The next morning, a beam of sunlight entered through the curtains and woke up little Jenny. The gale had now flown away to destroy everything that came in its way, but for now, what mattered Jenny the most was that it had left Silken's Village.

She got out of her bed and went to wake her brothers who slept like logs. Thomas woke up suddenly, screaming, "HELP ME, I AM DROWNING. "This woke Cameron, annoyed he kicked Thomas off the bed, and this brought back Thomas's senses. He was still terrified of that nightmare that he could not believe his eyes when he saw the bright sun shining out in the blue sky.

In fifteen minutes, all children were down at the breakfast table, having lovely boiled eggs with a side of bacon and toasts.

Suddenly an idea struck Cameron, and he yelled so loudly to call his mother that the other two jumped out of their skin. They were about to ask him the reason for the unexpected excitement when their mother rushed into the room in shock. She thought something serious had happened. However, before she could scold Cam, he began to tell his idea to her mother in great excitement.

He began, "Mum, now that the gale is over, why we do not proceed with the idea of our touring Australia? Won't it be great! The children's faces brightened. However, their mother responded, "Well, I am not sure regarding our trip. So here's what we do – we will monitor the weather forecast in the evening news and then decide what to do." and went back to the garden.

Now they could hardly wait for the evening bulletin on the radio. The children were sure that the weather would be normal. However, to their dismay, the journalist announced "An enormous gale is heading towards Australia..." Now the children had no hope to visit Australia, and no other place was of their interest.