Mr Artist and Ms. Musician(5)

Li HangShu:"I still can't believe you didn't know who long angius was before today"

Xin BaiWei:"I don't see the big deal in not knowing who he is"

Li HangShu:"you don't see the big,It's a HUGE deal okay,everybody,I mean EVERYBODY knows him,and yet you don't"

Li Ying:"we've mentioned him to you when we met sometimes though"

Xin LingJun:"Do you not read any news,you said you pay attention to music and such, and yet you haven't heard of him even though his music and painting skills are off the charts"

Xin BaiWei:"I'm sorry I don't pay much attention to anything besides art and music"

Wen Hui:" really need to go out more"

Xin Lee:"yeah cousin,from now on,we'll be taking you out more,and no objections are allowed"

Xin BaiWei:"...alright fine"

Xin LingJun and Li HangShu:"yay~"

Wen Hui:"u-um guys!"

Xin Lee:"what is it?,you're usually very calm,what happened?"

Wen Hui:"is it just me or is long anguis walking towards us"

The six of them turned around to find long anguis and his two friends walking towards them

Li HangShu:"OMG,he really is walking towards us"

Xin LingJun:"omg,omg...what do we do...Do I look okay,also why is he coming here,he almost never interacts with others"

Xin Lee:"You look fine so calm down"

Li Ying:"besides,I think he might be here for baiwei"

Wen Hui:"it's quite logical"

Xin BaiWei:"are you guys going to continue discussing this topic when the person..or in this case people in question are already in front of us?"

Five cousins:"EEP"

Long Anguis:"you must be Ms.Wei,I heard quite a lot about you,it's a pleasure to meet you officially"

Xin BaiWei:"It's a pleasure to meet you too,I've also heard quite a lot about you"

Long Anguis:"really?what have you heard about me so far"

Xin BaiWei:"that you're a genius,that's about it though"

Long Anguis:"you're quite straight forward"

Xin BaiWei:"If not?,should I be straight Backwards"

Five cousins,Cheng Chou,and Guo Fen:"pfft"

Long Anguis:"haha,you're quite funny ms.wei"

Xin BaiWei:"and you're quite handsome mr.long"

Long Anguis:"please,call me anguis"

Off to the side were the five cousins,cheng chou and guo fen who have been ignored, but rather than feeling sad or left out,the thing they're feeling the most is shock

Cheng Chou:"bro,i-is this the same long anguis we know"

Guo Fen:"I'm not quite sure myself,he might have gotten replaced in the short moment we weren't looking"

Li Ying:"I agree with you two,I've never heard of long anguis laughing before,even him smiling is rare"

Xin Lee:"but then if you look at how beautiful our cousin is,don't you think it makes sense"

Wen Hui:"yeah,a little bit,because long anguis was never really known to be nicer to the fair sex simply because they're the fairer sex"

Xin LingJun:"I don't know if I should be happy for my cousin or feel worried for her"

Li HangShu:"we should be happy for her,she's getting along really well with him even though they just met,although it might become something more,that's for the future, and at least we all know long anguis character,along with his background,looks,and talent,there's no reason for us not to be happy with him liking our cousin"

Xin BaiWei:"you guys do realize that we're still right here right,if you wanted to discuss this secretly,it would have been better if you moved away a bit before speaking"

Long Anguis:"I guess your whole family is as unique as you are..also really you two, replaced...I guess you guys really do want extra practice time"

Cheng Chou:"NO,great god anguis,I'm sorry for offending you,please,bo extra practice time"

Guo Fen:"I also apologize,hey at least with this we still know that he's the long anguis we know"

Xin BaiWei along with her cousins couldn't help but laugh,especially when cheng chou was apologizing as he made an exaggerated expression.

Xin BaiWei:"you and your friends are hilarious"

Long angius:"It's their speciality to be funny,would this beautiful lady accompany me for a stroll in the garden"

Xin BaiWei:"I'd love to"

Xin LingJun:"hold up..even if you are long anguis,I'm not letting my cousin go anywhere with you,when I don't know what you'll be speaking about"

Long Anguis:"don't worry,I won't do anything to her (mumbling:"yet),I just want to discuss art with her,because from her fingers,she should also love art very much"

Saying so,he led xin baiwei away

Cheng Chou:"Was I the only one who heard the little 'yet' he said? or am I having ear problems"

Guo Fen:"I also heard it,but I taught it was a malfunction in my hearing system"

Li HangShu:"Noo!,what do we do,should we bother them?,should we warn cousin?what do we do?should we tell auntie and uncle?ahh!,what should we do?"

Xin Lee:"first calm down,nothing should happen,before anything else,we should consider the fact that they've only met for the first time today"

Li Ying:"yeah,also he might have just been joking to scare lingjun since she was overreacting to them going for a walk in the garden"

Wen Hui:"also,this is a party,they aren't the only ones in the garden so it's alright"

Meanwhile with the couple in question

Xin BaiWei:"so what do you like to do with your spare time angius?"

Long Angius:"I'm glad you can so easily call me angius,most people still call me mr.long even after I've given them permission to call me by my name,but in my spare time,I usually do a bot of drawing or painting,I pretty much do what I do in my busy time for my spare time,what about you ms.wei"

Xin BaiWei:"you can also call me baiwei or weiwei since I'm calling you angius,but I guess we're really similar,we both enjoy the same things during our free time"

Long Angius:"I quite like you baiwei,most girls I meet are usually very flustered around me,ignore me for various reasons,or can't speak properly with me,the only women who can speak properly with me belong to the older generation"

Xin BaiWei:"why?what's so scary about talking to you,although we haven't spent much time together,you seem pretty nice to me,and it's not as if you eat people or anything,so they have nothing to be scared of"

Long Angius:"I'm afraid not everyone has the same mindset as you,but thank you for the compliment,though it can't all be blamed on the girls,I also usually ignore girls my age of my own accord"

Xin BaiWei:"why?,I mean how come?"

Long Angius:"because most girls I speak to usually want something from me,status, money,power,and sometimes even for my looks"

Xin BaiWei:"hm?what good will that do them,also aren't you afraid that I'm the same,and am just using a different strategy?"

Long Angius:"I know how to read people weiwei,besides,there's nothing of mine that you need,status you already have,power with your talent can be achieved and already has,money with your background you don't lack it,and when it comes to looks,you can compete with me in that department,so in conclusion,there isn't really anything of mine that should attract you,at least no soo much to the point that you try to initiate a conversation with me,besides,when I came in,I heard what you said"

Xin BaiWei:"what I said?"

Long Angius:"when you asked one of your cousins who I am"

Xin BaiWei:"oh that,sorry,I'm usually in my own world,so even if I did come out a lot,I probably still wouldn't know you,and this is if I went out a lot,but I prefer to stay inside"

Long Angius:"you don't like going out?"

Xin BaiWei:"I love going out,I love going to different places,from crowded streets to beautiful gardens,they give me inspiration,It's just that my environment provides me a beautiful garden,and for crowded places,the internet gives me images of them,meaning I don't need to go out much,but I still go out daily to exercise,and I always go outside of my house if invited,I see no reason to go out if there's nothing to do outside"

Long Angius:"really,then I'm going to need to invite you,so you go out some more"