The divorce was finalized within a month and Kenny just uprooted himself and moved out of the United States, his sister moved into his house across the street from Holli. They would wave if they saw each other getting the mail "hey baby" Jeremy kissed her just coming back from work, Holli caught a little glimpse of Isabella going inside. Holli tugged him by the shirt leading Jeremy inside giggling. They had only been dating for 7 months and living together for a month realizing the relationship between her and Jessie was more than just helpful. Holli spent most nights alone in the living room drinking wine and watching old tv-shows especially if Jeremy was working.
Isabella stopped by with a cup "can I borrow some sugar" Holli ushered her in not wanting her to stand outside in the cold. She looked around at the mess of a foyer and extremely messy hair of both of them "what happened here" Jessie tried to brush her wig to make it look even "bitch cut my hair" she huffed leaving the room "anyway sugar" Holli went to fill the cup forgetting that the jar was broken the previous night "oops my bad, just try the bag" the closer Isabella looked she realized her tooth was cracked and there were large glass shards in her arm and back. Isabella knew what had to be done looking into her eyes "well thank you for this" she left feeling upset and scared. Holli went over to the house as requested for coffee "I swear it was only a little squabble" she had her upper body covered and mouth closed sipping the tea "a squabble does ruin your foyer and leave you with an injury" she took a seat next to Holli just to hold her softly. it was recommended that Holli stay with Isabella until the coast was clear.
Holli was just watching tv when something flew in her direction "what the hell" she turned to Jessie and after a kick in the stomach, she tried to calm her. Almost conveniently the news interrupted their conversation "helper ai's gone cra..." the very same moment the tv had been kicked in and destroyed "that's it" she hoped on Jessie's back while trying to get up locating the reboot button being thrown onto the large table getting crystallized glass and thorns stuck in her back "alright its party time" she grabbed a large shard of glass pulling her hair and chopping off a large chunk exposing the button with the panel open. Holli channeled her stunt-person abilities jumping from the top of the stairs to the chandelier with the shard in her mouth waiting to be just above Jessie starting to slip "shit" she started holding on with one hand eventually falling on the already broken table wailing in pain. Holli tried getting up by putting her right arm on the ground "like this isn't worst" she managed to get up and yet again Jessie wasn't fulfilling her primary function as she popped her arm back in its socket covering her mouth hearing giggling from the kitchen "you bitch" she cracked her tooth once she fell spitting the piece out going into the kitchen throwing Jessie face forward on the counter. Jessie jerked her arm with a hefty grip throwing to the ground "nice one" she wiped the blood from her mouth smashing the cookie jar on Jessie's head forgetting she wasn't human then opening the hatch when she heard the doorbell.
Isabella thought the whole thing was abuse but after hearing the story she was even more confused "hold up, she's never malfunctioned before" Holli laughed putting the coffee cup down "no she has but not to this degree" Holli picked up the phone calling them to pick up Jessie for a factory reset as she stayed with her friend. The people taking her asked for a little assistance coming out with bruises "I fought her once not again" Isabella volunteered to help at least get her in the metal straight jacket. Isabella walked out the door with her cheek already starting to bruise "holy crap" she had an ice pack on it as the bot refused to go in "hold her still" Holli stepped on the stairs and ran to kick her into the back of the truck with a 'no need to thank me' attitude. She went to her monthly check-up complaining about pain in her foot "we'll I did kick a metal thing in its back" she left with a sprained ankle wrapped up tightly hoping right into her car to go home. Holli woke up every morning super early because the foot was hurting worse only to find out it wasn't on the pillow.
Holli was cast in the newest mission impossible as the main character's daughter "Holly Watson met your father" tom cruise's character was finally dying after years of training his daughter. The film was finished within half a year and not the best by any standards. Everyone involved wanted it erased from their record and denied being in it when asked "I have no idea what you're talking about" from that one question on an interview show with the main cast. Holli went home with a skin ish, a short red-haired person "hello ivy" Holli had everything Jessie was wiped out to avoid anything unnecessary. She threw her jacket at her and walked away looking annoyed. A while back Isabella changed her name to Bella and moved in finally selling the house putting it in the care of one of the Kardashian children. Bella started playing with Holli's hair as she flopped on the couch face forward not even wanting to ask about her day. Ivy for some reason would always walk into the bedroom as the two were asleep in the bed "get out" Bella woke up early one morning to use the bathroom getting scared by her yet funny enough it was the door slamming that woke up holli.