Chapter 10 - Aftermath of The Escape

Outside of an abandon ruin. Yachiyo, Momoko, and the others are taking a break.

"Momoko!" Rena and Kaede rush over

"Thank goodness both of you are okay" Momoko said. while Momoko comfort them.

Yachiyo looks outside the ruins and said

"I told you to never step in this City"

"I..." Iroha can't respond to what she said. Then Momoko spoke up.

"I'm the one who, invited her" She tries to stand up. "It's my responsibility for her"

"You? Then... You're also at fault"

Yachiyo Runs out, and disappear


"don't Momoko!" Kaede cling to her

"Don't worry, I won't follow her"

After the disastrous attempt. They head to the Coordinator's Shop

"we're back..."

"oh dear. you're soul gem"

"w-were fine..." all 4 of them were given a grief seed


"It's on the House"


After all 4 of them recovered. Someone is at the door A Magical girl, came to the building.

"Is... Ms. Coordinator here?"

The girl left after talking to mitama heads back to the front

"Seems like we finally found the witch" - Mitama

"You mean the labyrinth we fought is just a Familiar?" - Rena

"Unfortunately yes, It lay dormant near the outskirts of Kōshō Ward and inside Daitō Ward"

"Are we going to Exterminate it?"

"It's unlikely. The Witch is Laying dormant, for a couple of months. The familiar you 4 Fought Is a setting some kind of a Teleporter. So it make sense why now"

"What's the Witch called?" Rena response

"A mirror Witch. they said. It's not that long ago when they discovered it"

"But something feels wrong about it" Iroha though.

"Tamaki-san you have something to say?"

"if the familiar able to disguise our self when they saw our face... how does I saw, Nanami"

"Before she enter the labyrinth?"


After the discussion. Iroha And the 2 Girls left only Leaving Momoko and Mitama

"Well at least it confirms that it's the same Labyrinth on the Mirror Witch ..."

"I don't think it is... It is in control, nobody has ever gone deep in the Labyrinth so nobody knows who the witch is. But The Mirror witch... Used to Terrorize the city. But Thankfully it suddenly stopped... But somehow I feel like the familiar you girls encountered is from a different witch..."

"Seeing how Aggressive it as. Then the Mirror Witch we have. it feels like it's one of the Familiars that turn into a witch"

"It could be"