
Before the meeting, I meet Ashara Dayne, and dam she is fine as hell. She looks like a Persian princess. After getting over the initial shock. I go up and make small talk with her while reading her thoughts about Eddard and Brandon stark.

Turns out she and Brandon were just friends nothing more but she is head over heals for the 'Silent Wolf' After hearing what happened to Brandon, She was already Depressed after hearing her best friend's father was burned to death while her friend was strangled to death while watching, but now that Eddard is getting married soon she was contemplating suicide by throwing herself off a tower.

I just hug her and tell her everything will be ok. I think this is one of the few times someone tried to comfort her without trying to fuck her. I grab her hand and lead her to the sitting room with Doren, Oberyn, and a few guards. After saying Hello to them. We sit wait and discuss what's happening recently.

After she is brought up to date she breaks down and asks for Elia. The Martell brothers just stare at me. *Cough* "she is resting, after a long day." Oberyn the scarcest ass he is "Yea Long long long day, She was in and out all day. I'm honestly jealous she is getting such a good rest." With that shit-eating grin on his face. I just mutter "jealous bitch". He just flashes me a winning smile. She decides to check on Elia and heads off.

While we sit there and banter back and forth. The guests of the hour walk in Ser Author, Ser Gerold Hightower behind them are Eddard Stark, Howland Reed, Lord Willam Dustin, Ethan Glover, Martyn Cassel, Theo Will, and Ser Mark Ryswell.

Doren takes over the talks and starts to dismantle them left and right they look physically uncomfortable. Oberyn puts his opinion in now and then yells 'yea bitch' 'i fucked your mother' you know the good hype man stuff. After the ass-chewing, they have storm clouds over their head. Then he looks over at Stark and CO. They then chew their ass about not coming to him with info about where he is now Lord Paramount in the North.

After he gets the rant over with he explains how His sister was not kidnapped but ran away to get away from Robert Baratheon. To say he and co were shocked and asked for proof we hand over the letters between the two. He grits out "Where is she, my sister." "she is in labor" they finally turn to me.

The king's guard looked at me with disdain "And who are you" I stand up and strike a pose "Tha Mutha fucka who did yo Dam job, Bitch". They physically flinch when. I decided to describe what happened. As I describe what happened in the red keep. I also drop a bomb at the end "Oh yea I robbed that place also". They look at me with the question "what did you take", I laugh "Nothing much A few Dragon skeletons, the library, and the Treasury."

While they were doing their best fish-out-of-water jujitsu I also tell them about the Tully. To say the Northerners were pissed was an understatement. I strike while the iron is hot "Oh yea your soon-to-be wife and Jon Arryn's Wife has been fucking Petyr Baelish." Is that true, I'm not sure, Am I going to tell them that no I'm not just causing a rift in the North/Riverlands/Vale alliance? Eddard was making more facial expressions the probably ever before in his life. They want to go and kill the all. I cut in "Oh I wouldn't worry about them for much longer I have a feeling the old gods will strike them soon." They let out a bunch of 'YEAH's'

I lean forward and talk about the future "Alright before I leave to go on the...Soul-searching adventure I have gifts for you. I hand them each a necklace with a few rings on them they are port keys to the room we are in. After getting the location of his new solar from Eddard's thoughts I make different port keys one to Dorne in this room. One to the north in his study. Also one to my island and I tell them the location and the activation phrases.

I also gift the northerners a few things I give Ideas for crop rotation, better plows, better economy, crop ideas such as potatoes, beans, rice, barley, and how to have a better harvest. Also better ship design, glass making, and a chest with a few hundred thousand gold dragons to get them started.

For Dorne, I give them crop ideas such as barley, figs, wheat, vegetables, grapes, pomegranates and cabbages, lettuce, onions, beans, and others. Also for farming techniques, I have the irrigation system layout in their head. I showed them tools such as winnowing scoops, hoes, rakes, flint-bladed sickles Brewing (beer, vodka, whiskey, and a few others), and plows. Also a gift of a few hundred thousand gold dragons. While they mull this over I also call in Ashara and we leave her and Eddard to get reacquainted.

I'll let them use this in their way if they do it right in the next 5 years they should be richer than Lannisters, and so starts the North/Dorne Alliance. A force to be reckoned with in both of these lands is the hardest to conquer.

While they discuss the future I go and say my goodbyes to Elia and her children. Little Ramey has been having a rough time with night terrors. I place a tracking charm on all three of them if they ever get into trouble. They also have port keys to my island.

Now it's time to see what Planets have to say.....learn yea I am just a traveling scholar. Sounds good then it hit me I'm a fucking dumbass. I just realized I can appropriate within eye distance if I don't know where I'm going, but if I go several thousand feet into the air I can see great distances and go that was traveling thousands of miles a day. I just slap myself in the face and disappear from where I am.

A/N: Updated 02/04

What do you guys think of the chapter? I always liked the idea of the N/D alliance. Thank You for reading.