Chapter 7 Biochemistry... death... the way back!

Chapter 7 Biochemistry... death... the way back!

Ding toot...

The strange sound revolved in the empty classroom, as if from the distant starry sky and the classroom door.

Does it seem to be a class bell?

"Look, the chalk is flying!" a classmate exclaimed.

Sure enough, white chalk suddenly floated up strangely, came to the pitch-black black spot, and began to write.

White chalk, but bleeding words.

"The entrance exam, start now!"

"Exam scene: Resident Evil 2: Revelation!"

"Scene Difficulty: Grade F in the first grade (elementary)"

"Exam task: Survive 5 hours."

"Pass the exam: 200 credits will be awarded. 5 credits, 2 comprehensive assessments. Won the title of freshman'."

"Exam failure: death means failure. Virus infection means failure. Exit the scene immediately after complete death. 10 years of lifespan will be deducted. Remove the title of rookie Student'."

"Restrictions: Weapons of mass destruction or ineffectiveness. The ability of teaching assistants' is reduced by 50 (percent sign). The rewards for tasks involving teaching assistants' are reduced by 50 (percent sign)."

"Additional rewards: 1. Killing 10 ordinary zombies rewards 1 point. 2. Killing 5 mutant zombies rewards 1 point. 3. Killing 1 creeper rewards 50 points. 4. Killing Nemesis rewards 500 learning points, 5 comprehensive evaluation points. 4. Killing Alice rewards 1,000 learning points, 5 comprehensive evaluation points, and 1 E-level evaluation. If you get Alice's unwilling blood after death ', there will be a 10 (percent sign) chance of inheriting the Alice T virus gene enhancement. 6. Killing Dr. Aikenfor's daughter Angela, you can get pure T virus serum, with a 40 (percent sign) chance. Get the perfect T virus gene enhancement. Reward 2000 points, 10 points of a comprehensive evaluation, 1 point of D-level evaluation. 7. Eliminate all umbrella company influences, reward 4,000 points, 15 points of a comprehensive evaluation, and 2 D-level evaluation points.

"Ultimate Reward: Destroy Raccoon City, and you will be awarded the title of top Student'. Reward 5000 points, 20 points for comprehensive assessment, and 1 point for C-level assessment. But you will become a public enemy of the United States and appear in the United States in the future. All American forces will hate you!

"The principal's tip: cherish this opportunity. You will never encounter such a good thing again."

Xiong Ba picked up the chalk, underlined the last sentence a few times, and said: "Look at this sentence clearly. The entrance exam

The task is as easy as ever, the rewards are as generous as ever, and the punishment is quite light. "

Ji Wen said: "Now, the exam begins!"


In an instant, the entire classroom was flooded with dazzling light, and the world was white...

Location: Blackjack convenience store, Oak Street, South District, Raccoon City.

Time: 12:00 midnight, New York time.

Dim, cold, and foul. The flickering incandescent lamp, the broken wire ignited, and the sound of "sizzling," the collapsed shelf, the messy merchandise, a pool of semi-solidified black blood, the cold wind blew in from the broken glass window, making a whine Weird whining sound.

Here is the Blackjack convenience store.

At this moment, Yin Kuang and a group of "rookie students" were crowded in this narrow space.

"Where is this...?" That very pure but very timid girl said weakly, and the "Gege" sound of trembling teeth seemed very strange.

"Why, why are we suddenly..."

Even if he was as strong as Li Shuangmu, he couldn't help shaking his body at this moment, then habitually took out a box of Marlboro, clicked it, and took a deep breath.

Seeing that it was about to quarrel again, Xiong Ba's nearly two-meter-long body immediately exuded a fierce, bloody smell, "Damn! You idiots. If you don't want to die right away, quiet down for me. Your counselor didn't tell you, no matter what. Don't you be surprised when you encounter any incredible things? You are pig brains!"

Xiong Ba deliberately lowered his voice. It seems that the weakening of the 50 (percent sign) has a great impact on him so that he has some scruples. That's right, the "entrance exam" scene is straightforward, but no matter how simple it is, it is not a pie for nothing. In "university," there is never a free benefit. Even in relatively easy sci-fi movie scenes, there are powerful enemies.

Just like now, Nemesis, tracker Matt and Alice can easily kill their "sophomore students." The benefits of the title of "Assistant" are not so easy to get.

Everyone stopped talking.

Ji Wen said: "Now, you choose which of the three of us to follow. Then we will be separated."

Li Shuangmu was taken aback and asked, "Separate? Why separate?"

"Huh! I know what you think. But you don't need to say how I do it." Ji Won didn't give the handsome guy any face, "Now, you have 10 seconds to choose."

Three, from left to right, are Otaku, Ji Wen, and Xiong Ba. The otaku feels the most unreliable because he is purely a lunatic, but it seems that his black magic is potent. And Ji Wen, a woman, has always been indifferent. She was a good choice, but she felt a little insecure. Xiong Ba was originally the best choice, tall and mighty, but he was the most brutal, bloody, and everyone avoided him.

Three people, it is really a difficult choice.

However, in any case, they only have 10 seconds to choose. In any case, there must be a choice. No idiot is stupid enough to do it alone. In this unfamiliar place, it is safest to follow three teaching assistants unconsciously.

So, soon everyone made a choice.

Among 30 people, there are 12 girls, and all 12 girls chose Ji Wen. No boy chose her. Of the remaining 18 boys, 12 chose otaku. Six chose Xiong Ba.

Yin Kuang, Wei Ming, Wang Ning, and Li Shuangmu chose Xiong Ba for the temporary group of four. In Li Shuangmu's words, "Although he is cruel and bloodthirsty, he is more real than the other two."

In the end, the timid and innocent little girl hesitated and finally walked out of Ji Wen's team and joined the Hexiongba team, which attracted a lot of people's attention.

Some people still can't help thinking evilly: "Can such a kawaii girl withstand the devastation of that bear..."

After the grouping, the three teaching assistants bid farewell to each other.

"Be careful." Ji Wen said.

"Same." Xiong Ba said.

The otaku waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about me at all."

Then Yin Kuang watched the Ji Wen group and the otaku group leave. Why doesn't the bear group leave? Because Xiong Ba still doesn't want to leave, it's that simple.

Watching Ji Wen and the otaku's departure, Xiong Ba sat on a sofa in the convenience store with Dama Jindao and then drank a bottle of drink on his own. Yin Kuang and others who were looking straight were speechless. Everyone kept looking outside, obviously regretting following Xiong Ba.

Yin Kuang clenched his fists and raised his courage to ask a question that he had always wanted to ask: "Assistant teacher... Senior. Can I ask a question?"

Xiong Ba let out a "hum" and didn't know whether it was a promise or a denial.

"I want to ask, what happens if we die...? You should understand what I mean; I mean the end of life."

Yin Kuang has a short life. Only 34 years of life. He is now 19 years old; that is to say, his real life span is only 15 years old. If he follows the rule of deducting 10 years of life for every death, he can only die once. So he wanted to know where he would go after his life was exhausted after his second death.

Xiong Ba spit out the straw and said, "Death! Complete death."

"Ah!" everyone exclaimed.

"What about in reality?"

Xiong Ba shook his head and said, "I don't know. No one knows. Because people who entered the university' have never gone out... No, in the legend, there is a senior' who once left the university.' Return to the real world. But soon, he came back."

"What happened?"

"I don't know." Xiong Ba said: "It is said that he died suddenly after he came back. No one knows what he experienced. No one knows why he left the university' and why he came back suddenly. It's just that, since then, No one talks about leaving the university' anymore."

Xiong Ba was silent for a moment and said: "Actually, according to normal rules, as long as you have completed the credits and met the comprehensive evaluation criteria, you can go to the principal' to receive the graduation Certificate,' and then you can leave the university.' But, As far as I know, no one has ever received a graduation certificate'. So, I advise you not to think about it so much, and study hard. Maybe, which of you can get the damn graduation. Certified."

"Then... But what about the parents and relatives in reality?" Yin Kuang asked anxiously.

"Nothing." Xiong overbearing: "I am also worried about my sister who has cancer. I am anxious and worried..." Xiong Ba leaned on the sofa, "No one paid her enough for chemotherapy. The evil wolf in the white coat will absolutely ignore her life and death and throw her out of the hospital. I want to go out in my dreams. But what can I do? The only way is to live, get a graduation certificate', and bring her to be treated. The cancer medicine' for cancer goes back. If the evil wolves really dare to do unforgivable things to my sister, I will show them what a real wolf is..."

Xiong Ba's tone and lightness were very light, so light that it was almost inaudible. However, the strong smell of blood filled the convenience store.

Xiong Ba seemed to be tired, so he closed his eyes and got refreshed. The strong smell of blood also disappeared.

Li Shuangmu said: "What shall we do? Are we just staying here and waiting for 5 hours?"

Wang Ning shook his head and said: "It's absolutely impossible. If it's that simple, you can spend 5 hours of transformation, Ji Wen and the otaku don't have to leave. Since they have left, they must have their consideration. Moreover, if the reward is so easy, it's not called a reward if you can get it. Many years of game experience tells me that only when people complete difficult tasks can I get rich rewards. Standing still, the only ending is GameOver!"

Yin Kuang said: "Yes. Now we know everything except the raccoon city in "Resident Evil 2: Revelation". The only thing we can do is follow the senior."

Wei Ming curled his lips and said, "If this is really the movie world, I would actually take the risk to watch it myself. I used to feel that Resident Evil was particularly exciting when I watched movies, but now I'm immersed in the scene. It's a pity not to venture into it. But, in other words, do you really believe that this is the world of Resident Evil movies? It's incredible."

"I don't doubt it anyway." Wang Ning said, "So far, what has happened before our eyes is not incredible. But what about the facts? They all happened."

Yin Kuang agreed.

Li Shuangmu stood up and said, "Everyone will be teammates from now on. Let's get to know each other. We will all fight side by side in the future. No matter how great a person's strength is, it can't beat the collective strength. If possible, please treat each other. Let's also talk about the abilities of the People's Republic of China so that when the time comes, we can make better combat plans."

First, he introduced himself.

Then Wang Ning, then Wei Ming, and Yin Kuang also introduced themselves. However, his special ability is not clear even in the introduction, and he did not report it but said "hard work and stand hard work" as a special skill.

After that, a fat boy stood up and said: "My name is Zeng Fei. I am not fat but flying. My special skill is precision strike'. The general skill is a qualified soldier', life Add 6, Strength +1, Wisdom +2, Charisma -1. Using a gun can improve the accuracy of shooting. I used to stay in the army for a while, and I have some talents in the shooting."

With that said, he raised a sniper rifle in his hand. Yin Kuang didn't know what kind of gun it was. Li Shuangmu seemed to know, but he didn't share it with everyone because now is not the time.

The next one is, "My name is Liu Xia Tian. The special skill sprint'. I am a sports specialty student and a sprint champion. There is also a two-second burst', active skill, power after activation, speed each plus 1, time Only two seconds. The side effect is 4 seconds of weakness."

Finally, it was the timid girl's turn, "I...I'm Qian Qianqian. My skills..."The Chu...Chu Chu is pitiful", plus 10 charm. No...nothing."


The boys looked at her, all speechless.

Xiong Ba stood up at this time and said, "The introduction is over? Let's go." Although the tone was as blunt as ever, Li Shuangmu and Yin Kuang from Octavia still heard the difference. Xiong Ba seemed to treat them better than before.