Even the tables

Waking up to the smell of shit is never a good time. Looking around I realize I'm in the Dungan without a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. I get up and stretch I hear chaos going on around me. Walking over to the door I blast it off the hinges and strut out of this shit hole. Walking up a set of stairs I see a couple of guards coming to check out what the noise was.

"Don't move stay right there" said cannon fodder number one. Nothing a quick impero wouldn't fix. After I make him shiv his friend. I read his mind and go over the layout of the red keep and what was going on. Turns out. I'm right before the Lannister's sack kings landing. Well since I'm here I will save the princess of course, but this comes at a cost of all the treasury and dragon bones that I can find. I have him lead me to the treasury after I was disillusioned and silenced myself.

Reaching the treasury it has two guards and some quick stunners and they are down. Unlocking the door I am greeted by the sight of dozens of chests filled with gold, jewels, and Valerian Steel trinkets and in the last chest, I find 3 dragon eggs. These look like the ones Daenerys hatches over her husband's funeral pyre, but no books on how to hatch. Seems like a trip to Valyria is sooner than not.

I attempt to store them in my hub world I realize that asshole sealed it off. Cursing under my breath I get to work and pick out an empty chest and start carving expansion runes, a featherweight charm, and shrinking runes. I also grab a Gold necklace putting it on my neck I start loading up the chests manually.

Hmmm, it's breezy in here. Dam I'm still naked. Shrugging I load up all the chests and shrink the last one and hang it from my gold chain. After I finish up I head out and relock the door wake up and memory wipe the guards.

I head up to the throne room. Entering the room it looks just like the Tv show but covered in dragon bones the only people in here are Jamie Lannister, Aerys Targaryen, and the Pyromancer Wisdom (pretty much one of the heads of the guild). They are muttering to their self the king looks worse than the books describe.

I can smell him from 30 ft away, his long ass fingernails are covered in blood and shit, and his long matted hair dude looks like a crack head and a goat had a child. Jamie looks already ready to kill the king already. All I can hear is the king muttering to himself "Burn them, burn them all".

Rooting through the king's head it's pretty fucked up. I mean the dude has been raping his wife since day one. He stopped hiding his craziness after the Dukendale incident. Where he was kidnapped by Lord Denys Darklyn. After he was rescued he just didn't care anymore. Que burning people alive. His reasoning is if he kills enough people dragons will come back. Copy his memory *Snort* Fucking dumbass casting an illusion on myself I walk up to them urgently acting out of breath.

"My king the Alchemist guild needs kings blood to make more powerful Wildfire" (Napalm on steroids' Melting stone and wood burning for days even on water). He looks gleeful and asks for a vial handing it to him he slits his palm and puts it into the vial muttering. "Yes yes yes...Now they will all burn." Crazy fuck. " My King Let me rush this over" stopping the top of the vial and leaving. Maybe he will burn the city not my problem. A couple of shrinking charms and a Yoink later I'm 2 full dragon skeletons heavier. Time to Rob the library.

So the library is pretty decent snatching all the books nothing too bad just some languages a few maps some plant books. Maybe ill head to the center of knowledge after grabbing a few more things.

Time to snatch a princess. Making my way to the maiden vault (pretty much where someone locks up their wives, daughters, and anyone you want to stay a virgin) I realize I am still naked. I need clothes and the Prince's chambers are around here robbing that to I got me some dope ass threads a few more gold and a crown. Maybe a snack yea that sounds good.

While snatching all the food and booze in the kitchen I hear screams toward the maiden vault. Guess the Mountain and his posse is here to grape princess Elia Martell and kill her kids. Sprinting down that hall in my dope threads. I see the entrance of the vault with 4 big-ass crazy-looking fuckers. A few AKs later (Avada Kedavra) are dead.

Moving up the stairs I see a pig-looking fuck about to stab a child. So a quick stunner and down he goes. The little girl is just sitting there shaking and not coherent. I don't have time to comfort her I just head deeper in and find a fucking huge man standing over a tiny woman whos fighting with all she has a ripped dress and breasts hanging out. I stun him from behind he just shakes his head and just looks a little wobbly. He fully turned toward me I have to hit him 4 total times before he was down for good. I turn to the princess who looks shocked she's not getting graped by the big man.

"Get dressed grab your kids we are leaving as soon as you are ready" I ordered her shaking her out of her shock. As she does this the big fucker strips him of everything. Grabbing an empty trunk expand it. Then I toss the big fucker in there, head to her daughter's room and grab pig man and check on the child she is just curled up into a ball crying her heart out. I grab the Pig man take anything of value toss him into the chest shrink it and put it on my neck next to the other. I grab the girl rub her back and bring her to the princess who looks ready.

I turn to her " Do you have anything you want to take" she just shakes her head no. "Ok garb your baby ill carry her then grab the back of my cloak." She complies I cast a disillusion, silencing charm and notice me not on us. Making our way down to the docks I Impero a skeleton crew and commandeer a decent ship we set sail south towards Dorn land of freedom of sex and sand.

I bring the princess and her kids to the captain's quarters and let them go to sleep. They had a rough time one was almost stabbed and the other dam was near rapped by a giant. I figure around a few weeks until we reach Sunspear Dorne. Martell capital and get into their good graces and hopefully.

Going over my mental checklist-All the treasury check, Willingly given blood of the Targaryen line check, New clothes check, Non Rapped princess check, Non-Stabbed Lil Princess check, Library emptied check, Dam I forgot to get the Maester's Memory and kill him pedo Lil bitch ill come back for you.


Somewhere in the red keep, you can see an old Lil bitch hiding in a closet somewhere shivering in fear. Looking around he sees nothing. 'Must be my imagination.

A/N: Updated 02/04

How was the first chapter in the Game of thrones let me know in the comments Thank you for reading?