CHAPTER 1: Saber Looking Sword

Hua!. . . a gush of wind with a silhouette of a child running.

"Bang!" opened the door hastily


"Yhel'r! I can see that you're very excited, what a boy, do you really have to be that excited?haha" a bewitching woman said, she's a great beauty that has a very strong charm that can topple a country with a perfect curved body.

"Yes mom, its been 10 years already since we have met, she and I had once promised that next time we meet, if I reached 7th level of Consolidation realm she will marry me haha, I am a genius!, and no one in our Xung City young generation can matched up to me " Yhel said excitedly with a grinning smile.

"Our Yhel'r is very powerful" an old man said

" Young master is really a genuis and no one can defeat him and will be the most powerful when he matures !!, hehe" servants said with a flattering words

" Our young master the most handsome of all!!"

"Ji'er , go bring Yhel'r in our treasury and pick one suitable weapon for him there ,that will be his advance gift for his coming of age tomorrow" Old Patriarch said dotingly.

" Yes Patriarch, Ji'er thanks Patriarch in behalf of Yhel'r" Li Ji coped her hands respectfully.

" Really Ji'er there's no need to stand in ceremony between us, You're the only wife of my eldest son so you're my daughter in law" Old Patriarch said affectionately.

"Okay granfather!" Li Ji said and instanly brought her son to the treasury.

Li ji is a dignified woman with a cold temperament but respectful to her relatives especially to those who respect her and she is the mother of Xung yhel which is a great beauty with a silky red hair, long curved eye lashes, has phoenix eyes, and has a perfect curved seductive body, she also doted her son so much.

"Father, eldest brother was still there roaming outside, we even don't know whether he's still alive or dead, are you really going give him your position? My son is also a genius, although he's inferior to that brat but still he's your grandson, why so bias father?" Xung Tan said with a complex expression.

" Tan'er, your eldest brother is much stronger than you , even if its is only a bit , there's still a disparity between you two, and your eldest brother is suitable for this position with his temperament, okay give this pill to your son so that you'll stop blabbering " Old Patriach said strictly.

" Yes Father" Xung Tan said respectfully.

Xung Tan said under his breath "I will make you regret your decision for not acknowledging my efforts , I will surpass him even if its an external help"

Old Patriarch seemed to notice something but ignored it and just shake its head disappointingly.

" Everyone listen, tomorrow my eldest son sent a notice that says he will come home and that will be the time I will pass on my position as Patriach, though I retired as your Patriarch, I will still look upon you all" Old Patriach said it menacingly.

" Yes Patriach, We will" everyone responsed while Xung Tan response unwillingly.

Xung Clan is one of the flourishing and a powerful Clan within the Xung City that expands with a length of a thousands in the Xia Empire of the third heaven.

Third heaven is the lowest heaven among 3 heavens and this third heaven has 3 Empires namely,Xia , Yu and Xiao. Every empire consist of many Cities that has multpile clans and they often compete each other for a power in a fair way by a "Clan Martial Tournament" handle by the empire.

Xung Yhel is a diligent, smart and a hardworking child, he has a delicate face that can be named as the most handsome and has a demonic appearance with a bloody color red hair , and a heaven defying talent , when he was 6 years old, he and his playmate had a promise that when they grow up and turned 16, she will marry him and only if he became 7th level of Consolidation realm in cultivation when that time comes.

"Mom, before they arrive here in our city a few months later , our clan will have the ceremony for the coming of age of the young generations of our clan and that time will be the time we will summon our astral, mom, what astral do you think I can summon?" Yhel ask curiously.

"Yhel'r, whatever you have summoned you're still the best and my loving child, and your father believes in you too, Do you remember what he said 2 years ago?" she said to her son while touching his head lovingly.

" Yes mother, he said that there's no useless astral, only useless people, who can't distinguish between gratitude and hate" Yhel said seriously.

Astral is a supportive type which can aid you into battle, there are circumstances that someone can summon a weapon type astral and often summoned an astral beast, and it will get stronger as you get stronger in cultivation, and will be a great help for you.

" Very good my son, just trust yourself and be a good man with integrity okay?"

" Yes I will mother, will daddy really come home tomorrow?I miss daddy so much" Yhel said in a longing tone.

" Dont worry son, he will be here tomorrow and will assume the position of patriach and after that will be your ceremony of the coming of age , so then be confident son, you'll become strong someday as strong as your father or even surpass him." she said in an aspiring tone.

Yhel steeled his heart with a determination in his eyes.


"Son, you like swords right? Which one do you prefer?" Liji asked her son, she often teach her son sword plays but she still ask his preference.

" Yes mother, I prefer those swords that weights 500 so that my speed will be affected mom" he pondered and answered her mom.

"Okay how about this one, it's a broad sword that has a width of 2 fingers" she said

"Lets try another mom, it's too light for me" he said

Yhel, roamed into every corner of the treasury but he didnt find any swords that suits his taste.

" Mom what's this sword" he saw a rusty sword but it is still a good sword.

" hmm?, ah it's a saber looking sword but we dont know what it is, it was your father who found it in his journey many years ago, do you like it?" she said to her son.

" Yes mom, I like it very much" he said happily as he caressed the blade lovingly.

" Okay let's go, bring it, haha, just polished it later so that it will become good as new"she said approvingly.

Yhel happily drift instantly toward his room so that he can polish his new saber looking sword.

"Haha" she smiled looking so divine as if she came from heaven, too bad there's no one saw this smile of hers.

Xung yhel, finished polishing his new saber looking sword and goes to his courtyard and practiced earnestly, he's very diligent and hardworking child , as he oracticed and repreated his basic over thousands of strokes, he suddenly paused and stopped moving with a closed eyes then a second later he actually familiarized himself right away using his new saber looking sword with basic sword practice taught by his mom and dad.

"Woahh, it is so amazing, I feel like im extending my limbs, I seem to have affinity with this saber looking sword haha" he grinned .

He practiced his new weapon until afternoon and the sky were a bit dimmed, and he pondered the feeling he felt when he was practicing earlier.

"Mom!" , he called her mom that was sitting in a distance cooking for their dinner.

" woahhh, it's so fragrant mom hehe, your cookings are really the best hehe" he saud with a very excited tone.

" haha, stop blabbering brat" she said happily as if angry but was not.

" How's your practice with your new saber looking sword son?"she asked.

" Oh mom by the way, , that saber looking sword is a very good weapon, I have familiarized right away with my basic sword practices, it felt like im swinging my own limbs and it synchronized my body movements" he casually told his mother about it.

" Oh really? Can you show it me?"she confusingly requested her son to play his weapon.

Yhel, posed seriously with his saber looking sword and executed his basic sword practice.

"Souu!. . . . Souuuu"

He released an overwhelming sharp aura and smoothly executed his basic sword practice. He looked graceful yet shard and intimidating.

Li ji was shocked and dumbfounded of what she have seen, "Truth realm one with the sword!!!!"