
After waking up from a restful sleep and getting a good breakfast Storing the books in my mental library before storing them. Dropping by my treasury I am almost out of the room that's always a good sign. grabbing some new clothes it's time to fry some fish.

After arriving at Riverrun I scan the minds of some guards, and I find who I'm looking for Lord Tullie. I copy his memory. After sorting his memories he is a shitty leader. He always sucks up to those who are even slightly stronger than him that's why he wants his war-torn kingdom with ties to the north and the Vale. If they are ever attacked someone will have to save them instead of focusing on the internal affairs of his kingdom he is too short-sighted hell killing the Freys was a blessing to him. I don't glance at him twice and a quick AK and he goes to sleep forever.

We shall see how The black fish does. Looking around I find The redhead I'm looking for Catelyn the queen bitch. She is three things I hate wrapped up into one a Religious nut case, a two-faced bitch, and unfaithful. After looking into her head it seems I am right she may not fucked him but she did suck Little Pyter off a couple of times. It's no wonder he thought she was in love with him. Poor fucker still has to die. Looking around some more I found my target Lysa poor poor Lysa.

A quick Impero I make her grab a dagger and go find Catelyn and stab her to death while screaming about how Paetyr will love her more with her gone. After she does this she will go to Peter and tell him about everything she did if that doesn't drive him to kill her I don't know what will *cough* just kidding ill make sure he kills her with at least one witness. So that's an immediate problem taken care of most of the Tullies will be worried about themselves and not the outside.

Hmm, so far I have Weakened the Lannisters. the Frey are all gone, and The Tullies are pretty fucked. That's enough worrying about the kingdoms for a little while time to find someone to teach me Magics of this world and I know just the right man.


While I am standing on the ice wall I look at a brother in black and read his thoughts and find out where casters keep is the inbred fuck should have been killed ages ago. I man who fucks their daughters, granddaughters, and great-granddaughters. Then sacrifices his sons the zombies with frostbite.

Finding out what I need I appropriate there not wanting to deal with the shit I just stun everyone. turn a rope into a timed port key and send everyone away except the man of the hour. stripping it down naked. I wake him up "Who the fuuuccck are you do you know who I am." I can not understand how stupid this man is I mean you black out wake up naked then you have the balls to ask your captor what he is doing...I have no words.

"Take me to the biggest weir wood tree this side of the wall." He is about to say something so I just splash some water on his balls. Every time he opens his mouth I do the same. I already have the location from his head but I want to make this fuck suffer. he gets the idea pretty quickly.

His feet start to turn blue after 30 minutes of walking, I give him half a day until he is a shitzicule. After an hour his feet are barely working. His hands are black. Ice starts forming around his nostrils. After 2 more hours, he cannot even move anymore so I put him out of his misery with a quick bout of fire.

After burning him to death I just Silently pop to in front of the weir wood tree. A quick revealing charm later I find the door. it's just a wall of dirt and weird wood sap. So I knock and yell "Let me in or ill burn your fucking tree down." I wait a few minutes when nothing happens I get ready to burn it down slowly. Fiend-fire forms in my hand I get ready to let it loose when a green midget walks up. "What's up short stuff." she looks confused "My name doesn't matter number 1"

I just stop paying attention after she says name.... oh well. "hey short stuff take me to your leader or ill burn this bitch down. also, take me the tree hugger." She looks confused about the second part. so I elaborate "you know the one red-eyed fuck who likes to watch." She nods and motions for me to follow after going down and down for a good while we are in an open area.

On the side of the wall, I see the red-eye Lil bitch. he looks at me with as much hate as he can muster "Do you know what you have done all my hard work, for NOTHING.....something...something.Are you even listening to me" I have to wake myself up because that shit gets old? "Ummm....yes?" I sound as confident as I can

I look at him "Hey you want to know something funny?" he just sighs "what?" "Legitims....." I slam my will forward and dam it's just like some of the fan sites speculated this fucker wanted to get inside a young boy...Ok ok really though he found some old ritual that makes him jump into new bodies as long as they are 'Connected to Weirwood Trees' Pretty much other greeneries. and them fuckers are rare. A Warg is one in ten thousand, and a greener is one in one hundred thousand wargs so one or 2 born every century.

Also to extend his life he connected his soul partially to the weir wood system. which is pretty much just a collection of all Warg, greeneries, giants, and children of the souls of the forest. after going through his mind and grabbing all of the information and making a folder about it. I pull back to reality and he is just a drooling mess oh well ill fix that AK. When I do this I hear a cheer and look around and see a bunch of midgets happy because I kill the tree hugger.

The more important-looking one comes forward and bows" Thank you for getting rid of that pest if there is anything you need let us know." I nod "Want to move out of the north?" She nods. I mutter "guess I have no choice." I get on my knees and pray. "All mighty Truck-Kun the Best and most kind god of reincarnation and Truck dealerships, What do I need to give you to open my hub world back up?"

I hear a voice in my head "Don't suck on my tailpipe too hard their princess. Hmm ill let you get it back but no bringing your vampires in this world....yea that should do it."

"Ok, no Advanced tech and no vampires being 'Brought from my hub world right?" I get a grunt from my head "no vampires at all that red demon would control them like he has been trying to control you." I give a thank you and disconnect. stop praying to him. and feel my connection to my world.

"Hey, short stuff pack your shit you are moving in with me." She just shrugs and moves off. while waiting I wonder what would happen if you smoke Weirwood leaves. When they are ready to move out I garb all of the not men about 40 of them in total. the only thing they bring is small Weirwood trees and some dried food.

"Alright grab each other's hands." I Bring them into a medium-sized forest where they can live and turn to them "Duces" and pop back out. I look around under the dirt and find a Valerian steel sword grab that and anything else I can think of. Hell, I even took the tree. I head to my island and grab all of my gold and store it with the rest and give the magic books to the scientist to see if they can deduce what happens during the rituals

I grin because I can do something I have been wanting to do for a while. They say dire wolves grow to the size of a pony. Well, my Werewolves grow to half the size of elephants. At the shoulder, they are 7 feet tall, and the move as fast as a vampire so fuck yea I'm riding this big bitch. I start calling my mount Spot. Also, don't forget I have had armor built for them so nothing will affect them I also have had the Dragon bone forged into armor for me to look like Skyrim dragon bone armor besides the helmet I make it look like the master chief helmet made out of bone with bulletproof glass in the fount. I had them test it and add Kevlar weave in between the joints don't want some lucky shot to take me out.

Traveling around the far North I grab man different animals to populate my world. Shadow cats-big black tigers, Dire wolves, furry cows, Mammoths everything really, hell I even kidnapped a tribe of giants no warning just a snatch and grab. Few more Weirwood trees for my scientists to look over and test the sap and leaves.

I'm making my way around I also start killing and burning cannibals and take some of their prisoners who don't want to talk much so burn and turn their fucks. Seriously cannibals' are pretty fucked up. I also take some of the smaller tribes like 30-100 people family units and have my 'Immigration' settle them it's just Alice using her gift to put people where they would go best.

A/N: Updated 02/04

Don't forget to comment at the bottom and tell me what you think so far. Thank you for reading!