Chapter Eight

Walking down the sidewalk was a dirty young teen with a large shirt on and no shoes. People couldn't help but stare or gasp in shock. The first thing you'd think of coming across this scene is that this child must of been held captive or was the victim of some sort of unmentionable crime and just broke free. This is a very modern society where is sort of thing that rarely happens.

A few of them they call the local authorities while most of them left the area to avoid them when they arrived.

This wasn't the human police. The magic division would be coming. They're a group of strict officers who specialize in the protection of magical races and beasts. Based on the boy's horns, he wasn't human. Kidnapping or assaulting a magical creature was a very serious crime after abolishment of slavery 200 years ago. Many species are almost extinct after that time so their goal is to make sure they aren't completely wiped out.

Elves having amazing healing that can save those too far gone for human medicine to have any use and diseases like cancer or diabetes can be cured within a few minutes. Merfolk are great at putting out large fires and saving crops during a drought.

Beastfolk are great in places such as law enforcement by using their strong sense of smell and stealth to find criminals or missing people and their agility and strength to have a huge advantage in the military.

And these are just a few examples of what they can do.

Humans also have magic such as fire, wind, water, and earth but the use is much more limited.

Without these magical creatures their current development would fall back hundreds of years, crippling their current society.

Within the next ten minutes, the magic police arrived.


He couldn't believe what he was seeing. The cars in this world didn't run on gas and seemed to be powered by magic. They were practically silent besides the quiet hum of their engines and the occasional horn being hit from an annoyed driver. There were also strange animals being walked on leashes and a loving couple walking hand in hand with fluffy ears on their head. What a strange world.

Cyll was so engrossed in the things around him that he failed to notice all the people staring at him with a few concerningly talk into their phones. If he did, he probably would of ran away and hid.

He didn't go far by the time three black SUVs rolled up beside him and a group of two woman and two men wearing black body suits ran up to him.

At first, he believed these people came to catch his and started to back away in fear.

'Not only did those demons want to catch me, but now these humans did too? Hm? Three of them don't look to be human at all.'

The tallest of the women had long pointy ears and vivid green eyes only seen in contact lenses on Earth. One of the men had to be at least 8 feet tall. He was buff and had a purple tint to his skin. The third was a short and thin man with gray fluffy ears and golden slitted eyes. Perhaps part wolf? The final woman was of average height and looked human. The only thing odd about her was the expressionless look she had on, almost like a robot.

The elf like woman gently called out to him.

"Hello, we're with the magic division of the police force here in Eastrey City. My name is Loreleia, this girl here is named Solace, that big guy is Zal and the one at the end is Lowell. We won't hurt here, we're here to help you. It looks like you've been a victim in a bad situation, yes? What is your name?"


Her harmless and sweet voice stopped him from trying to run away but the look in his eyes was telling them he won't hesitate to run if they made a wrong move. What had happened to this poor child?

At first, Cyll didn't know what to make of this situation. Why are they treating him as some hurt baby animal? Then it clicked. It's been such a crazy night they he forgot. He's current naked with a shirt barely covering his important parts and his feet were covered in dirt and cuts. They must be thinking that unspeakable things have happened to him. How awkward.

By the looks of it, they want him to go with them. That's actually not a bad idea if you think about it. After coming to this place there was no solid plan he could come up with on how to merge into normal life here. He doesn't have a home, food, or money. Hell, without clothes he shouldn't even be out in broad daylight. The only reason he messed up now was because he got too distracted taking in these bizarre surroundings. If he goes with them, he can just play pitiful and not talk about himself while they assume it's trauma. They should take care for him for the time being. Once he leaves their hands, well, that's a problem for another day. With a plan in mind, the acting starts.

"Cyll, why don't you come back with us? We'll keep you safe and give you a place to stay with delicious food and a warm bed. No one can get you with our protection. Does that sound good?"


He timidly made his way over to Loreleia's arms as she gently guided him to the closest vehicle. Once inside, she wrapped a thick flannel blanket around him.

'How could someone barely to hurt such an adorable and obedient child? What a monster!'

Once she snugly buckled him in, she sat down next to him and alerted the driver to head back to base.