"Deal with the Princess"

Every drop of blood within Demetri's veins froze and he was sure that the Princess's loud scream would be the key to his death sentence. What this mischievous boy didn't know was that the Princess could be very cooperative if her demands were acknowledged.

After a heartbeat of silence, the Princess spoke in a worried tone: "Who are you? and How did you enter my room without the guards noticing you?"

She spoke of the Royal Guards with pride and clearly depended on them. Demetri knew better than to dig his own grave by telling her about his true identity so he answered, still entangled in the sheets:

"I am an artist who has traveled vast oceans just to capture your beauty on a canvas and if you are curious about my access to your room, then you should know that I slipped past the guards and climbed this tower."

The Princess stared at this brown-haired boy in shock but soon accepted his words as the truth. A faint smile appeared on her elegant lips, which made the young boy inquire:

"What are you thinking Miss...?"

Realizing he didn't know her name made him embarrassed but the noble girl instantly said:

"Maribelle, that is my name and I have a solution to our problems, a bargain."

The boy's eyebrows were lifted in silent question so the princess explained politely:

"It's my birthday night, so it's only fair that you with the help of your stealthy skills help me reach the festival where colorful sparks brighten the night sky and in return, you can paint as many portraits of me as you like."

Demetri was impressed by the girl's courage and straightforwardness so he agreed:

"Fireworks, in exchange for your beauty lady Maribelle."

And instantly the children began preparations for their journey, Demetri was slightly concerned whether the princess could climb down the rope but Maribelle told him excitedly:

"No need for overthinking, let me go change into a shorter dress than I can manage climbing down without hesitation."

Just as Demetri was tightening the rope's grip on the princess's balcony's fence, a knock on the door made his heart sink down his ribcage but Maribelle expertly handled the situation.

A maid came in and called out for her with concern but Maribelle replied sweetly:

"Sorry for disturbing you Miss Anne, but it was just a nightmare."

Miss Anne exhaled relaxing a bit:

"Oh, do you want me to stay with you for the night?"

But the girl's instant refusal made her leave immediately.

Demetri came out of the curtains then applauded the girl's acting, Maribelle awarded him with a smile that made his cheeks turn pink.

After several minutes Maribelle had changed into a peach-colored dress that reached her knees and a pair of horse riding boots, meanwhile, our mischievous artist had arranged a proper system for the princess's travel down the tower.

First, he had tied his paint basket and canvas with a rope, then slowly lowered his thing down till they touched the grass below.

He reluctantly shared his idea of lowering the princess as he had done with the basket but the girl whispered:

"I am scared, what if I am too heavy for you, then what if I fall down?"

But Demetri knew that the princess could not climb down the rope no matter how hard she tried so he asked:

"How heavy are you, princess?"

Maribelle looked embarrassed but then gestured towards her study table. Demetri gulped then boasted:

"I am very strong so I can perform this feat without any concentrated efforts."

After some debate, Maribelle agreed. Demetri tied one end of the rope to the girl's tiny waist and secured it tightly, then tied the other end to his own waist and firmly held the grill of the fence.

He knew very well that this could end up rather badly but he proceeded with his plan anyway. Silver lined the princess's eyes but she obeyed her commander's command dutifully.

"Jump on the count of three.....One, two...and three!!!"

And instantly the reckless little princess took a leap. The rope around Demetri's waist tightened and the sudden jerk made him lose his balance but he tried his best not to endanger the girl's life as she had trusted his half-assed resolve.

His grip on the grill tightened till his knuckles went white, reluctantly he peered down, his eyes went wide when he saw that the princess had safely reached the ground.

Below the princess was physically unharmed except for the red marks on her waist, but she was in mental shock, she just sat in the grass breathless. Relief filled Demetri's body upon seeing a successful landing.

Then he heard the girl's sweet voice:

"Come down hurry!"

So Demetri instantly told her to untie the rope from her body and he did the same with his end of the rope, then in the same manner in which he had climbed up, climbed down, going down was easier than climbing up.

The princess patiently waited while her guide came down. As soon as his feet landed on the grass, the little relieved princess gave Demetri a bone-crushing hug and exclaimed:

"Oh, Thankgod you are safely by my side!"

Demetri felt shy and argued:

"Yes, well anyone could have done that and besides your actions aren't at all lady-like, embracing a stranger."

She pouted looking hurt:

"Sorry, for the inconvenience and you aren't a stranger to me."

After some time the princess realized that she had given her name to him but she was still unaware of his name so she inquired hopefully:

"What is your name, stranger?"

At this, the naive boy's heart skipped a beat and he made the girl promise not to tell anyone his true name.

She agreed by saying:

"Demetri, I swear not to reveal your name to anyone."

The innocent girl was thrilled to keep her first important secret. After their conversation Demetri ushered the princess safely out of the castle walls, their escape was easy as the guards were still knocked out cold and the new ones hadn't yet come to replace them.

As the night grew darker, the cold began to increase and this resulted in the princess shivering. The poor girl's clothes were not designed for harsh weather, in fact, she was pampered to live inside the heated environment for her room.

Detecting the poor girl's shivering Demetri like a gentleman offered her his cloak, he draped it around her shoulders, the princess instantly clutched the cloak around herself, savoring the warmth happily.

She muttered:

"Thank you my guide."

Demetri snorted:

"I am not your guide and any gentleman would have done so in the presence of a noble lady."

The princess despite Demetri's cold behavior had taken a liking to him, she admired this brave boy very much.