Chapter Two

Uien was panicking.

Aldas, the world he governs is about to self destruct. Ykaris, the tree of life, the mother of all beings, failed to give birth to the Demon Queen.

"Impossible!" Uien couldn't help but pace in his study.

The laws of the world he governs cannot be broken. No Queen and the balance is thrown off, spiraling everything he's created down the drain. There are thing even he cannot fix.

"No! No!! This can't be! There must be some sort of solution! Anything!"

Uien knows there's really nothing he can do. Unless...

The middle aged man with blonde hair down to his waist stopped his pacing and grabbed a book off a shelf and started to flip through its pages. Soon, he found what he was looking for.

After mumbling a few lines in an unknown language, a black crack appeared in the air in front of him. Without hesitation he reached his hand in and grabbed a small white sphere. Verifying that it was good enough, he pulled his hand out and closed the rift. The shorter the time it's open, the less likely he'll be caught.

That's right. He stole a high grade soul from another world. 'Earth' if he recalled correctly. Earth already has too many souls, the governing god shouldn't notice one missing.

The thing is, the original queen's soul dissipated when it's body died.

It seems the souls in Aldas are becoming weaker and weaker as time passes. That soul couldn't thrive in that powerful of a body so the tree disposed of it. A failed product.

What he grabbed now was a very strong soul. Strong enough to survive being forced into a dying body without too much damage. With this, the problem should be solved.

With a sigh of relief he flicked it down towards the Queen's fruit.


Hello! Just a heads up, the next couple chapters will be short as they're all introductions. After that, the chapters will be MUCH longer.