Chapter 51: Forged plan

Salmas remain silent for awhile after being placated by Sermia's gentle voice which seems to tie his tongue down but he didn't relent and asked a question which stunned the others after brushing outside his tranquil feelings.

I understand that's it is necessary for us to seal the trench but there's no time for that because the realm is currently in danger of being routed by the Zek clan ,and how can we further delay this vital task the Winterian council assigned to us that must be completed before the realm fall into the hands of the Zekians?", he asked looking boldly at their puzzled faces since they were dumbstruck by his notable question which none of them didn't thought of before deciding to seal up the deep trench. They all aghast by his question and stood there looking transfixed at him but Damus wasn't moved by his question since he wasn't pleased with what Salmas asked.