Chapter 15


It's been around a weak since she met Arjun and the gang. She felt so light. Now there is no bad blood between hem so both of them can separate them selves from each other. there is no point of hiding from each other now. Both of them had apologized for their action and they have decided to live their lives as if they didn't know each other in the first place. Deep down she somewhat felt guilty for keeping his children from him but she consoled her self telling that it is the best for everyone.

Ana was sleeping when a small body embraced her. The moment those tiny hands embraced her she knew that it should be either Alex or Alexissa. She faintly open her eyes and saw her daughter smiling at her innocently. She must be in a happy mood today Ana thought to her self. Usually Alexissa will always complain that she doesn't spend time with her but today she is behaving as she is in cloud nine.

That's when Ana remembered that today Alexissa went to her first piano lesson. She wanted to attend to it with her daughter but she got busy. Must be something happened in the piano class Ana thought to herself. Nevertheless she asked from her daughter about what has made her happy today.

" baby, I see that today you are in a very happy mood. What happened to you. Did you made new friends in your new class. Did you like it baby. Tell mommy okay" she said to her daughter.

Ana saw Alexissa thinking for a second. She studies hoe her daughter's facia expresions changed to excistment, sad and then finally happy. She was now more that curiois to know about what happened today with her daughter. She maea mental note to ask the detail from Henry and Sopia later.

When she was in her deep thoughs she heard Alexissa saying;

" mommy , today the class was great. Miss Grace loved me. But mommy everyone had come with thier mommy's but you were not their. I was so sad. " she heard he wisphering.

Ana instantly felt guilty towards her daughter. She should have gone their.

" baby girl, I am sorry. I was so bust today. Forgive mommy for today okay" she said to her daughter

" Mommy , you always say that. You are always busy. But mommy please come next yime. If you don't come i will never go " said Lexi

" ok honey. mommy will surely come the next time. Mommy promise you that. Now tell me what happened today. Did you make any friends." she asked her daughter.

She saw her daughter jump in happiness. At least she had made some new friends. Ana thought to he self.

Actually Ana didn't want to send her daughter to those piano classes. She was just a 3 year ols kid. But according to thier family traditions a girl should start to learn those thinfs now. There is nothing she could do to stop this. this is something every Raz woman face from ancient times. She somewhat felt sorry for her daughter. As a woman holding the Raz name she will have to face many obstacles in the future. She even felt more sad about his son. As the next heir of the ' Raz Empire ' Ana knew what will Alex will have to go through in the future.

But as a Raz she was proud of her family's traditions. Those are the things that has molded her in to the person she is today. Fierce and Independant.

For a moment Ana thought about what would have happened if arjun was with them. then surely Alex and Alexissa will follow their dad. They will never be 'Raz' but Singhaniya. then what would have happened. Is their amily traditions are also like this. Do they also have these teachings. Ana thought to her self. Their lives would have been so different if Arju was in it. Although they would have never become a family her children would have atleast got their father.

But that would never happen. Arjun is now going to get married. Ana knew if Arjun get to know about the kids he will never abandon them. He will love them and pamper them to ne extent. byt ana didn't want that. These kids are her responsibility. She didnt want to crusy another womans dream beacuse of her selfish reasons. She would work hard to give everythings her children need.

while she was in her thoughts she could hear her daughter say something that caught her ayyention.

" Mommy, today i went to the cafe and met an uncle...." she heard her daughter saying.

For a moment Ana felt like her heart stopped beating. hat is she taliking about. There is no way this could be Arjun. Yes at that time Arjun would be in the office. Thinking that she consoled her self.

If only she knew.

" ok go on" she told her daughter.

" nothing special happened mommy. that uncle give me a donut because my donut was taking time" said her daughter.

" ooh. is that all honey" she asked her daughter.

" yeah mommy I didn't even had time to speak with him though. I came quickly" said Lexi.

Ana was now 100% sure that this was not the person she was thinking. Because she  knew Arjun and Arjun will never willingly associate with children. And that thougt settled the inner turmoil that had started to brew inside her head.

lexi talked about her day and sje knew that her daughter had enjoyed the day. Ana  was happy to spend her time with her daughter. When she and Lexi were talking ans soending their time togther she heard her door opening and saw her son coming toward her .

Her brother was carrying a sleeping Alex. She quickly went towards him and took her son in to her arms and made him sleep in the bed. Just as shhe was going to cover him in a blanket she saw Alex open his eyes. I the next second he jimped in to her embrace.

" Mommy!!!!! I missed you" with that Alex hugged her so tightly.

This action brought a smile not to her face but to her brother also. Ana also hugged his son in a warm hug.

" I missed you too hon. I love you so much' she murmred.

This was her happiness. She had her son and her daughter with her now. Her only dream is to give thme everyhting they need and make them happy.