The evolution of Arthur

"It can also be considered a holiday ..." William thought who could not help but smile as a result of this reflection.

"I'm sure our new soldiers will also be happy to know that the more their strengths will increase, the more their vacation will be. This time William could not help letting go a little laugh in the air while he was flying at his next target.

5 days spent quickly in the real world.

Nothing extraordinary had happened, life continued normally, the citizens of Aurora had disappeared, but no one on the side of the human race showed the sign of any movement.

A humanoid silhouette could be briefly seen in the heavens of the North Kingdom. She moved at an extremely fast speed.

"The master really sent me to take care of several mortals, while I am an evolving! Ivan grumbled in his beard.

The evolves are people of rank (c-) and higher. Below they are still mortal. Whose rank (D +).

Above the evolved, it was gods from the rank (S-).

He had already left for a few hours from the Empire. Not the Zaran Empire. The human empire. Ivan had been gone for 3 days, but since he was going to visit the North Kingdom, so much enjoying life in the capital of the human empire because it was on the way.

Thus, he was welcomed by the Emperor Victor VIII himself, the father of Victoria. A sumptuous banquet had been prepared in the shortest time, the most beautiful women of the Empire had been delivered to her door, as objects he could use as he is.

Naturally, he had been able to enjoy the life of an emperor during those 5 days, he was even reluctant to leave after having known such a life.

"These lower breeds know very well welcome us, so my trip will not have been so unpleasant" exclaimed Ivan with an obscene smile while thinking about his short stay.

"What a pity, 5 days is the limit that he set me, so I will not be able to enjoy these magnificent women ..."

A few minutes passed and Ivan arrived near Aurora. He descended directly from the sky so as not to be spotted.

But unfortunately, it's already too late for him, 5 days equivalent to 20 days in parallel worlds, most generals were already in the rank (d)!

The 12 former patriarchs of clans A Aurora had all reached the rank (d-) after 3 days in hell, not disappointing the hopes of William.

So they went to each city of the North Kingdom for the last 2 days and already recruited several thousand soldiers they integrate into the power of the system.

It would not take long before they all reach the rank (d)!

However, Frank, a big and strong man, were an exception among the patriarchs because he had a talent. And this talent allowed him to detect the danger in advance!

Thus, when Incan had approached Aurora without hiding his aura, he was directly spotted by Frank, even if he was about ten kilometers from Aurora.

"System, send a message to the Supreme General Arthur, tell him that an intruder suspected of being rank (c-) or higher quickly approaches Aurora! Frank ordered.

At that time Arthur was standing at the top of an eruption volcano. He fought birds that could handle fire with the help of the tribe he had recently conquered. It was also a tribe of birds, but birds that can handle lightning.

Fire and lightning burst over several kilometers.

This chaos represented a real No Man's Land for ordinary row (d).

Arthur overlapped a gigantic lightning bird of several tens of meters long as he fought a fire bird of the same scale.

He dared not invoke his skeletons, for even the little skeleton he held in the rank (d) would be done directly annihilated in this environment.

"It's so despicable, our two tribes have always fought honorably, and you dare to break this former tradition! The bird shouted at his old enemy old.

"No matter the traditions, in front of a higher force, it is only a bunch of bullshit! The lightning bird replied as he covered his body with a new layer of lightning. Its speed was again improved in an explosive way.

"So let's see who is the strongest of us two! »

Some movements later, the firebird was lying on the ground, agonizing. All his comrades were falling from the sky one after the other.

The scene was apocalyptic in the eyes of the firebird. He would never have thought that this day would come.

Seeing his descendants falling one after the others, his eyes shone with sadness. But he kept his last trace of dignity before the end.

"How is it possible, how could you become so strong? Strongly said the firebird by turning his gaze to his old enemy.

" It's my fault. A cold voice suddenly appeared.

The lightning bird discovered that the source of the voice came from the back of its old enemy.

" Who are you ? »

"Arthur, Supreme General serving directly under the orders of Soul King. »

The firebird absolutely understood nothing about what this strange species stood on two legs said.

Arthur could also notice that his interlocutor did not understand what he told.

"It's not important if you do not understand, your life ends."

"Finish it now Fulgar. Arthur ordered, always on the back of the lightning bird.

The thunderbolt, named Fulgar, by Arthur, hesitated slightly for a few seconds, then after a deep sigh, he properly decapitated his opponent's head of always with his wing.

[Detected a fire bird (C-) was defeated.]

[Rewarded with 1,000,000 of exp]

[Detected that the user was of a rank lower than the vanquished enemy.]

[The reward in experience is multiplied by 10.]

A red light sphere went to Arthur and forced themselves in his body.

Fire affinity (rare) reinforced by 1000 points. (1,053/10 000 000)]

"Directly 1000 points have been strengthened, it changes completely from the few points that I usually receive or 100 points that I can get from most rank (D +). Arthur analyzed, whose frivolous temperament had almost completely disappeared. Maybe this temperament would refer surface when there would be no direct threat in its environment.

On the side of the bird of lightning, his current power had been granted by Arthur.

He had met Arthur for the first time 19 days ago. At that time, he could kill him in a few shots, when Arthur had crossed him by coincidence.

But mysteriously, he reappeared today. Arthur had challenged him in singular combat, and had succeeded in winning, however this Arthur there was still held in the rank (D +), which surprised deeply Fulgar.

When he was totally mastered, a mysterious power falls on him and each of his tribe members.

Information penetrated their souls, this information reported that they were now immortal in this world, and that thanks to the link they shared with Arthur, a synergy would occur between the lightning talent of Arthur and that of their tribe.

This synergy had directly reinforced the combat power of all their tribes of 50%. It is for this reason that the tribe of fire birds had been dominated throughout the fight.

All the thunderbirds were now proud to have finished a fight that their ancestors had always led without being able to get real victory.

Their deaths would also resurrect 24 hours later according to the knowledge that the mysterious power had passed on them, so they were not worried.

For Arthur, at first it did not have been easy, he met death several times, but each death enormously strengthened his will and temperament. His prudence was now first-class, and arrogance after obtaining his epic talent had long disappeared.

However, the humiliation that Arthur had suffered when he had confronted Kent had become a real nightmare.

Arthur sought to regain his honor, especially through Operation Aurora.

However, that required strength, so he had slaughtered the animals here and there, improving his experience, but especially winning common talents.

As soon as he felt a dangerous breath, he fled as quickly as possible.

In this way, he had continued for 19 days, massacring beasts fluent in fire, earth, water and wind, until each of the 4 elements had reached rare rank.

These 4 elements improved its strength, agility, endurance and 50% intelligence.

Then, the same day, he spent 70 million core points, and bought the mastery of the martial arts of rank (c).

Obtaining this skill was the impossible because of the scarcity of the skeletons mastering martial arts, so it was not a bad investment.

This mastery could also combine with the mastery of the rank sword (d) that he had acquired by infiltrating the skeleton camp.

In addition, during the 19 days, he fulfilled his experience, not only by killing animals, but also by receiving 30% of the experience of the generals who were affiliated under his orders.

Unfortunately, the necessary experience increased enormously from Level 25. According to the system, the more numerous and high quality talents, the higher the experience at each level increased.

He formerly would have reached the rank (c-) in a few days. But he once, even if he had gone to the rank (c-) would still not be as strong as the current him!

Possessing a solid foundation already has advantages and is even more reflected in the future.

Despite this disadvantage, Arthur still succeeded in progressing up to level 29 during the 19 days.

Thus, the combination of these 4 factors: a higher level, 4 rare talents, an epic talent and a mastery of the martial arts of rank (c) had allowed him to defy the thunderbolt in singular combat, and to win.

However, its power of soul was still limited, Arthur could still not control the entire tribe of lightning birds, let alone control other tribes.

Otherwise, he would also have taken the tribe of firebirds.

But since he could not, he had directly annihilated them. After all, it was the law of the jungle, if it were still weak, these tribes would not be embarrassed to crush it as the insect he was. But the balance of power had changed.

From now on, it was he who decided from the life and death of a tribe.

That's when he received a notification.

[Supreme General Arthur, you received a message from General Frank (D): an intruder suspected of being rank (C-) or higher quickly approaches Aurora!]

"Hmm? »