Chapter Ten [R-18]

*Warning, this is technically Dub-Con as he's hypnotizing others. Actually most mature chapters will also be Dub-Con. So skip if you don't like it.*

Inside the locker room the lights were off but the room still had plenty of light shining in with the multiple skylights and blurred windows.

Why waste electricity when you have nature's light bulb already doing the job?

Anyway, Cyll silently made his way over to the neat pile of clothes to inspect what they gave him to wear. There was a plain white T-shirt, grey cotton pants, and a pair of white briefs laying on top of a fluffy white towel. At least it wasn't a patient gown. No matter how many times you make sure, it always feels like your ass is exposed. Like why can you still feel a breeze when you're obviously covered?

After that he went into the medium sized shower room. Eight shower heads were equally placed high on the walls along with a few large bottles of cheap soap on the ground for communal use. After making sure everything he would need was accounted for he turned on the hot water and got in.


Ten minutes later the door on the other side of the room opened. The men's locker room was dumbbell shaped with an extra room in the middle. Each side had its own entrance and locker area and in the middle were the showers. One side was for Chief and higher ranks while the other side was for the other officers and recruits.

Chief Roniston Welch had recently discovered that during this time of day no one stepped foot inside the locker room. As everyone was eating lunch or just doing their duties outside the building now was the perfect time to relax and bathe in silence.

As usual he slowly took off his clothes. He really hated that uniform. It was a pain to get off just to use the toilet. Just taking off his tight belt felt very refreshing.

Being by himself Roniston didn't bother covering his lower half as he made his way to his favorite room in this building.

As he got closer and closer he noticed that the showers were on.

'Someone's here? That's not right. Today of all days should be the busiest since that big case came in. Is someone slacking?'

Feeling the need to berate the officer he picked up his pace and turned into the room without warning. Just as he opening his mouth he saw something very unexpected.

Through the steam was a figure facing away from him. He stood frozen as he watched the soapy water pour down the stranger's slender back, running past intricate black tattoos, and finally paused his gaze on the small tight butt below. A thin black tail the length of his thumb was sticking out.

Realizing that he was rudely staring he shook his head to get control of himself but continued to turned on the shower right next to that small pale body. He had never thought himself as a pervert but he couldn't help but get as close as he could.

Roniston's heart was racing. If just their back looks that nice, what about the front view? For the most part magical creatures are very attractive. The only exception were species like trolls and goblins but this was clearly not one of them.

He casually bent down to pick up the shampoo as he sneakily peaked out of the corner of his eye at the beauty next to him.

The man had small feet with pink toes and long slender legs. Black markings were on his inner thighs that seemed to be making their way up to the small pole nestled between his legs.

Above that was a flat white stomach and two blushing pink dots on his chest.

The defined collar bone glistened as the water was catching on its curves.

By now Roniston was openly ogling the boy with a bright red face. Unknown to him was the large erection between his legs.

Up next was the money shot, the beauty's little face. His juicy red lips were curved into a faint smile. Soft cheeks rosy from the hot water. Glowing purple eyes gazing directly into his soul.

Then everything went black.


Cyll thought he would be able to take a nice long shower to wash away his stress. Instead, he was interrupted by a big naked man coming up right next to him to bath. As first he thought he could ignore it. This is a public shower, there's nothing wrong with another man coming in. But that was up until he felt the gaze of the man on his body. He could choose to ignore it and quickly finish up but instead he opened his eyes to see what the hell the guy's problem was.

That was when his eyes went wide with shock at the large monster sticking stiff in his direction.

'What the hell? What's wrong with this bastard?'

He wanted to punch the man in his face and raised his fist to it but stopped when something clicked in his brain.

Steps of what he needed to do flashed through his head. It seems he didn't need to blindly learn how to use his powers and instead was directly given the information.

First he made eye contact to put him into a hypnotic state. To prevent your meal from running away there were many options. If it was currently nighttime he could knock the man out and give him a wet dream about someone else but for now he decided on letting him zone out for a few minutes. It's easy to lose time when taking a shower anyway.


Cyll started by pushing the man against the wall and getting on his knees. He had a mental guide walking him step by step but still felt a bit shy as he put his mouth on the shaft.

The taste of his precum wasn't salty like Cyll expected it to be. Instead, it had a sweet citrusy taste like a ripe juicy orange.

He couldn't imagine having to always drink something he felt was disgusting to stay alive.

The nervousness went away after spending a bit of time using his tongue to massage the tip so took it a step further. As expected there was no gag reflex and could most of the mans length in his mouth.

He bobbed his head slowly at first to get the feel for it. God forbid he scratched the man with his teeth. Although it wouldn't wake him up, Cyll didn't want to leave any evidence of the deed.

Continuing on he picked up more and more speed as he himself started to get turned on too. Along with his own member stiffening, his back entrance started to feel uncomfortable and itchy too.

Cyll could feel the beast in his mouth starting to twitch and grow larger. According to his information the man should be close.

At that point Cyll pulled his mouth off of it and stood up. Why not satisfy his own body along with eating his meal.

To get the man to move how he wanted him to, Cyll had to make eye contact again.


Roniston felt as if he was in a dream. His mind was clouded as he focused on the needs of his body.

Those purple eyes were tell him to hold the man in front of him down and fuck him ruthlessly until he cried for mercy.

So he decided to do just that.

He started by roughly grabbing the little sex demon in front of him and pushing him against the wall, spreading his bottom open to stick his fingers in one by one. Originally he thought it would take a long time of stretching before the little thing would be able to take his manhood up surprisingly his small hole was soaking wet.

'Did this little slut put lube inside beforehand? If so he must of known I come here to bath daily. Oh well, I guess I'll give him what he wants!'

With that, he stuck his full length in in one go. Surely it should of really hurt the little guy but amazingly the man just moaned sweetly as he came on the wall.

He paused for a moment shocked as what just happened.

"Why did you stop?" The little vixen turned his head around and begged him to continue, his eyes wet with tears threatening to fall.

How could he not comply? Immediately he started to pound into his wet little hole on and over again, enjoying the sweet music escaping the man's throat.

His mouth and hands felt antsy. He pressed his lips against the nape of the small demon's neck and started to nibble and suck on the soft pink flesh. One hand roamed up the side of his body until it found the little nub on his chest, abusing it, causing his moans to get louder and louder.

'How can such a slutty body exist? Perhaps he's been trained? Never mind, this is just a dream anyway. I'll make sure to enjoy it to the fullest.'

With that, he slammed into him harder. Roniston couldn't help but start feeling addicted to his body.

Though unfortunately nothing last forever. He made the mistake of reaching around to pleasure the other's member, causing the little one to cum within seconds. The contractions on his own shaft caused him to cum soon after, releasing his seed as deep as he could while experiencing the sensation of his soul almost being sucked out.

He never had such good sex in his whole life. He wanted to keep going but suddenly felt weak in the knees and almost felt on his ass. Luckily he was able to to catch himself in time and was kneeling on the ground.

It took Roniston a second to catch his breath.

"Hey, who are you? What's your name?"

The man didn't answer as he slowly turned his body around and crouched down until they were eye to eye.

"Good night."

Again he blacked out, only recalling the evil smile the demon had on his face.


When he snapped out of it he was left very confused. Roniston was currently stand in the shower that had gone completely cold at some point. It seems like he had a daydream.

Now that the hot water was out he had no choice but to take his shower tonight.

As he went to reach out to turn off the water he realized his hand was on his half erect cock and a suspicious liquid was dripping down the wall.

Looks like it really has been too long since he's had a partner.