Being born sucks.....literaly

Not aware of the passage of time outside my mind I felt a nudge then I hear screaming which rips me out of my mind I can tell something is wrong very very wrong. After forcing myself to calm down I can sense my mother's heart stopped beating and I know I have a few minutes until I get brain damage.

So doing the only thing I can think of which is to go Alien and cut my way out of my mother's stomach. I focus my magic which I have done thousands of time mentality I focus on a low-powered cutting curse towards what I assume is my mother's belly....once nothing happens I'm freaking out wondering if I'm getting trolled and will end up in front of a fetus god. Out of either pure luck or desperation, I feel my magic respond to me and start butchering my way out of my mother.

When I poke my head out I can hear gurgling. When I'm done pushing myself out my mother is limp like a doll with its strings cut. I pry my eyes open looking around everything is blurry I focus my magic into my eyes and slowly I see the carnage. I see my mother with her neck ripped open leaning in the corner of the room.

Looking around the room I see a giant of a man laying in front of my mother his head was ripped off his body and a cascade of blood coming out of his neck. I immediately feel the pit of my stomach drop when the door opens and out walks a gorgeous Hispanic lady I would say around 5'1 nice medium bust wearing an old wild west style saloon hooker wear and right behind her is a bleach blond slender figure around 5'6 scanning around looking at everything with a childish glint in her eyes she is in a modest shirt and covered in blood.

Hispanic lady is speaking in a hushed tone "Lucy why did you have to make such a mess you need to wash up go and use their shower" the blond complying with what she said heads upstairs in a blur of movement. Sighing the Hispanic lady mumbles about trouble some coven mates. to herself, she gets to work moving my father's corpse.

At this moment I'm shitting my self wondering what the fuck I'm going to do as she makes her way back into the house I can hear muffled water running in the house. Fuck it centering myself and getting ready to go big or go home I make a gurgling noise to draw her attention. Her head snaps in my direction. Walking over with cold red eyes I prepare myself for what's to come. She gently lifts me and looks at my face

"Sorry little one this is the way it has to be, it's the way of wor..... blah blah blah" typical monolog as she does this I look into her eyes and Legitims not being careful just tearing apart her mind. l forward-looking into her memories I see some Texian named Jasmin... Jackson.... whatever doesn't mean anything she is from the Mexican coven her name is Maria. While she continues to talk I start crushing parts of her personality and obliviate parts that I don't like and erase her love of her old dead mate and Jackson. I force her to become loving, devoted, and a willingness to do anything for me. Pretty much tricked her mind into seeing me as her mate.

So future sexy vampire assassin GET. So when she's done talking she just stares at me with a fanatical expression that would make Hitler go green with envy. A simple command from me and she will burn the world down so I sent some commandments that might as well have been from God(TRUCK-KUN) himself.

1-Her lords word is final(Insert Giggling baby here)

2-Protect and nurture him at all costs

3-Be aware of any potential danger to her lord

4-Never feed from her lord

At this point, I'm getting sleepy but have enough energy to scramble one more brain. As if hearing her future young master call. the shower turns off and out of the hallway walks naked slender blond struts out, now she may not be Busty as Rias Memory, but dam it FLAT JUSTICE I got you, Sona. She calls out to the motionless Maria asking if everything is alright. Not receiving an answer she comes over hips swaying looking delish. She stops when she sees me "Oh Maria do we have a snack for the road," she says with a giggle

Maria snaps her head and stares at her with cold red eyes and says nothing. The blonde just gets unnerved looking at Maria. Comes closer slowly and looks down at me wondering what all the fuss is about, and with the last bit of magic, I can muster I start ripping her mind to pieces twisting her to my will once I am done she goes stock still with a glassed look in her eyes.

I form a mental bond with the two and give them some instructions. Grab everything of value they own don't contact anyone, once they have everything ready to go move to Seattle Washington. At this point, I am mentally drained but hell on the bright side day one I already have two future sexy bodyguards, and sexy maids GET. One more and I have Charlie's angles One sexy foreigner check, One sexy blond check, and all I need is a busty redhead I think ill Yoink the Spider-sense girl from the first movie.

I send a mental command 'Clean this young master and get me some boobie milk and address me as young master' after that I have both of their old memories filed away in my mental library for later viewing not going watch them have sex through their eyes seems weird to watch from their POV. Oh well. Yawning I see them both go into motion fast as possible one cleans me the other goes and gets me some baby formula from the kitchen.

Once that's done I tell them to clean up and get ready to leave at this point I fell asleep waking up while running through the trees don't know where through a mental shrug and a poop later I fell back asleep. Before that can happen I make sure to give them another command to only eat murderers and rapists. Then off to dreamland wondering what is in store for the future.

Now I wonder what the hell my name is I can't seem to remember my old name from my last life. Oh well.....

A/N: I proofread and hopefully fixed Thank you for reading

(Any ideas I suck at naming things if ill name him something like Orion Give me some ideas in the comments)