit(she's currently 17yrs,one year younger than the female lead)

With the memories in her head,she went out of her room in the third floor and safely found her way to the first floor without getting lost,she also greeted any servants she saw along the way making them squeal at their lady's beauty

Butler:"where are you going young miss?"

Xin BaiWei:"I'm going for a run,I spent too much time in my studio yesterday so I plan to stretch my muscles for a bit of time,also good morning butler"

Butler:"I see,good morning to you to young miss,please be back soon"

Xin BaiWei:"don't worry,I'll spend at most an hour outside"

The Xin Baiwei left the house through the front gates and went to the track surrounding the garden to take her jog

Butler's thoughts:"young miss seems to have gotten liviler,she also seems to want to exercise now,that's good,she sits for most of the time so I think it's great that she finally decided to go out a bit more...when she comes back I have to inform her of the party this evening"

After thirty minutes of enjoying the sun and continuous jogging,baiwei came back with a thin sheen of sweat covering her body

Xin BaiWei:"butler,I'm going to be taking a bath first"

Butler:"alright,by the way young miss"

Xin BaiWei:"yes?"

Butler:"there's a party tonight,so the madam might take you shopping and also to the spar"

Xin BaiWei:"huh~,alright,I'll make sure to keep that in mind"

Baiwei was signing because from her memories,the original owners mother really loved to but clothes for her daughter on the claim that everything looks good on her,baiwei went upstairs and took a long bath filled with essential oils the smell of roses,when done with bathing,she wore a long sleeved white shirt with a simple but elegant design,she paired it with a long light blue skirt giving her a calming aura,along with her artistic and music aura,all the servants in the house couldn't help but stare at her as she came down

Xin BaiWei:"butler,I got some inspiration from my jog outside and would like to paint it,please inform me when my parents are ready for breakfast"

Butler:"of course young miss"

Baiwei then went back up to the third floor which consisted of her room,an art room,a music room,a storage room for both the art and music room,as well as a kitchen.She went to the art room,and started painting what she saw outside,under her hands,the blank canvas quickly became filled with a gorgeous landscape containing birds, butterflies,bees,the morning sun and sky,along with the may flowers surrounding their villa and a background of the man made mountains and lake,the originally blank canvas quickly became a beautiful landscape making one unable to take their eyes of as they can feel the happiness coming out of the canvas putting them in the scene with the canvas,the maid who came to call baiwei downstairs was awestruck as she looked at the too real of a painting,she felt as though all her worries were washed away and she was in a beautiful fairytale garden with nothing to worry about

Xin BaiWei:"is there something you need?"

Maid:"a-ah,r-right,I was supposed to tell you that the master and madam are ready to eat breakfast"

Xin Baiwei:"alright(smile softly)thanks"

Maid:"a-ah,n-no problem"(while shaking her hands frantically with her face now turning red)

Maids thoughts:"I don't know what's more beautiful,the painting,or the person who painted it"

When she first stepped in,the scene that greeted her eyes was a long haired beauty with a soft temperament sitting down quietly on a stool,her exquisite face was fully focused on the art in front of her,in her long slender hands was a paintbrush slowly creating a beautiful scenery,she felt that her young miss wasn't a human,but instead a goddess and was even afraid of destroying such a wonderful scene

Baiwei and the maid headed down together

Xin BaiWei:"good morning mother,father"

Mom:"good morning dear,how are you doing this morning"

Dad:"good morning little xin,I heard you went for a og this morning"

Xin BaiWei:"I'm doing great mother,and yes I did father since the weather was so nice,I even painted what I felt"

Dad:"really,let me have a look"

Xin BaiWei then turned the canvas in her hands around so her parents can get a clear look at it,when she turned the canvas around,her dad's expression was visibly shocked while her mom used one of her dainty hands to cover her small pink mouth,the servants and butler around also visibly took a pause in what they were doing as they were brought into the scene in the canvas

Dad:"d-did you really paint this sweetie"

Xin BaiWei:"of course,I realised that I've been focusing on my music more than I have on art,I never did as well in art cause I couldn't quite catch the emotions properly,but when I took a og this morning,the scenery inspired me to sing a song,but I decided to try and paint the song instead and viola,It turned out better than I thought"

Mom:"this is amazing sweetie,you found a way to put your emotions for music in your art which increased your art skills,that's amazing"

Xin BaiWei:"thank you"

Baiwei said as she smiled,she really liked this family,she is now very glad she took the systems offer and now has such wonderful parents,although she hasn't read as much novels when compared to most people,she has read enough to have basic knowledge that not all parents are this nice or caring,so while she has these lovely parents,she hopes to bring them to the top with the help of her god level art skills,and beautiful singing voice

Dad:"hahaha,my daughter is amazing,my daughter is great,your uncle was bragging about how his daughter is better at art than you,let's see if he can still brag now"

Mom:"oh sweetie you're amazing,but now I feel like your art skill is higher than your singing"

Xin BaiWei:"don't worry mom,it'll catch up soon"

Mom:"of course,after all,you are your mother's daughter"

Dad:"hey hey,she's also my daughter alright"

Xin Baiwei:"Of course,I'm the daughter of Li JingYi,and Xin Kai,now let's have our breakfast"

The family of three enjoyed a delicious breakfast after her mom and dad posted pictures of her art to their friends and families and then encased the art in a see through plastic to ensure it doesn't break of tear easily,they began breakfast at eight and finished at nine,due to her painting

Mom:"sweetie,there's a party today"

Xin BaiWei:"yes,the butler informed me of it"

Mom:"good,then you should know that you and mom will be going shopping then right?"

Xin Baiwei:"yes,I guessed it"


Xin BaiWei:"but what about dad?"

Mom:"your dad will be taking your art to show your nana,papa,grandma,and grandpa"

Xin BaiWei:"oh,alright,stay safe dad,and we'll see you once mom and I get back"

Dad:'you guys stay safe as well"

Mom:'we will,now go grab your bag and let's go'

Xin BaiWei went to grab a light blue bag inscribed with a white phoenix,she also wore her flats as they'll be walking for a while,she grab her sketch and lyric books,along with her phone,and cards,put them in her bag,and got into the car and left with her mom.