Title at the end

After getting a grasp of my powers If I had to compare myself to anyone in power level it would be on the level of an Omega class mutant. Simply the fact that I can control earth, Fire, and Wind at a Molecular level in the future if I combine them I can make fire tornados, Dust storms, and metals from the earth. and magma. I am not at that level but give me a few years.

Now is the time I have been waiting for Valyria. when you say the word it means power in this world, and now I'm robbing that fucker. I'm falling above the content of Valyria I spot the target before I land I cast some detection spells and find out they have a basic warding system I will have to dismantle before heading in but it's not too hard I just crush the wards they have been sitting around Corroding none stop since around four hundred years ago so it's pretty easy. The air is mostly ash particles, and toxic gases and It looks like modern-day New York, Toxic rock people are everywhere.

I create a rock pillar below my feet and cast a sonorous charm and yell "Hot dogs get your hot dogs here. Fresh and hot meat logs." bitches love hotdogs. Before too long I see a horde of rocky-looking fucks charging at me. I close my eyes and feel the earth, and right under their feet, I make a giant hole where they all start to Pile and fall in, shit looks like Day Z all of them just keep running and falling into the hole. Dam there is a lot of them if I had to throw out a number it would be above ten thousand of them. Closing my eyes I feel for the earth and pull up pillars of magma and start to fill up the pit with magma while making arms out of the earth and throwing these fucks in like a crab boil. After a long time I finish up I made sure to grab a few and put them in stasis to see if we can weaponize the grayscale and maybe find a cure. Never know when you might need a bunch of rock zombies to throw at people.

With that done I can loot to my heart's content. I look for the biggest building. It looks like a central hub for dragon riders to make pit stops. Huh, the ancient trucker stop is pretty cool. Rooting around there I don't find much besides a bunch of rotting books testing a theory and cast a repair charm and the book and lo and behold it works. I carefully put them into one of my trunks. The main thing here is mostly bones everywhere looks like the party got a little hot..... Anyway while looking around I find bones of more dragons, Gold, and a couple of simple swords, nothing too fancy looks like the good stuff are here.

I go to the next building and it looks like an apothecary I find more books, and some interesting-looking jars, a few of them under stasis, looks like they had a basic grasp of magic at least here. I'm thinking they might have had a central building for all of their mages to learn and live in, it's probably under lava which sucks, play with fire and all that. Anyway turns out this place has some decent stuff that is still viable lots of plants that we may be able to work with. Looking in the back I see a pile of bones in the corner looking closer it's holding a tome a quick repairing charm and looks like the owner's life's work on plants and their uses. I burn the bones least I can do is payment for looting his shit. Let it be said I respect the dead, especially when I loot them ...to death...

Going through the Markets and commercial buildings seems to be pretty good quite a bit of the work statues paintings, and jewels have survived this long hell even found some old porn which was pretty cool. I didn't find many else manuals on how to make Valyrian steel or dragon eggs if I had to guess id say that they where in the capital or private resident homes. I'm guessing that most of this place was for their slaves and their markets.

Heading to the private residents I can honestly say this place looks dope they look like roman style villas. Heading into what I'm guessing is the local person in charge I find everything is destroyed looks like these people tried to take their belongings and run with them looks like they didn't make it. Heading into the basement I find a vault and the family laying there with all of their possessions laying around nothing survived besides gold, Hell if this is me I'm fucking dropping everything sorry kids papa is surviving. Standing in front of the vault I rip the rocks around the edges and get a peek inside I find chests on top of chests, and looking through I find gold jewels, grabbing everything. I look in the back of the room and find another smaller vault opening this up it looks like an alchemist's lab.

After looking into this I find a few journals it looks like this was the local Potions master and or healer it seems pretty neat after decontamination ill send it to my labs to check out. Heading over to the shelf filled with jars and bottles I carefully grab everything that's labeled and all the books trying to stay somewhat organized. I also find quite a few interesting bobbles. Oh well not my job to go through all of the smaller things I have people for that. Still, this is going to take a long time hopefully I can get this city finished by later today.

A/N: One down many to go

Thank you for reading hope you enjoy