
As if it will start snowing at any time , the sky is dull like that.

"I am sorry , so , so sorry ," I am apologizing again , but I have stopped crying . The eyes still sting so much that I can barely see , but it is enough that I can still feel the rope I am holding.

Me feel are cold , so are my hands. As a habit , I place my hand on my stomach and then twist the rope.

It takes sometimes , but I am in no hurry .

I am shivering in cold , but - I feel empty when I wear the noose around my neck and tie the rope to the branch .

And jump.

keugghhhhhh -

It is then red everywhere , I can't - I can't-

They say life flashes before your eyes , when you die , all the beautiful and sad memories shine like the last gift from the God.

But it is never like that .

'It hurts'

like I have a chainsaw cutting my neck when I am drowing in the cold water .


Like a glass shattered , hot pain digs my shoulder , it is like fire is eating me alive .

I open my mouth to find air but waves of metallic smell and the liquid drowns my mouth and nose .

It is my own blood .

The sky looks so distant now . The pain is slowly seeping out with my blood .

I feel sleepy .

That's when the ashes start falling from the sky ....