Chapter 40: Bamus Story

"I'm telling you the truth. I'm not making this story up", Termez replied as he pleaded under the cold air with a sharp blade across his neck.

"Are you sure you aren't lying to me?", Meyol interrogated profoundly still quite doubtful of the Patrox's story.

"No I'm not. If you don't believe me, you can have my head cut off right now otherwise, let me go this instant", Termoz snapped feeling frustrated with her incessant questions which proves that she wasn't conceding that his story was true. He suddenly became resolute due to her annoying question.

"I would also have your limbs cut off too if you don't tell me truth", Meyol retorted and was about to hit him hard with her black whip which she had tied around a girdle by the her left side of her waist, when pre-emptive voice of the last guard who came out after securing the last goods inside the pub, promptly intervened.

"Pardon me mistress, we have finished securing the merchandise inside the inn and it is very chilly out here. I suggest we go inside where we can warm ourselves from the cold air and resume the inquiry", the guard intruded which saved Termoz from receiving a ghastly blow on the head. Meyol nodded comprehensively and complied with the guard's suggestions which she thought was a good idea because she was starting to feel a bit cold outside. Then after placing back whip which she had taken from her waist, she ordered the Sajura who had placed his sharp sabre under Termoz throat, to drag him inside where they could interrogate him about his background without disturbing the peaceful night as well as getting warmed up from the cold.

They entered inside looking transfixed at the exquisite decorations of the room which was brightly lit up by ten wooden lanterns placed on a loop at different angles of the spacious room. There were twelve seats in the room that had its own table, and were neatly arranged in three columns which comprises four set of tables having its own four iron stools beneath them. Each table had its own decor of a small bronze statue of a Tarnites well placed on it which was exquisitely crafted by the highly skilled craftsmen and sold by a merchant clan that was a rival to the Magrod clan. Four tray containing a bowl of soup which was milky as well as a silver plate of green leafy vegetables with two wooden spoons that lay beside the silver plate, were thoroughly prepared and placed on each set of tables in the second column. The sweet aroma of the meal which filled the whole room, was breathtaking as well as pleasant enough to make Termoz stomach to growl loudly which made everyone else especially Meyol, to burst into series of wild laughter that resounded loudly through the walls of the inn. Termoz wasn't happy that they all laughed because of him which made him utterly embarrassed coupled with a great sense of shame.

"You all can keep on laughing at me but I'm not gonna sit still and watch you all the art my prestige", Termoz threatened in front of the guard who held him tightly with his sword on his neck.

"What can you do when you are being apprehended by my guard who has his sword around your neck right now?", Meyol asked after suppressing her laughter when the noise had died down, " You still have the courage to speak up when you are about to witness a brutal enquiry which won't be pleasant", Meyol threatened and ordered the guard to take him to the last table at the right corner of room where his hands will be tied to it which the guard promptly obeyed. Two guards swiftly safeguarded the small windows with two of the guards protecting the entrance and two other guards standing by the doorway while two armed guards stood beside her.

"Where did you secure the merchandise?", Meyol asked another guard beside him,

"We've secured them inside the inner chambers where the innkeeper stores her valuable items", the guard replied,

"Are you sure they are safely secured?", Meyol asked impatiently,

"Yes, mistress", the guard replied feeling quite nervous around her.

"And who is going to eat these other meals apart from this one,?", Meyol asked indicating with her fingers which pointed to the food in front of her,

"Well.... they belong..... to....", The guard stammered nervously, but the innkeeper who suddenly came out of the inner room completed his statements,

"They belong to your guards standing beside you as well as that guard over there that is keeping watch over that Patrox", the innkeeper intruded. Meyol looked transfixed for a second but didn't say anything and went over to sit down on a jaded stool on the first table, which kept her well balanced while she began to eat hastily without delay for she was grossly hungry ever since they entered this section of the city. The two guards as well as the Sajura keeping watch over Termoz quickly went over to their tables and began to devour their prepared meal which the other guards will take their turn when they are done munching their meal. While they ate, Termoz stared at them in hunger as the pleasant smell of the food danced in his nostrils which made him salivate deeply and Meyol eventually caught sight of him and quickly sneered at him which made him shifted his gaze away from them.

"Do you want to eat some food?", Meyol asked mockingly showing him a handful of delicious soup which made him feel hungry and furious at her arrogant behavior.

"If you tell me about your background including where you come from, you can guarantee that I would give you a meal as well as set you free from captivity", She said trying to ensnare Termoz but Termoz was aware of what she was trying to accomplish by baiting him with the meal. He didn't respond but his stomach betrayed him by growling again which cast a mild shame upon him while the other guards giggle slightly.

"Set aside that pride of yours and spill out what I want to know this instant!", She exclaimed while trying to crush the leafy vegetables with her green teeth. Termoz had no other choice than to say something at this point because he was hungry and the pleasant smell of the food which filled the room couple with her offer made it difficult for him to resist. He gotta have to say something quickly that would sound believable which would not divulge his true identity.

"Well I once live in remote areas of the city with my parents together with my relatives when I was still a lad . We lived in happiness and laughter even when we couldn't afford expensive materials which most families adorned themselves with and everything else was fine since we lacked nothing. But all came to an end when the remote areas were attacked by a couple of bandits who killed and plundered the area before the arrival of the regiment stationed close by. Our domain which was owned by the village chiefs in the area where we resided including my father, were totally destroyed while my father lost his life in the process as well as his properties but my siblings and I including my mother survived the ghastly attack while we narrowly escape with few relatives to the central city where we were forced to live off the streets. Fortunately for us, my mother secured a small domicile for us close to a merchant clan called Magrod owned by a wealthy Motclux who employed her as a cook among those who prepare food for him and his guests as well. Her work was able to sustain us but as time went on, the plague started which made it difficult for all of us including the Magrod clan to survive as most trade clan were crippled because of the outbreak of the plague which ravaged the central part of the city where it was far worse than the other sections. Unfortunately for us, my mother caught the plague and sadly passed away afterwards since there wasn't no cure during that period even the merchant who employed her services couldn't cater for us after she passed away. So therefore, I had to live off the streets with my siblings together with a group of homeless plebs doing all sought of odd jobs for those who required our services until the previous day where I was unfortunately left behind after we had completed our task given to us by a merchant who sells rations as his means of sustaining his household. They left me behind thinking that I have already gone ahead of them to our hideout we built for us to shelter in but I was greatly behind them and later went in search of them from the other side of the city before the rainstorm began to fall. That's when I saw this inn and after taking shelter under the corrugated rooftop of the pub from the storm , your entourage arrived here unknown to me", Tezmoz finished speaking while the others gazed at him spellbound by his words.